Coinhero's sketchbook
[Image: ecwWfim.jpg]

working on another study <ref 1:46 for exact frame
started painting it and sketching out faces and hopefully I'll finish it today
You should refine this and leave there face blank to focus the mood on there gesture i think that would be great.Using color that focus on the concept to accentuate the mood of the scene and using that back element idk if that a window to create nice light shining throught the window to create a nice back light effect.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
@darktiste with this my goal is more to get out of my comfort zone and try to think in a different way, I took some creative liberties but still wanted to stick to the reference. The background window isn't the main light source so I couldn't do a whole lot with back lighting =/ but I never do artificial lighting so it's still good practice.


[Image: J0EjZuQ.jpg]

and my painting

[Image: jfKWK6e.jpg]

I really like it :D but I started to get real bored towards the end, I'm only now noticing I didn't even finish lighting the everything on the drum set T.T I'll fix it tomorrow. Some things were really easy to paint while others really hard good learning experience overall.

[Image: VKPHob8.jpg]

started working on this thing, it's really dumb and I like that.

It took me a long time to finish the study because on the 30th I need to finish framing everything for my university exposition and since I'm doing everything myself because I want my pictures to be between 2 pieces of glass so it's taking a long time and it's mostly what I've been thinking about. I'm also really lazy

[Image: N3hzDKM.jpg]
backlighting would be cool but I have no idea how to paint this
[Image: ozHnvyD.jpg]

color wip. This one will take a while because I can't really work on this, found out last minute I need to make some extra bullshit for the exposition x.x fuck me I hate printing
Not dead btw just working on a portfolio / looking for work / learning 3D pipelines so I can hopefully start working in a local studio. Kind of loosing interest in this sketchbook but here's some stuff

[Image: 13sUq0h.jpg]

forgot to upload this here when I finished it

[Image: HmvuWtH.jpg]

girly instagram meme image I'm working on right now

[Image: Rfa1Mw5.jpg]

3D thing I made to as a study, turntable on my instagram coinhero_art I'm too lazy to figure out how to make an mp4 to gif.

Graduation went great pass everything with perfect grades and the class exposition was cool non of this matters tho I'm still ass and need to get better only benefit to getting a degree is it makes it easier to get a visa :D so sad.
I'm starting to paint with different brushes again even tho I like painting with just a hard round making flat shapes the most. Gotta remember to update my artstation because that thing has been dead for like a year lol
[Image: HzLkblM.jpg]

look at this dude
your colors are nice. if you're looking for critique and want to push your work further, i'd focus more on structure (form and perspective). the proportions in your pieces are usually wonky and the compositions tend to be very simple because you're not pushing your knowledge of perspective.

I think you're on to something with this last painting. Feels like such a clean, appealing, and developed personality and style. You knocked it out of the park, great job!

Nice updates here, you have a very unique style which I enjoy. Great use of light as well, very dynamic and you seem to pull it off quite well. Keep it going!

Haven't updated this place in month T.T

@DESQUOLOR Proportions I think are something you just get better at with time and mostly artists care about that stuff the bigger problem is ,like you said, my compositions. I tend to paint the same stuff over and over because it's easy and my shape language is just random. Every image feels like it's stitched together and nothing really fits in. These are all problems that are hard to fix but I've been more focused on making concussion decisions with my compositions and am slowly figuring it out.

@ubem Thanks! I've been painting a lot with just a simple round brush trying to figure out what exactly I like in a painting and that fox image is made with the goal of figuring that out and that's why I think it came out looking good. I'm currently trying to figure out how to apply that same logic to more complex images and using more that just the hard round brush. Also that image is very simple because I made it as reference for a 3D sculpt and wasn't planning on showing it anywhere. Here's the sculpt (9 fucking hours of rendering)

[Image: giphy.gif]

@cgmythology Thanks I've been painting over exposed, over saturated messy color blobs for 4 years now and am finally starting to get it under control :D 

ok here's some stuff in order or completion 

[Image: o8yfWZR.jpg]

^ made this because I wanted to just paint a stylized portrait because I never do that stuff and to get out of the comfort zone a bit

[Image: KJYO0rW.jpg]

Don't remember why I made this, I need to take a better picture and edit it to look close to what it does in real life.

[Image: WYCXJrb.jpg]

^ this is for a contest hosted by aniventure comiccon that's on the 14th next month. Theme was sci-fi and I had no idea what to do so by the time I sketched this out I had only a couple of days left to finish it. First time working under a tight deadline and on something I'm really not comfortable with so it was a real learning experience. I made 4-5 other different ideas before this one all completely different, my biggest problem was I wanted a more serious tone to the image and that's just not me. Here's some lines from an early sketch:

[Image: K7KGLY0.jpg]

I was experimenting with a cyberpunk-ish environment and I made like a million different versions of this. For some reason I really like that stupid geisha drawing and I wanted it to be the focal point so I would redo everything and just keep the face and try to build the environment around it. Really stupid way of working don't do it!

[Image: se1VQ54.jpg]

At this point I started giving up and decided to just start from scratch and do the usual anime crap I always do. I repainted this a lot of times trying out new schemes but lost all of them. This is the point I got to and decided to start over but I liked the character so I kept her for the final image.

Values were a massive problem and at one point I just made the image greyscale and with a soft brush set to multiply decided to just change everything to the values I want. After that I repainted everything to match the values in the b&w version

[Image: zL7ATqp.jpg]

Here's what I used to values reference. The final is still a bit of a mess but trust me before it was so fucking horrible that it's a miracle I managed to fix it at least somewhat.

[Image: 9gHPgY2.jpg]

Made this watercolor painting while waiting for the fox to render, turns out I have a pen that doesn't react to watercolor. I love it <3

[Image: vKqAwO4.jpg]

at this point everything I was painting was with just a simple round brush and I wanted to use one of those big boy brushes so I painted this, it started out as evangelion fanart and here are some leftover lines from that:
[Image: QPk8rPU.jpg]

I got 2 days of painting in to this but it just kept looking like shit and I kept changing the setting from swap to random concept art rocks back to swamp and it was just a mess. Painted the egg version because I just wanted to get something done.

[Image: 6dsrM78.jpg]

Started working on a 3D scene to learn new techniques like making particle systems, texture painting, how to export stuff to substance and back to blender in a sensible way and a lot more. Spend about a week just trying out stuff and learning and stopped working on this when I figured out what I wanted to figure out and it would take too long remaking everything to make this look good.

[Image: x9IfMSF.jpg]

here's something a bit more recent. I really like the lines in the early version but it all fell apart when I started painting, it was just way to chaotic and I couldn't decide on a focal point... so I started over. Newer version is still a mess but at least it got out of the line art stage and I really wanted to make a follow up to this image.

[Image: WaZvjjr.jpg]

once again lots of versions and all of them shit in there own unique way. I think this on is ok-ish and I got pretty far in to painting it but just kind of lost interest. =/

At this point I was really frustrated at pretty much everything and need to rest my brain so I made some studies

[Image: 2VMyBFl.jpg]

[Image: lPwzKYX.jpg]

I really like these 

[Image: V7g59CF.jpg]

and here's what I started working on yesterday, it's cute and I like cute also painting buildings is something I never do and need to learn.

[Image: 9k5MSlK.jpg]

some painting from today. I'll probably blur the background a bit and yea idk still figuring things out.
MEGA POST IS OVER NOW not proof reading it it's too much and I want to go eat dinner (I'll post more often now)
Got bored redoing the foreground in the kiki fanart image I'm working on and made this watercolor today

[Image: aCi5XnR.jpg]

[Image: EC56nu1.jpg]

taped the watercolor paper on my monitor and traced over these lines because god damn am I lazy when it comes to this stuff
very cute! your watercolors are really nice!

@DESQUOLOR Thanks I really like using watercolor I'm saving up for a better set because I'm using a really small and limited pallet now and you can't really mix watercolors like oil paint =/

[Image: H4xOpQg.jpg]

Changed the foreground a bit on this, with the background the way it is avoiding tangents is impossible T.T

[Image: lNrMPMh.jpg]

something I'm sketching right now trying to figure out how to make it look good.
I like the blurry effect on the piece with the girl and the cat but it i think it would help if you crank up the detail level or else it look really simplistic not just simple but like under developped drawing not sketchy but like putted some color and didn't render anything but rather really suggest everything with color purely.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
@darktiste yea it's a little too scratchy I put a bit more effort in to the foreground foliage but I really don't feel like drawing roof tiles for the rest and I don't think it would make the image any better tbh.

[Image: fuFcwr7.jpg]

Here's the final lines I decided to use. I lost a bit of the shape I wanted for the girl but I want her to make at least a little bit of sense and it was really hard with my original idea. Also as a test I build this scene in 3D with the correct scale of everything just to figure out where everything would be placed in order to make the image look like this and its insane. Without using a crazy lens the girl would have to be like 2km in the air to get a shot like this :D also making all the building not skewed in a weird way made everything look really stiff and boring. 

[Image: 3eY9ALS.jpg]

I'm experimenting with color comps at the moment. I want a really deep saturated look like this [Image: 1*TMmCAaeK6ushWsKPFeDEhw.jpeg]

but I'm not sure how to pull it of and have everything looks good and not set fire to my eyes. Also the orange of her hair is super close in value to the sky so it's just color thats setting them apart, I really like using that effect but it can get real messy really fast and what monitor you are seeing the image on is very important in something like that.
as usual id reccomend you spend more time learning structure as you already have some chops in rendering and values. your kiki composition with the large city in the background would look so nice if you had the line drawing skills to show say a nice billowing drapery, more refined sense of proportions/anatomy. When i was coming up I did a lot of the same things, painting painting painting, not taking drawing seriously.

Its easy to get the idea that just good rendering will take you all the way but it wont. People resonate with strong drawings, and the drawing itself should be 80% as strong as the final image imo, relying on color is a crutch. I know youre having fun, but soo sooo soo many of the isues you have in painting are easily resolved by just focusing on strucure and anatomy etc. you'll save sooo much time and struggle just going for the jugular on that, i promise

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
(09-04-2019, 11:45 PM)Fedodika Wrote: as usual id reccomend you spend more time learning structure as you already have some chops in rendering and values. your kiki composition with the large city in the background would look so nice if you had the line drawing skills to show say a nice billowing drapery, more refined sense of proportions/anatomy. When i was coming up I did a lot of the same things, painting painting painting, not taking drawing seriously.

Its easy to get the idea that just good rendering will take you all the way but it wont. People resonate with strong drawings, and the drawing itself should be 80% as strong as the final image imo, relying on color is a crutch. I know youre having fun, but soo sooo soo many of the isues you have in painting are easily resolved by just focusing on strucure and anatomy etc. you'll save sooo much time and struggle just going for the jugular on that, i promise

I'd rather learn structure and anatomy in the process of making images rather than focusing only on that. I've never cared for accuracy in drawing and I treat figures as just abstract shapes to compliment the background. I don't necessarily think getting Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema style drapery and life like appearance would make my images better. Look at this new image I'm working on as an example:

[Image: 24kcZjp.png]

when I drew the legs like this all I was thinking about was how I wanted to make the whole body out of big round shapes because it looks cool to me. It's obvious the legs are not being connected anywhere and feet are bending in impossible ways but I like the overall shape and changing that would take away from my original intentions. Same with with her clothes, obviously that's not how they would look like in real life but it makes for a cool shape so why change it?
I think we just have different goals when it comes to art with you being much more focused on character design stuff and me being much more in to environments and the image as a whole and that's why when you see this you focus in on how she has baboon hands and no fingers while I'm only thinking about how that damn tower is messing with the composition and making the image heavier on one side :D
You talk about how before you used to do the same things as me but I don't think that's the case, going back on your sketchbook I see mostly portraits and characters and that's in a big part what you are still doing just decided to focus much more on the drawing part (which is smart). Go back to my early posts on this thread and you'll see it's the exact opposite, mostly environments and when there are figures they are just a small part of a bigger image, only thing that's changed is I used to go straight in to painting while now I make a pretty tight sketch before starting.

So I guess my point is I don't want to focus on something I don't value and rather get better at it over time while focusing on the stuff that interests me and the issues that you see are different than the ones I care about. Also this whole post isn't meant as a jab, to be offensive, to try and prove I'm right in some way or anything like that it's more of a shitpost of the way I think about these things. (and c'mon give me a break I know I suck at drawing but you can't say I'm not getting better at it T.T )
studies like these everyday after painting is done unless I'm starting a new image and my brain is mashed potatoes.
Big heads, broad shoulders and skinny arms are the things I hand to redraw the most T.T
I wanted to use charcoal for this because that's what I always used in live drawing class but I only have I pencil left and its so tiny I can't hold it comfortably...

[Image: kaPPmBG.jpg]

taking some creative liberties to make it more fun but proportions and shit aren't changed at all
Ref -->
I just painted roofs and clouds today not worth the effort to post it
The more sketchy one is just to show they way I start these before I add all the memes on top. I keep over exaggerating body parts and having to scale everything down. Current approach is eyeball everything and when I think it's good then start measuring and figuring out where I messed up and the try to correct my mistakes for the next one.

[Image: iXDdyHq.jpg]

[Image: 3blZd5m.jpg]

Slow day I'm planning a road trip and hard to do some things to my car, feels nice doing physical stuff and not just drawing little girls on a computer.
I'm still playing around with ideas for this image and keep going back and forth on how detailed I want to make everything.

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