Coinhero's sketchbook
I think it just that working for imagination require alot more decision making skill than copying.It can take time before you feel comfortable doing bold decision i believe.Specially if you are experimenting you gotta have the will to be bold.I think what really lead to procrastination in this case is wanting to make everything perfect.Learn to work none destructively it will help you gain confidence i know the term working none destructively is something that is hard to grasp because it rare to find people talking about there own work pipeline.

If you never heard of that term i might try to share what it is with you but i am still a begin in that realm.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
@darktiste Yeah, I have a pretty tight "pipeline" as in I have a time of the day that is my painting time and when I start an image I follow the same steps till it's what I consider finished, I'm run out of steam pretty fast is all.

[Image: r4CFngz.jpg]

If I had to make a similar image I'll do it so fast now ,just takes a while till things click, everything is trial and error with me. Steve lichman books came today but there my sisters technical so I need to wait till she finishes one till I can start reading them -,,,,- 
Also I've been pissed off all day because some asshole stole my cars wheel badges / caps don't know what its called and painting + frustration/anger lead to not being productive. I had a watercolor study I wanted to do early in the morning and stuff but it takes just one shitty thing to happen and my whole day is fucked.
400 posts of blabbering
Well it comforting to have a pipeline but it should be expanded the more you can play around the program the more tool you have around your belt.You can't alway rely on the same good old trick.You will eventually procrastinate because of boredom you need to keep looking for interesting new trick to use to speed up your workflow.

One of the hardest thing is to go against the current when thing don't go the way we want them to go.
But i think it in those moment that we gain wisdow.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
[Image: JUKBph7.jpg]

[Image: kkXUaff.jpg]

chicken wings taste good but are real messy to eat
I didn't do a lot today, not feeling well

[Image: AlVXVzp.jpg]

I think I'll just do these in photoshop from now on, I can get the look I want easier and 10x as fast, still fun to experiment with different techniques and stuff
[Image: LuBqIVL.jpg]

big cat little girl.
 You know that feeling when you look at great art and your expectations go up but your skill doesn't so you just make garbage over and over... yeah that, fuck that
@ Coinhero - We all know that feeling man. Luckily, you can count on this forum to help a bit ;)

I'm not the best with social media.

I attach a scribble/sketch to every post/reply I make in my threads. It might not be very sane.
@Narog yeah I've gotten lots of useful feedback, feels like cheating sometimes

[Image: 2oZb8ZF.jpg]

hopefully this sketch show what I'm going for with this image. It's not as "calm" as I want it to be but it's getting there. It's fucking trash lol I'm redoing it

I'm a birthday boy today but I'll celebrate with friends tomorrow so I wanted to figure everything out today so I have an easier time tomorrow and can fully dedicate myself to eating delicious food. Going out with family I'll try to work on this more when I get back
Time flies when playing video games but it really slows down when you can't figure out how to paint something hmmmm...
[Image: NH5wxbD.jpg]

Would be good to see you also post before color in a value stage unless you skip than it would explain some of the problem you might be getting.There a saying that say if it work in value it should work in color.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
These look great! Is this the only place you post? I'd like to see more of your complete work
@darktiste I do a quick black and white or rather red and white block in with most of my images but its super abstract and done in like 2 minutes so I don't think there is any point in posting that stuff. For this image I had a super crude sketch of where I want my shadows but I deleted it.

@Mylqin I also upload stuff on and but everything I have there I've posted here also.
Friends got me a watercolor set with a little sketchbook and I've been plating around with it today. Made 3 paintings first one I didn't understand that you have to use a lot of water to like make anything so it's just a mess, here are the 
other two

[Image: x8K1zFl.jpg]

[Image: gJlw4D2.jpg]

I'll get back to painting little girls and tigers tomorrow
Procrastinated the day away and didn't finish this

[Image: Cuoq7ph.jpg]

couldn't get a watercolor sketch going either. Today was super lame
Sure look calm would be nice if you would add some atmospheric element like leaf falling,wind in the grass, and maybe add some ray of light.I think the composition is right on for a ''boring scene'' i mean a calm scene =).

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
@darktiste yea I did play around with light rays and falling leaves but I can't make it look not shit, I'll try to do some effects like that tomorrow

[Image: 3iKAeVv.jpg]

also made this sketch
[Image: 87PF8LL.jpg]

I really liked it and decided to do a watercolor color sketch because its fun and just to test things out. I know it would have been like 20 times faster to just do it digitally and much easier and flexable and blablabla but watercolor is fun and I've been drawing digitaly for the last 40 or so years

[Image: rEHEqoU.jpg] 
I like using watercolor a lot but it's really hard to take pictures of this stuff and I can't justify buying a scanner... so yeah, dark, gray and burned pictures is what I have for now
[Image: ZLDlzWu.jpg]

I want this image to be more overcast because I never do that but it's hard to make something look interesting without using crazy lighting gimmicks. I'm bored of using the same lighting for everything
[Image: b3ArmOi.jpg]

its been 382 days of consecutive drawing, I only know because everyday I save a jpeg of what I did and name it day_xxx I started doing that to light a fire under my ass and draw everyday because I would start over if I miss a day but now I do it more because it's a good way to organize images. This just makes more sense to me that naming this file "little_girl_wet_tiger_frog.psd" fucking stupid
[Image: 2t19TMn.jpg]

also made this watercolor painting 
[Image: d6B0x7q.jpg]

I call it " Three dudes on a sidewalk not doing anything in particular except the guy that's on his phone"
Hey Coinhero, your dynamic duo (girl & tiger) is awesome, are these for a story of yours?

I browsed a few pages and I think you got a really nice understandment of colors, very pleasing to look at and the watercolor paintings really show this!

The thing I think is lacking in your painting is form and construction, it looks a bit flat. I really believe that if you would practice this it will have a great impact in your work.

Keep going! :-)

(08-19-2018, 04:18 AM)-echo- Wrote: Hey Coinhero, your dynamic duo (girl & tiger) is awesome, are these for a story of yours?

I browsed a few pages and I think you got a really nice understandment of colors, very pleasing to look at and the watercolor paintings really show this!

The thing I think is lacking in your painting is form and construction, it looks a bit flat. I really believe that if you would practice this it will have a great impact in your work.

Keep going! :-)

Thanks echo I don't really have a story for them but I wish I did :D The reason why I'm drawing those two is because it's much easier coming up with ideas when you have something to grab onto, like if you have a character even if it's super simple like what I'm doing it's easier to imagine the environment where the character lives. If I decide to stick with them I'll spend some time coming up with a little story or maybe something like a comic book or just some images leading up to something. It's the whole thing where only other artist care about how correct and masterfully done an image is but you need something more to grab the ordinary person.
And yea form, construction -,-I'm trying but it's hard you know, I think my images tend to look flat when I'm trying to paint stuff that's a little to complex for where I'm at, which is what I mostly do really... idk I'll figure it out.

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