Sketchbook: Version 1.5
darktiste - Thanks for your thorough words. A lot of it is a therapeutic exercise. To be able to wind down after work and gain some solace. Also to be able vent and exhaust some frustrations. I understand what you're saying about learning anatomy through paint. But, on the contrary, is it not okay to use the medium you wish to pursue to learn? After all I feel I am getting used to using oils now. I feel I'm developing with it already. However, I only have a limited time to do art. So, it should also be fun. I'm not banking on making a living from this. It's more for fun and self pleasure. So, development and improvement will be a lot slower. I have family and work.

cgmythology - Thank you! I've not really found a style yet as I'm still experimenting. But, I do like things dark and painterly/sketchy.

Thank for your comments folks! It's much appreciated.


Ok here's some progress shots of a painting I'm working on. I'm doing this for someone as they saw some of my work. It's on A2 canvas and is oil paints...still a work in progress.

Oh...I also got me a replica skull for "life" studies. I'm using him for reference here for lighting only. His name is Samael.

Only a little update here. Things have been really busy in life recently. I've been playing around with some watercolours and really enjoying them. Tried some TMNT for the fun of it.

I still don't really know what direction to go in. But, having fun none the less. I really should do actual studies more...

I was one of those people who thinks "well, before I start doing this I should read 7 instructional books and watch 29 hours of videos." But now I realize just jumping in and looking for answers when you need them is much better. It is more fun and you have a lot of practice.

I remember an interview with Slash. He wanted to play the guitar so much that he bought a used accoustic guitar with two strings (that was all he could afford). But he said: "I rocked that guitar"

I think you're in the right direction: playing around and having fun. If Slash can become Slash with a two-string guitar, you can learn watercolor by painting TMNT :)
Using different medium is about exploration nothing wrong with staying in your lane.Maybe one day you will find someone who use other medium you like and be inspired to try.If you do this for fun absolutely keep it fun that not up to me to define that word.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Nice work with the turtles, solidly drawn and the initial shading looks solid. Are you planning on finishing it?

serdar - Thanks. Ha, yeah. It just goes to show that you have the potential to do great things with the tools that you have. In Slash's case anyway. 

darktiste - Thanks for dropping by again. It's much appreciated. I would really love to get into digital painting again. I still have my intuos, but my computer is very much broken. The GPU got fried. RIP. I've been looking at a tablet with stylus, I've tried finger painting on my current tablet and I'm terrible with it. Traditional mediums are much more accessible to me right now. Also, much more convenient.

cgmythology - Thanks so much. I do love me some TMNT. I kinda grew up with them. Ha, the 1990 film was the first film I saw at the cinema. I was 6 years old (yeah, I'm that old) and my mother came out saying "That was way too dark for children!" Ha, I loved it. Anyway, I doubt I'll finish these as they were just a play around with watercolours. I might do something in the future if I ever improve.


Ok, so, as it seems I've been doing a lot of skulls (I really do love drawing them). I decided to work portraiture. Kind of makes sense as it seems the next logical step. Then I think I will build anatomy from there. I feel like i need some study structure. Again, I'm not hoping for a career in this at my age in life. Would just like to improve as I can as my free time allows. Also keeping it fun.

I've been looking at the Loomis method last night, and as you may see, something clicked when I started watching Proko on the fourth page. Here's some pages from what I call "The Shitbook" (two sketchbooks, with one that allows no care as whether it's good or not)

I'll shut up now. Gawd, I can go on....

Some studies from last night. I really wish I had a scanner...


Last night's, before bed...



Gone digital here. I have borrowed an android tablet from my father as my computer has fried. RIP. I know I said I'd like to stay more traditional, but you know, things change. I downloaded Sketchbook from the play store and finger painted some head construction. I don't have a pen for this. The top row was painted, the bottom row was duplicated layers and transformed. 

I really want an iPad with the apple pencil now. Had a lot of fun doing these. I'll try something further tomorrow probably. Also, sorry for posting one image at a time. It's keeping me motivated.


Maybe you could do a traditional only day once per week or 1 week of only traditional per month just to have something to look foward and remember your root once in a while. Traditional skill don't directly translate to digital it still a new tool the sensitivity in particular so new muscle memory need to be drill into them.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
darktiste - On the contrary, traditional work translates very well to digital. People who have worked traditionally in the past make the change to digital far easier than someone going to digital from the beginning. I remember the days of and the pros there at that time swore by learning traditional first. 

I will definitely be doing more traditional work than digital for the time being to level up those skills. Especially pencils, at least. It's drawing I feel I need to concentrate on.


Here's Spawn I did for fun last night. Granted, it's an attempt at copying from issue 21.

i didn't mean it as you probably understood it.I was saying there is still a gap of control between the two medium but yet it better to go from trad to digi than the other way around because when you go digi you got way more none destructive way to draw when you draw you have to think a little more when you taking risk.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
I really like how you drawing in traditional medium especially on doing painting. It will translate well when doing digitally later. I also feel doing traditional really helps me more confident on my drawing even though I used to draw digitally.

Keep doing those traditional as long as you having fun and enjoy. That's the most important







I see you've been busy! I think focusing in on drawing and construction will definitely be beneficial, so it's great to see you really tackling those studies. Loving the Spawn sketches as well, great character and Todd is a great artist to study from!

darktiste - Ahhh I'm with you. Sorry, I misinterpreted your text. My bad

cicakkia - Thanks for dropping by and your comment. I'm starting to feel like I really want to beef up my pencils right now. I do like like painting traditionally, especially playing with oils. It's the clean up after that feels like a major chore.

cgmythology - Thanks again! Yep, construction is a must at this stage. So that's what I've decided to work on. Wanting to push forward now.

I love Spawn! I've pulled all my comics from the loft to look through and gain some knowledge.


Heres some stuff from last night. 2 pages of study, construction and gesture (They're terrible), Finished my oil painting and something just for fun.


Some more from last night >>>

A bit more from last night. Warm up with How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way and decided to try another Spawn after McFarlane.

I'm hugely influenced by comics right now. I've been watching David Finch's videos extensively and I think it's a direction I'd like to travel. Let's see what happens.

I didn't get much time to do much last night. So, only a bit of work on Spawn.

A bit more last night. Then tried sketching out a Batman along to one of David Finch's streams.

Update...A little bit of Loomis, Bridgman and a screen grab study.


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