Coinhero's sketchbook
I'm liking how you start your sketches. I agree with Alfonso that your vanishing points are definitely a bit too close for some of your images and you should consider spreading them further apart. Looking forward what direction you take this Evangelion sketch.

I'm too exhausted from uni -.- and painting with no brain fuel left always backfires for me. It's getting close to end of the semester and I have actually get stuff done so I can get good grades.[Image: 4cDqRdT.jpg]
This is disgusting and I don't know how to make it not disgusting I think I'll just stop now
[Image: UvfScn1.jpg]
I did some oil painting on a tiny tiny TINY canvas
[Image: 9TDnexy.jpg]
Map crunch[Image: L4lYlZ9.jpg]
cant paint much I don't want to fail uni[Image: rVy8xSKg.jpg]

I think I'll go back to that evangelion painting and try to finish it but I'll try to paint it the way I enjoy painting instead of what I think will look good
I finished this painting today, next week we're starting a female portrait.My phone takes terrible pictures but it would be awkward to take my camera with me and i cant take the painting home because i have to wait for the paint to dry first -,- one of the sucky things about oil painting.I also did some digital but its nothing interesting.
[Image: t3R1b6p.jpg]
just need to finish my magazine project and pass my theory test and I can actually get back to painting for more than like 30 mins a day
[Image: xQdGlHQ.jpg] also I will finish this even if its the last thing I do
Big Grin 
"03-14-2017, 05:28 PM Hi, I'm some dude that paints everyday" boy that was a while ago, I just realized this thread is like 8 months old
[Image: cGLx0Pu.jpg]
I'm done with this now. I hate posting the same image again and again but I said I would post everyday and I don't want to stop because its good discipline and stuff.
[Image: tumblr_ozvvw2tpDo1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
cant today, will tomorrow 
[Image: cCl3Q4f.jpg]
Hi Conhero!
The perspective sketch looks good and I wonder what's flying there in the sky. Most likely some awesome mech?

I like the dynamics and colors of your previous piece, tbh I didn't notice the front foot first, now that I did it seems a bit too foreshortened to me even for this extreme angle of view, it also makes a tangent with the building wall and merges completely with the hind leg, I think the front one would be a bit lighter in real life. Hope it makes sence.

Posting daily is quite a challenge especially if you study or work. But consistency is good. All the best luck and perseverence to you :)

(11-25-2017, 07:45 AM)neopatogen Wrote: Hi Conhero!
The perspective sketch looks good and I wonder what's flying there in the sky. Most likely some awesome mech?

I like the dynamics and colors of your previous piece, tbh I didn't notice the front foot first, now that I did it seems a bit too foreshortened to me even for this extreme angle of view, it also makes a tangent with the building wall and merges completely with the hind leg, I think the front one would be a bit lighter in real life. Hope it makes sence.

Posting daily is quite a challenge especially if you study or work. But consistency is good. All the best luck and perseverence to you :)

Tnx for the comment for the flying things I was thinking more along the lines of punks on flying brooms harry potter style being annoying and looking for trouble :D[Image: dSmMuwu.jpg]
the colors are super dull and everything looks really ugly at the moment but if I make the flying guys very colorful and wild looking I think it would balance things out. I'm not sure what the solution is but I'll try to figure it out. Architecture/urban environments are very hard for me everything is a little too angular.
Tomorrow In class we will be doing a portrait of a live model and I've never rly done portraits so I figures I'd do a master study so here it is.[Image: hgzJWMC.jpg]
from an Anders Zorn painting on a tiny 20x20 cm canvas, took me about an hour and a half which I feel like is way to long for how shitty it turned out also forgot to charge my camera -,- so this picture is in my super dark room done with my phone so the whole thing looks way more white that it actually is. I went too thick early on and now I have to wait for the paint to dry if I want to fix stuff -,- but at least I got some training for tomorrow.
And for the digital image I think I'm trying to hard to stick to the reference so I decided to go with the "fuck it" approach :)[Image: XgxtfHd.jpg]
Today was pretty much the worst day ever :) I have a 10 min drive and then a 15-20 min commute to university and all day its been raining like crazy, so of course half way to uni I realized I forgot to bring a canvas that means walk back to the car in the god damn rain, drive home, take the canvas, drive back, walk for like 20 minutes while trying to protect the canvas from the rain because I didn't have a bag big enough to put it in so I can be only 50 mins late. I made what I would consider a really awesome sketch and of course I forgot to take a picture :)))))
[Image: SlocwOm.jpg]
This is the only digital painting I did today. I wasn't happy with how the "punk guys on brooms" was turning out so I painted over all of it and only kept some of the background but I'm to tired/angry to work on it.
why aren't you watching ruan jia paint live over at right fucking now?
[Image: mSZDBl8.jpg]
I need to sleep on this and decide what to do with fresh eyes otherwise I moving stuff around and painting over everything[Image: T1iHhUC.jpg]
I suggest you get a proper handle on 'correct' looking foreshortening. That hand is tiny and not working at all in perspective! Neither does the figure foreshortening jive with the flatness of the perspective of the landscape. Sloppy in will always = sloppy out. It's good to keep painting on new challenges, but if you don't finish and fix the issues in them before moving on, well you aren't really learning as much as you could.

You are on the way to a nice painterly quality so keep working on that aspect.

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
I feel like I can see that the image is messed up and i can tell where the problems are but just can't figure out how to fix them. I shot some reference to help out but image still looks messed up, I think I'll just bust out ye old notebook and do some studies so I can figure it out.[Image: NGbeMDx.jpg]
not my daily drawing just tough I should post this[Image: tumblr_p0a43xZVYP1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
since horizon line is bellow the middle of the image the camera should be shooting down so the way i had the cliff painted it was pointing up. I don't think I can fix the arms and legs anymore that this without painting over large parts of the girl and I'm so tired of this image at this point I just want to move on. I'm happy with how it turned out overall.

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