Finished another parody image for my friends burger restaurant

[Image: andrew-gibbons-ballarat-town-hall900-fin...1554981072]
Updated this character concept with a black back ground
more and more leaning towards these black backgrounds as a way to keep consistency with some pieces
have things feel cohesive and looking like a set. like im creating my own collection of characters
so this one is from 2019 and is an alternate version of a character i did in 2014
[Image: andrew-gibbons-saurai-re900bb.jpg?1554975135]
this is the original design i did
updated the background to fit in with the aesthetic im liking with my work
the grey backgrounds feel kinda bland or clinical and white is a bit too bright
this clean background full body character illustration is something that really feels like something i consistently enjoy looking at and one of the types of image i will probably keep making.
[Image: andrew-gibbons-2014bb900.jpg?1554976767]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Touched up and finished a couple more portraits from MK
Did some research into the characters and decided to try and make a complete roster
I settled on 84 characters so i've got 80 left to go..
will hopefully get better at and more efficient at painting portraits by the end of them

[Image: dcxz93j-e7279cae-4176-4b9d-9b05-921f6f7f...oYqbClXo2c][Image: dcxw0bi-86d55445-6eb6-4b36-882b-c0621e80...sEtvFtRGjI]
[Image: dd5rcia-221e7e06-06d3-47aa-a46b-f8f5509b...rkiEIVAsgY][Image: dd5qw1d-2d30540d-1171-4813-b6d1-62e9b91a...L35nA-O5ZI]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
A few more MK portraits

[Image: andrew-gibbons-khameleon900-03062019.jpg?1559523572]
[Image: andrew-gibbons-kitana900-05062019.jpg?1559734156]
[Image: andrew-gibbons-frost900-05062019.jpg?1559734334]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
So I did a couple more MK portraits
tried some brushes I don't usually use and they were pretty fun and got me into a good painting groove
I chose to use as a base for these two, the creators of Mortal Kombat as the two characters are strong demi god brothers
thought it would be a nice little detail to add some depth

[Image: andrew-gibbons-ed-boon-as-daegon.jpg?1556969011]
[Image: andrew-gibbons-john-tobias-as-taven.jpg?1557004606]

I've got 9 pretty much done even though i plan to go back in and fix small things in all of them
so I've got 75 or so characters to go..
maybe i'll get it all done in 6 months..but hopefully sooner
Will depend what work I have come up

There is a purpose to these by the way..
I like mortal Kombat but haven't dug some of the character designs so I wanted to do my take and redesign some more than others. the newest game is pretty dope though
Then I also am using this for practice of portraiture, materials rendering and general painting skill
and I'm occasionally drawn into be a completionist so  wanna do all the characters
It's a good challenge and hopefully will also have some positive growth as far as getting my work out in front of people

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Some more work I've done since last post
Prepping for Oz Comic Con
Have a couple of Commissions due in the next month
just enough happening to get by for the moment

[Image: dd4pwpn-5d66d7a4-ded8-4772-b58c-a7bc53be...taO5G1OB0k]
[Image: dd6grl4-5592f491-b0b6-4747-aee3-f7b6d6f0...jaS_ByO6JY]
[Image: dd7ryt0-4e634cf5-42b4-4e63-80a9-132c7890...LF5OhcCgSc]
[Image: dd6cvth-647114a5-83f1-4bb7-8b6c-7a4ea17e...cpOCgmkmas]
[Image: dd6jk13-a1ee9dc2-21c0-4833-b452-16a7c769...DezExr_52o]

this last one was just a couple hours messing around and experimenting with brushes and colour
Kai Greene retweeted it on his twitter which was cool :)
[Image: dd7mk6n-d62a4203-c934-4fcf-8f8e-15bb6b7b...6x5sFrOy2o]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Dump of some more recently finished stuff, i'll add some process stuff sometime, and more sketch things,
I just haven't been doing much besides finished polished pieces lately..
I'm looking forward to studying a bit more and getting more drawing practice in after comic con this weekend,
but  also have 3 client pieces due this month, which I am thankful for having even though I'm pretty burnt out too
anyway.. some more MK stuff

[Image: andrew-gibbons-reptile900-06062019.jpg?1559826954] [Image: andrew-gibbons-sub-zero900-03062019.jpg?1559515517][Image: andrew-gibbons-smoke900-060620192.jpg?1559842512][Image: andrew-gibbons-noob900-06062019.jpg?1559760719]

some more symbiote stuff.. both ongoing series I'm just going to add to as time allows

[Image: andrew-gibbons-gwenom-solo900-censored.jpg?1559779307][Image: andrew-gibbons-scream900-censored.jpg?1559781998]

worked on this Logan piece some more.. happy enough to call it done now.. on to the next one
sometimes hard to stop going back in and fixing shit
I have a sometimes enjoyable process but inefficient as.. need to develop polishing skills like Apterus, so good at controlling his pieces look but also goes through so many changes.. all adds up to the final result though so have to appreciate that side of it

[Image: andrew-gibbons-old-man-logan-fix900-0506...1559771500]

and worked up this piece that started much smaller and grew and grew..

[Image: andrew-gibbons-alien-universe900-0606201...1559794910]

My brain is in need of some down time but I've got 2 days of sitting and talking to people at Comic Con.. oh man..
wish me luck everyone not reading this lol
hope you are all keeping up the good progression and pushing through the pain of improvement

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Good luck! Fingers crossed comic con goes above and beyond what you expect :)
Good luck with Comic-Con!!
(06-07-2019, 08:41 PM)Coinhero Wrote: Good luck with Comic-Con!!
Thanks, it was a really good experience!

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
(06-07-2019, 05:23 PM)chubby_cat Wrote: Good luck! Fingers crossed comic con goes above and beyond what you expect :)

Thank you, I't was great. Covered the costs and a little profit on top but most importantly I met a bunch of cool people who I plan to see more of.  Thumbs_up  super happy bout how it went!

cant wait to do more events like this. learned a bunch for next time

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
So after not posting for a long time again..

Here's some dragons
One of the subject matters I'm really wanting to excel at panting/designing

[Image: andrew-gibbons-dragon-head900.jpg?1574664688]
[Image: andrew-gibbons-dragon-hex-1progress-shot...1574752035]

[Image: andrew-gibbons-dragon-hex-gold-lion900.jpg?1574771612]

[Image: andrew-gibbons-dragon-hex-2-progress.jpg?1574771634]

I'm planning to do many more of these dragon heads, mainly to practice rendering and get my head around animal anatomy and skin surfaces.

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
I will have to come here and ask annoying question about texture once i go in my creature design phase.Those texture look kinda phenomenal.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(11-27-2019, 02:22 AM)darktiste Wrote: I will have to come here and ask annoying question about texture once i go in my creature design phase.Those texture look kinda phenomenal.
 Sure bro, I'm always happy to help

[Image: andrew-gibbons-dragon-hex-3-progress-sho...1574831009]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
I think the last one as a contrast problem the white feather are catching more of attention than the face because they are the lightest part of the body and due to the rest being red it make them pop i think the solution would be to introduce some red into the feather and to lighten up the face with more white.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(11-27-2019, 04:24 PM)darktiste Wrote: I think the last one as a contrast problem the white feather are catching more of attention than the face because they are the lightest part of the body and due to the rest being red it make them pop i think the solution would be to introduce some red into the feather and to lighten up the face with more white.

cheers for the observations.
I don't mind too much if the belly was taking more attention for being white
This is just experimentation for me, not trying to make designs for a particular use
allot of animals don't have the easiest to read forms because of their pattern and colouration and that is something I'm Trying to wrap my head around with these, they are pretty much studies without wanting to just reproduce the reference one to one.

I did go back in to re-introduce the front teeth so I also toned down the belly brightness and touched up areas.
I could fix it endlessly but one of the things I'm trying to practice is not getting so hung up and wanting to fix things forever. haha

so onto the next
[Image: andrew-gibbons-dragon-hex-concept-3-900-...1574841866]

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Some really nice Dragon illustrations, really appreciate the design and detail work. One thing I would suggest is to establish a stronger light source for them before spending too much time with the detail, to help develop the form a bit as some of them are slightly flat looking. Looking great otherwise!

(11-28-2019, 12:28 AM)cgmythology Wrote: Some really nice Dragon illustrations, really appreciate the design and detail work.  One thing I would suggest is to establish a stronger light source for them before spending too much time with the detail, to help develop the form a bit as some of them are slightly flat looking.  Looking great otherwise!
And here some other factor leak of perspective cue and being in a profile view remove most of the overlap but i still agree that a leak of light and shadow contribute to it looking flat but i think he didn't intended to push the piece to a finish that why there all those issue.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Continued doing some mortal Kombat Portraits

[Image: ddlemq2-fdf3b868-6157-439a-8f8a-8bbe9928...jbLCFJOohk]
[Image: dd6jk13-2fe656cb-360c-4493-bf6f-5c16ad49...-yNUFVabj8]
[Image: dd6cvth-c8320679-2e37-41ff-a772-7dac257d...SSwXHchLJ4]
[Image: ddlesa5-975c1921-d117-4900-a0f7-ef021de1...zA8_zgZzKs]
[Image: ddlf96p-4effd37f-27e0-40e6-aac7-b58e1c44...wRoWlsu7yI]
[Image: ddlhmkf-aaa29aca-675a-420a-92c0-792fe87e...vS3nKMOkUg]
[Image: ddljykh-1a5309be-28b6-4af2-82d0-ad9b117b...qBaKH6VXRs]

Particularly happy with Kintaro,
I came across some brushes from Justin Gerard on Art Station and some of them I immediately was enjoying using.
here's a link for those into brushes

I'm using these portraits to practice several things.
developing technique in painting, speed of execution, adapting from references and breaking away as needed.
trying to not be held to the reference to tight, party by gaining confidence in knowledge of structure light and anatomy. Learning some good design notes by trial and error.
playing with painting approaches
doing this as a series to practice working within some restrictions, adapting characters, some of which have very little existing visuals to go on.
it's fun..

I think it's most economical studying with clear intent as to the particular areas you with to make gains in..
have a good day person reading this...

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357
Heheh Moooooortal Kooooommmbaaaaat!! Brings back memories of a miss-spent youth. Did you play Street Fighter too?

You're kickin' ass with this stuff dude!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

(12-04-2019, 06:49 AM)Artloader Wrote: Heheh Moooooortal Kooooommmbaaaaat!!  Brings back memories of a miss-spent youth.  Did you play Street Fighter too?

You're kickin' ass with this stuff dude!

I haven't played as much Street Fighter but I dig Street fighter too!
MK just caught my imagination as a kid. had the movie sound track on cassette tape haha

Thank you for the words of encouragement!

Here's the latest ones..

[Image: ddlnuhk-94ef7119-407e-452d-984c-99df7d10...tvmlrGT3ME]
[Image: ddlr9bz-2ca08ed3-406e-42d1-83c8-47c2a004...1owvSKuA2I]
[Image: ddlrklk-f4df4280-846e-4528-8984-b34a264c...eOk7Q8vlN0]

Trying to get things in order to have a better work year in 2020
trying to make better plans and do the prep work..
thinking what images to make for next Comic Con,
also what personal projects I want to put time into and areas I wish to improve in..

Discord tag: AndrewGibbons#3357

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