Jones Sketchbook
way to go Jone!
if you want some constructive crit for your post apocalyptic girl, watch the neck, its too big.
On the opposite, the hands are too small.
I did a quick paintover, hope you dont mind (i´ll remove it instantly if you dont want it)
My intervention was minimal, but i hope you find it useful.

Thanks Eduardo! Going to fix those up when I get back to that character. Happy to get paint overs anytime.


Did not manage my time so well with this homework, I mean I did a lot of design sketches, but didn't start the final as soon as I should have.

Ended up working on this nearly all day today Th_090_

Color's where hard as heck to work out, guess practice will help.

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Thanks Woofy, Good point on pushing myself with the dynamic poses. Also, Yeah should be more focused on the creature, I tried a few little things to hint towards him originally but I guess it wasn't very successful.


Morning imagination portrait, a lot wrong with the structure and proportions...I swear I need to do those planes of the face studies soon, and pushed the post apocalyptic chick some more. Plan to color her soon and try to make it pretty finished looking. Want to fix the face...My brother says it looks too manly and unnatural. idk but all my faces look too damn manly lol. Gotta work on that somehow.

I'm thinking - Maybe I should try doing a small series of post apocalyptic characters - just to improve my anatomy with sort of a self project. Could be pretty fun as well as beneficial on applying what I've been learning about anatomy.

Anyway, class with Alejandro in about an hour!

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Damned good class. Learned a ton.

Tried using a softer brush for a change (60%) usually use 100% hard brushes. I'm not sure if it's too soft, can't really tell right now. Going to have to do a bit of experimenting too find whats right for me.

Anyway, when I start drawing banana elves it's time for me to sleep B210e58c

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Finished the character for now, and part of one of Sickbrush's assignments.

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Hey Jones, makin good progress. Been watchin, and you've definitely been steppin up. For one study though I'd like to see you construct a head with as much construction lines and construction in general. Try to plan it out and go all out on just one head. Build it up like a house, start with a base and slowly craft it. Begin sketching in a gesture, draw in the construction lines, draw in the planes, draw in the muscles, and so on. I hope it looks messy as hell when you're done with it. I think it will help you really start to think about some things in regards to construction and how important it really is. Once you've done all that try to do some gestures of everything you did but in 30-60 seconds to reinforce it into your mind.

Also, on that last one the colors are really dull, I would get some photo/master painting studies in, just so you can see how many colors there really are for the skin alone.

Good progress though man keep it up!
Thanks Dennis, I tried constructing these heads more, the first I tried to push it in terms of building it like a house. Going to try and construct more in imaginative stuff too. I think it can really help straighten things out. going to try and construct more with the next set of faces.

Race sketches and the two last ones are just some pretty bad imagination sketches. (first pic is same drawing of course, just wanted to show the lines and under work)

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They are definitely a lot better construction wise, keep pushing it!

Jones what can i say... But you are great example of hard work.. You keep working hard not matter what.... Your name will be in the pages of history...

Hey dude, looking good, after you did those construction studies your faces are already looking better. Just to mention in your grayscale images you are not going into the darker values you have medium and light but very little dark, pushing your value range on your characters will really make your images 'pop' . Great to see your progress and hard work, keep pushing it man!

Nice progression man, Dennis gave a prity awesome crit, i think hitting the construction and getting a feel for forms will help you alot. Try doing some still life studies too of simple objects to get a feel for how shapes and forms are affected by light.
Stay at it man, your doing great.

Hard work and nice progress. I second Dennis, getting hold of the proper form is the most importan of fundamentals.

Keep up the good work. Looking forward to see you progress. :)

Atrner - Thank's :) and yes they look better then before, but I've got to work on construction a bit more.

M-rahsart - haha thanks Man, but I should be pushing it to work longer and harder every day.

Jonhop - Thanks for the suggestion Man, I kept it in mind for the knight, tried to push the darker values a bit and I could definitely felt it helped make area's pop, I may have been able to push it even further though.

Warburton - Thank's Warburton, Still got to practice construction, and try getting it right. Will get to some still life's soon to.

Piotr Jasielski - Thanks Man, gotta get form down!


Today, another set of faces with (not very good) construction, I was having trouble feeling comfortable while drawing, I did a little doodle of how I've been holding the stylus. trying to figure out what's best for my hand and drawing.

African American Faces this time didn't bother to clean up much, knight sketch about 2 hour's, armor was giving me issues might 'finish' it later and a page of sketches, trying to be more loose.

More imagination stuff for awhile, got to have a good balance between studying and application/imagination.

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Your doing good xd. Focus a bit more on anatomy and proportions. Maybe some still lifes would help. Your values are getting better. Good work xd

Ramalooke - those are some things I really gotta get to again, thanks for the comment :)


Today was all about construction & planes. first pic is a study from Loomis, pretty messy and ugly but I could tell the following things looked a bit more 'sturdy' because of it. rest is just imagination stuff trying it out and using more construction throughout.

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How can follow up after all this awesome advice..

I think the construction practise and drawing in general is most beneficial now.
color can come later.
Good idea by the way to turn the loomis heads into something imaginary afterwards!

Thanks for the comment Lumens, & yeah been getting a ton of good advice!

So here's today's stuff, Environment assignment was brutal, just had so many problems. Looking forward to class to learn from it though. A weird sketch as a break, and a practice 'test' with no ref's, trying to see where I'm at, and what I need to improve. Eye's seem to be giving me a lot of issues. (just look how small that one females eyes are...cant believe i missed that lol)

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apocalyptic guy sketch, felt I don't understand armor/metal well enough so there'ss a study, and some imagination armor sketches trying to apply, another pretty bad environment sketch too.

I'm not really happy with my general rendering/painting of things, Trying to Experiment with softer brushes.
Going to try an 'finish' some more things soon, too many sketches lately.

Any suggestions are welcome as always.

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Wow, values keep getting better and better! One thing I see a lot with your heads is the top of the skulls seem to be mostly cone shaped and very narrow, try and keep that in mind for your next set of heads. Just keep it going mostly. I can see there's no stopping you so 'keep going' doesn't need to be said!

You might want to try an extra long study, where you just see where you lack the technical ability to be able to copy exactly. I think you might be doing to many quick ones. Maybe i'm just judging wrong though xD. Keep up the great work though


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