LV's sketchbook
Hello everyone,
more than six years ago I was trying to pursue an art career. I failed back then and pretty much gave up on art.
But my love for art never really disappeared and with me turning 30 next year I've decided to try one more time.

Let's rock!

digital stuff, I am using Clip paint studio

study from a photo and more sketches

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I think you would do a great storyboard artist you seem to be at ease with sketching but hey that just me saying that base on the last two sketch.I am just afraid you might have fall for the trap of to much fan art for to little original content but again i extrapolate from almost nothing.Oh and before i go welcome back.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
darktiste Thanks for the welcome! I am still trying to find my way, right now I am focusing on getting better at drawing and painting.

Weekly update. Didn't have that much time for art,but I'am trying to draw and paint as much as I can.
B/W studies (did these like a month ago), also some master studies

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and more studies ,sketches and venom vs scarlet spider piece I spent the most time so far

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I think venom and spidy are a little to close to each other, it looks like venom is giving some crazy tongue action to spider man. Maybe moving the hand a bit so you can see more of venom's tongue going behind spider man's head can help out or just moving them around if it's not too much work. Other than that it's great! I love how much space venom is taking up, it really makes him look threatening and the white outline around his arms looks really cool.
Coinhero Thank you very much for the critique! There was somethink that was bothering me on that spidey vs venom piece and I could not quite figure it out, so maybe it is the fact that venom's tongue is just barely visible and it doesn't look right.Well I may do some changes later if it still bothers me  :D

and here's ghost rider, quite fun to paint, wanted semi-realistic painting but with like comics vibes I dunno :D, the fact that I dont know how to paint fire doesn't help :D

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Nice start here Shuty, I like how you are mixing up studies with inventions.

Was it concept art you were looking to break into or comics or something else?

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

^This is the biggest question you have to ask yourself. WHAT art career are you trying to break into? Its clear you are into making fan art, which is very possible to make a living doing even going the independent route via commissions from social media, selling at conventions, patreon, etc. Fan art CAN be very popular and lucrative, but that means your competition is also extremely fierce. How will you make your art stand out and memorable?

Or perhaps you want a real job in the entertainment industry? Then it makes sense to develop a separate portfolio geared towards concept art for applying for entry level positions.

PS: I like the Ghost Rider portrait. But the color (needs a bit more red?) and shape of the flames kind of reminds me of a light bulb. I think also theres more you could do to it to make it look like its bright and glowing, perhaps darking the background, giving more of an aura around the edges of the fire. Look at how Alex Ross paints fire.
Like your stuff shuty, your ghost rider is freaking sick!
Hey everyone! I wish you all happy and successful new year 2020!
I really wanted to spend these christmas with my family and that's what I did. I had a great time but wasn't drawing much.
BUT! Now that holidays are over I'll be working harder than ever!

Artloader Thank you, the job I applied all those years ago was a concept artist position, I still have the images I did for them as an art test and yeah, I really wasn't good enough, the passion was there but not so much the skill.

Nature choosing an art career, that is something I am still dealing with to be honest. What really got me into drawing all those years ago was manga, so at fisrt I wanted to draw comics in a manga like style, than I found out more about concept art and I really fell in love with the idea to work on a videogames being a gamer myself. Nowadays I lean more towards illustrations, doing covers for comics, books, card games etc. that would be nice.
I think the more work I'll produce the easier it will be for me to choose a path. Still I would love to do a full comic story one day.

Moscito Thanks a lot!

With these sketches I tried to be more brave and use more saturated colors

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Hot damn! I see so much I would like to do as well myself. Most striking to me as of now the venom-spidey one, so threatening! The pose and angle, it really feels spot on! and the ghost rider one! The skull reads so well! Suggestion for that one, the fire, some more glow, blur and play with the shapes.
Lately I've been craving dark fantasy stuff so the "dark souls" inspired ones heh, are really appealing to me! The digital value portraits, outstanding. You really have a lot going on here! And our interest seem to overlap quite a lot! Have you done any game design stuff? What have you been up to?
Hello everyone!
Rotohail: Thank you, man I love dark souls myself so much, I can't wait for the Elden Ring :D I have not done any art related work yet, I still feel like I lack confident and skill so I need some more time before I go and try some actuall freelance work or smaller commisions.
Right now I am trying to study as much as I can, but to be honest, I feel like I am all over the place.
I am trying to push my anatomy knowledge as well as digital painting abilities. I am learning how to paint in photoshop - because it's really good for concept art and environments I think, but I'm also learnig clip studio paint - it's really amazing software, great for drawing and making comics/manga, but for painting in clip I was strugling alot. However thanks to Dave Rapoza and his patreon I am learning a lot, and I love the traditional feel you can get in clip.
In a future I'd like to learn blender too, for some basic 3d scenes and models I could use in my paintings, I think it would be really helpfull.
Anyway sorry for such a late answer and update, I suck at this :D will try to improve this as well. Keep pushing guys!

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You've got a lot of cool stuff there. Nice textures and atmosphere in a lot of the pictures; I really like the way the monster in encounter1.png is painted.

I was a bit startled by heads01.png. It definitely feels like a writhing mass of heads, so good work, haha. Also, some of the male faces in your paintings remind me of Bill Nighy; is that just a coincidence? He's got a great face, for sure.

Keep it up!
Really nice attention to detail in the ship piece.The water almost look wet.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Can't wait either for it! So long they don't fuck it up ha ha ha. One of the things I enjoy about Dark souls is having the story be not really told but you have to puzzle it out or do your own interpretation of events but with Martin now in there, if it's story heavy I'm gonna suffer.

Ridiculous amount of work man. Holy cow! I used to do stuff on Photoshop but bought Clip a few years, when I got back into drawing, and have been using it exclusively. I don't feel it lacks anything to be fair (I don't tend to use all the photoshop fancy stuff anyways, like liquify ha ha). I guess maybe the healing brush or stamp to maybe introduce textures but you can build that up with brushes anyways. I dunno I'm really a starter here but Clip feels just fine if you just draw and paint. Photoshop is more powerful for edits and other fancy stuff.

Personally your forms read very well and there's always a story being told on them so that is freaking great. Starting to go heavy on texture also. The stinky head creature thing really caught my eye! I don't see that stuff often enough! Thumbs up! Don't stay away for too long! Ha, I do this all the time...
Great stuff! Keep it up, but also try not to fall into the trap of doing too much random art and studies.
Quickest way to improve is to come up with a specific goal - it could be to reach the level of a certain artist you admire or it could be a specific company you'd like to work for or just admire.
The reason speeds up the process (in my opinion) is that when you have a specific goal in mind you already have some parameters for what you need to improve and you can clearly see what you're lacking in comparison to the artist/company you're after. Otherwise you're just making a single step in every direction without having a destination.

Public Enemy: Thank you so much! Bill Nighy? yeah that's just a coincidence :D but he's an amazing actor and does have a great face actually.

darktiste: Thank you, I did a bunch of material studies and water was probably the hardest for me to get right, it's just so hard to paint :D 

Rotohail: Thank you, you are absolutely right about dark souls. Most of the time I have no idea what the story is about XD But I did read some lore and stuff and I love Artorias and Siff and their story probably the most, also the way you get to see what happend in the past and then you have to face... nah no spoilers for anyone that haven't play the game :D Curious about G.R.R.M. and his story for The Elden ring. One thing I can already guess is that the characters I might like in the game, will probably die in a horrible way :D :D

Danny: Great, great advice, thank you! And I agree! But If I should be honest with myself, yeah I am still the one making random steps in the darkness. I am gonna work on that!

Aaaand hello everybody, I hope you all are doing great and you are all safe. Today I wanted to add some sketchbook stuff here. I do have a several sketchbooks and I am trying to slowly fill them. I love pencil and traditional media, I love doing sketches, I also enjoy seeing other people's sketches. Sometimes I even like sketches more than a finished painting.

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lovely art dump! really dig the head practice. I have a question if you dont mind it, because recently i have only been doing digital practice, why you spent so much time sketching traditionally, like personally speaking what drives you to stick to it, instead of doing it all digitally?

Jeso: Helllo, to answer your question,  I really enjoy drawing on paper, to me it's still much easier to sketch with a pencil.
I also love art of Wes Burt and Marko Djurdjevic and they have been a major influence on me in a way. They were doing a lots of work with pencils back in the days of and that sticked with me.

Not much from me today, I hope to return with more in the next update!

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