Ass Kick
I love your commitment to drawing the figure and head. The work is really showing in your more imaginative stuff. I'm looking forward to you posting more and seeing you progress.

Damn Anna, you're gettin good real fast! So much love!  In love  I'm particularly in love with this one:

Great stuff. I like the head studies. If you want to get a boost in head drawing. Try creating a draft view from Loomis proportions and project the head in different angles using a box. I have an old excerise I did a while ago which (is not perfect) but is an idea of what I mean:

The proportions are on page 43 of the Head and Hands Loomis book to create a draft view for them. Just a little idea, of course you don't have to, but I like sharing the idea because it's helped me so much especially in pen drawing! 

Anyways, keep kicking ass, it's real motivating seeing your sketchbook! :)

KBarr thank you so much >.< i cant do much else though... not that my faces or figs are any good. Gotta work harder!

Arteriorrhexis Waahh you are too nice >.< the pose sucks though soooo stiff and the lineart is way to tight and boring. I will do more heads! 

Well well long time since i have posted. I have moved and also did the application test for the art university so i was pretty busy. Im really nervous about the results though. Today was actually the first day that i really got back into studying and i feels so gooood :3 So the stuff that i  did today and personal piece that i finished today. The figs are from imagination by the way. I did some 1 min poses before but i am too lazy to scan them in.

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On your personal piece try adding some soft edges bebez



70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]

Finally I'm allowed to see that progress, and it's looking great.
don't say you have no idea of using color, the overall scheme and harmony works fine.

i would add too Fedodika, that you should focus on playing with hard and soft edges in the right places                         
(soft shadow/ hard light etc) more if you want to refine the piece even more.
Also some more interest in the city might be nice, but i have no particular idea you could use

keep pushing <3

Knopfkater Thanks zweetie :3 ill keep it in mind for the next one but i really dont want to work on this one anymore. I feel i have learned everything i can from it and im kinda sick of looking at it haha 

Fedodika LOVE YOU TOO!! Haha yeah kinda but muffins are delicious though <3

I have been sick all day having stomach pain and feeling nauseous so i havent gotten everything that i planned done :/
Figs from imagination are so fun *.* oh and my roomate has this really cool anatomy figure and i wanted to study it...he is never gonna get it back ever again hehe

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70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Fedo <3 <3 <3

Hmmmmm not that much today meh -.-

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70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Fedo: Really? Hmmm maybe I'll do it :D

Hmmmm not much today except i got the response from the university and i got into the next round yay! Now i need to apply with the results from the tests and see if i get accepted or not

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hey lil P'oza looks like a lot of learned about the torso.

keep it going, it's 2 Years to go :3

Edit after new post:

CONGRATULATIONS i'm so happy for you <3 <3

Your facial structures and overall values have improved loads since your first page, keep it up

Also, Congrats on the next round of uni!

Oh yeah, them gestures! I dig that you showcase an action line running through the pose for some added "swooshyness", and that you also simplify and exaggerate some shapes to create more dynamic. Seen this tutorial? The line art section reminded me of your progress.

Knopfkater yass man two years left!
Gaumond thank you sir <3 i saw your latest post and it was so inspiring and you really have some cool stuff!
Adzerak no i never read that post before but it was super helpful thak you for that <3 i often look at kim jung gis or krenz cusharts stuff and cry haha

I overslept today well i laid in bed for two hours and just couldnt get myself to get up :/ im really annoyed by that. I have a limited amount of time cause of work. I cant affort to be such a lazy blob >.<

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Not much

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Another day. I went to see the zelda concert today and it was beautiful but I also got home way too late damn! Need to draw moreeee i just read algenpflegers old blog posts maaann he is so hardcore <3

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Love the crumbly lines, but thicken em up! How far can you PUUUSH something with just line, NO TONE!! draw that face on there, draw those fingers! COMMIT! <3 KICKIN UR BUTT kinda...

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Hmmm yeah i should >.< but i get bored so quickly. Need to commit more man Waahhhh

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So much unfinished stuff that im not gonna post today >.< well tomorrow then haha

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Stuff from today not much i know gaaahhh >.<

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