Coinhero's sketchbook
(02-27-2018, 07:55 AM)Tygerson Wrote: I think some things that worked in the composition were:

-how the clear, simple shape of the glider stood out from a simple background
-off center placement of glider
-feeling of motion from the river and cloud trails
-how the clouds created a loose receding perspective line/triangle shape to frame the glider at the top
-how the value of the glider stood out from both the bright clouds and the darker greenery
-how the warm orange jumped out from the cool green and pastel clouds
-the clean cut simple shapes of the glider contrasted against fluffy clouds and greenery

Yea I can see what I did wrong and what I did right after I stop painting but while I'm working on it my brain just turns off and whatever happens happens  :D
[Image: MG06eFZ.jpg]

I had a wild DHL / customs adventure today, pretty much all day was filled with documents, paying taxes and waiting for lazy university teachers to show up for class but it's all over now (hopefully).

I'm trying to be more conscious of my decisions, painting more slowly and just trying to think more in general. Also I'm a lot more comfortable with more calm paintings like this than I am with more dynamic compositions, I should work on that even if its not really my thing.
Tree in the foreground is a problem I like when its covering a bit of the character but its hard to make the tree shape not stupidly elongated. Also I'm thinking of changing the image size so its a bit more wide but I'm not sure yet.
the colors look great man :)

Thanks Leonard, I'm trying to keep everything except the character a green tone but also trying to squeeze in some color variation so I don't get a green mist over everything.

[Image: jK7vOj0.jpg]

Worked on the background and then this arrived 

[Image: JATyTh6.jpg]

each book is so heavy around 4kg I think. Crazy good art
[Image: KELjEMM.jpg]
I'll wait till tomorrow so I can look at this with fresh eyes and then I'll probably do some little things here and there sharpen some edges and call it finished 

[Image: HntyC87.jpg]

 G L O W
I played path of exile for like 5 hours today, just rotting away not doing anything. This happens every time a new league starts and I hate my self for it every time ;D just fuck my day up fam

I came across this image on mapcrunch and wanted to do a study of it but change the camera a bit

[Image: eGcLTyv.jpg]


[Image: DYB0XWo.jpg]

I also made a quick color sketch thingy but its too much of a mess and there's no point in posting it. I would have probably gotten this sketch to a semi finished level if I didn't waste away grinding in poe.
I love how goofy her face looks the idea is to keep the line art for her and everything else to be just painted more sharp a bit how Atey Ghailan does his paintings its a style I like a lot but find super hard to pull of.

Also did a bit of work on the image from yesterday but its not a whole lot I'm done with it.
I'm super inefficient with this kind of painting and my edges are poop, too much texture too.

[Image: T7LEPO7.jpg]
Once again I like this image flipped more that the way I painted it. I think this time is because 99% of all my paintings the focal point is on the left or the image goes from left to right but this one doesn't when its flipped so it looks more appealing to me. I don't know if the makes sense to anyone else

[Image: tumblr_p54njbCIGL1suoh70o1_1280.jpg]
Didn't have much time to draw today because of uni and being lazy.

[Image: BSZlAXn.jpg]

Nausicaa of the valley of the wind fan art, I'm kind of hyped for this image but its going to be very difficult to pull of. Sketch is very hard to read at the moment but I'll make things more clear (hopefully)
I run out of energy too fast

[Image: q3AKAkd.jpg]
Your colors are looking good. I like how you decomposed the mapcrunch image.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


The fan art piece is turning out nicely!

Sorry to hear about your energy issues. I had the same problem and would get symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) when I'm painting/drawing. So I tried eating more frequently and in greater quantities, even when I'm not hungry, to maintain glucose levels for my brain. This has helped me tremendously in keeping me focused for longer periods.

But there's very little scientific research in how many calories the brain uses when pushing it at full capacity all day, I hypothesize it's at least an extra few hundred calories. Even though I've been eating more, I've lost a couple pounds, possibly from the increased mental expenditure. I'd be grateful if you tried this out too so I can collect more data on this.

Hope this helps, keep up the great work

(03-08-2018, 09:47 PM)ubem Wrote: The fan art piece is turning out nicely!

Sorry to hear about your energy issues. I had the same problem and would get symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) when I'm painting/drawing. So I tried eating more frequently and in greater quantities, even when I'm not hungry, to maintain glucose levels for my brain. This has helped me tremendously in keeping me focused for longer periods.

But there's very little scientific research in how many calories the brain uses when pushing it at full capacity all day, I hypothesize it's at least an extra few hundred calories. Even though I've been eating more, I've lost a couple pounds, possibly from the increased mental expenditure. I'd be grateful if you tried this out too so I can collect more data on this.

Hope this helps, keep up the great work
Yea I've also noticed that when I eat fruit in between drawing sessions it help's me stay focused longer but I've always thought its because I'm just taking a brake. I tend to do all my painting in one long session because once I stop I start procrastinating and the day just disappears but I'll try eating some more to see if it helps. Honestly I think I'm just coming up with excuses not to paint all day long.
worked on the background some more today, also I got a pretty good critic on John Silva's stream and I played around with shape scale. I think now I just have to render till its done

[Image: 4KI6xxg.jpg]

I don't like the values in the foreground but I'll think of something.

Also I'm working on a logo for a children's party organizing company (don't know the word in English) its nothing crazy hard and the client has a very good idea of what they want but its my first time doing something like this and I've been thinking more about that then this Nausicaa fan art I'm working on. We all gotta grow up some day -.-
The painting is coming along nicely!

I think sometimes art is like a marathon where you just get lost in the runner's high, and sometimes it's more like interval training (burst of energy, rest, burst of energy, rest...). It's two different mental modes, and I think each is legit.

I tend to marathon more when painting something familiar/easy, and do intervals more when drawing (so many mental calculations!), or trying to paint something difficult.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


(03-09-2018, 03:59 AM)Tygerson Wrote: The painting is coming along nicely!

I think sometimes art is like a marathon where you just get lost in the runner's high, and sometimes it's more like interval training (burst of energy, rest, burst of energy, rest...).  It's two different mental modes, and I think each is legit.  

I tend to marathon more when painting something familiar/easy, and do intervals more when drawing (so many mental calculations!), or trying to paint something difficult.

I'm the opposite I like to marathon when painting difficult stuff and whenever I paint something """easy""" like a mapcrunch study or something like that I do short bursts because I feel like I don't need to focus as much and getting distracted won't completely get me out of the mood. When I'm painting hard stuff like the Nausicaa fan art I'm doing now I feel like even just answering a phone  call can take me out of it. It's more like once I start getting distracted I can't stop so I try to shut off everything I can.
I spend pretty much all day working on that logo I mentioned yesterday so progress on this painting is slow, I did a lot of little things in the background

[Image: TlKsrq0.jpg]

I'll get it done eventually
I love these little slice of life scenes you find when browsing mapcrunch :D its like my favorite thing
[Image: 6rfySMq.jpg]
[Image: 67qDDCN.jpg]

[Image: pxfyhum.jpg]
The painting is looking good, although I can't quite get a read on that thing in her face. For such a small figure in a scene, you might want to leave it at a simple facial profile.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb



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