The Velvet Revolvers
@Jeso; I really like those new sketches you did. It's coming along nicely :).

@Jeso; I also have workstation, but experience some problems with my wrist. I might try to do too much detailing on it, which causes the wrist to strain in weird angles. But something to keep it mind :). It is a pleasant angle to work on stuff though.

Here a little something. I found out a new watercolour technique were you first layer in one colour, most of the time the shading colour and than go over it and add the other layers. So I did that with a portrait, first yellow than adding the blue and the red. I think the yellow is too dark at some places, but I think this might work to avoid the muddy skintones I usually get. Portrait is traced from the Micheal Hampton book, just wanted to focus on the painting.

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Great stuff eyliana, leaps and bounds ahead of your previous stuff. Guessing that is a description of wet in wet mixing ?
@ jeso, I was so looking out for a cc entry from you this time man.

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Nope, quite the opposite. You wait for each layer to dry and then add another. Since paint usually is usually a lot darker then when it is dry, it is easier to judge. And at the same time you can decide if you like want warmer or colder tones in different areas. I guess it takes longer, but you have way more control.

Wet in wet is what I did on the top with the blue and purple background. Since everything is wet you don't have control (or not much) in which direction the colors are going to blend. Depends on the amount of water, but also on the colours. Some colours are stronger then others.
I used to do a lot of wet-in-wet on portraits, but it is hard and more difficult to obtain the right shapes since everything blends smoothly together.

(04-17-2016, 04:15 AM)Amit Dutta Wrote: @ jeso, I was so looking out for a cc entry from you this time man.

Hey Amit! Thanks for passing through. I thought about joining. But my life some shitty mess right now haha. I'm moving to Japan soon. Got a job, non art related, but that's okay. It was my dream to move to Japan one day, check that off the bucket list. From now on, and this will probably be for quiet a while, I will only do my own shit as far as art goes. Little bit of practice here and there, lots personal pieces, lots of fan art, try to find my own style, and enjoy life a little bit. 

: D  I'm always keeping an eye on that CC of yours man, dont be surprise if I pop on one of them in the future!

Peace out!

Jeso:Hey congrats on moving to japan dude, always wanted to visit or move there it looks like a great place to live.

trying to improve my linework, i'm hoping I can do the dynamic sketching course at cgacademy at some point, probbly won't be for a while though it's way to expensive for me currently.

And more perspective work, it's becoming more difficult since a lot of the later stuff is relying more on ellipses, plus a lot of these are becoming more complex with how many construction lines i'm having to put down which is getting confusing, suppose it's something you get used to though.

Hey folks, trying to get back into this, I am sorry for the long delay and disappearing.

Life has taken some crazy turns the last few months and is finally starting to feel more stable. With IMC coming up really soon, I am focusing on Master Copies for now.

This is my third Anders Zorn study, any feedback is welcome. A weakness still seems to be edge control, I am hoping that would improve ether with more time spent on the image, or more brush control practice?

Painted on a Surface Pro 2 with Clip Studio Paint.

[Image: cf0b3O2.jpg]

A video game artist for ~2 decades I like to design model & animate characters + study traditional drawing painting & sculpting

Please follow me on Instagram or Facebook

Hey guys, glad you guys going strong! Don't stop posting!
Trigger- It seems now you need to really practice those smooth strokes with your pens! You have really come far with those undersketches.

Bot- Very nice painting, again something that reoccurs in your studies is inconsistency with saturation and contrast. but very very nice structure!

plein air cave on surface...

My first attempt at a "Plein Air" painting while visiting San Gregorio Beach today with my family.

Painted on a Surface Pro 2 with Clip Studio Paint.

[Image: tf0vIat.jpg]plein air cave on surface...

A video game artist for ~2 decades I like to design model & animate characters + study traditional drawing painting & sculpting

Please follow me on Instagram or Facebook

(05-05-2016, 11:18 AM)Jeso Wrote: Hey guys, glad you guys going strong! Don't stop posting!
Trigger- It seems now you need to really practice those smooth strokes with your pens! You have really come far with those undersketches.

Bot- Very nice painting, again something that reoccurs in your studies is inconsistency with saturation and contrast. but very very nice structure!

Good observation, thanks for the feedback Jeso.

A video game artist for ~2 decades I like to design model & animate characters + study traditional drawing painting & sculpting

Please follow me on Instagram or Facebook

Still here, still fighting. Worked on this portrait last weekend, just pencil shading to try to get a better understanding of the volumes of the face. It's still not perfect, but it is getting better.

Not sure why the forum rotates the portrait though..

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(05-08-2016, 10:53 PM)Eyliana Wrote: Still here, still fighting. Worked on this portrait last weekend, just pencil shading to try to get a better understanding of the volumes of the face. It's still not perfect, but it is getting better.

Not sure why the forum rotates the portrait though..

You have come long very well, looks great.

A video game artist for ~2 decades I like to design model & animate characters + study traditional drawing painting & sculpting

Please follow me on Instagram or Facebook

This is my fourth Anders Zorn study, any feedback is welcome.

For this study I painted in greyscale first and then added color over top.  Once again the saturation in my shadows seems to have deserted me. I used the method demonstrated by Stanley Lau in his recent “How to add colors to greyscale”.

Created in Photoshop on a CIntiq Hybrid connected to a Mac.

[Image: bTjCulj.jpg]

A video game artist for ~2 decades I like to design model & animate characters + study traditional drawing painting & sculpting

Please follow me on Instagram or Facebook

Sorry for not updating in a while guys, never ended up moving, won't get into the details but the new landlord was trying to con us -____-.

In better news i've finally got a new tablet, intuos 4.

Artistebot:Nice work dude these are getting better, there seems to be a slight yellowish(I think it's yellow not entirely sure) tone that you missed on the foreground and background sculptures. These are looking great though, just slight things off here and there. Keep it up :).

Alright updates, I packed away my scanner for the move so I need to dig it up again in the next few days.
Here's an update on the blender model and more perspective work, first was an experiment with atmospheric perspective and the other was a perspective study.

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Bot- I like what im seeing bro ! :D Nice attention to negative space

Trigger- Is that blender? :p Nice little house you drew there. No critiques there. And cool atmospheric perspective exercise! You understand now how values need to be darker the closer they are. Now apply it to something more challenging than blobs! Maybe draw a house in the fore ground, some shapes on the middle ground, and a house on the background, combine your structural perspective with atmospheric. Or something like that. :)

Keep it up guys!

Im back mofos, lets keep this going again yeah?

Some spidey study, and heads from imagination!
Plus crimson crucible entry!

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Good to have you back mate. If you keep it up I'll promote the group :P

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
(10-31-2016, 08:22 PM)Amit Dutta Wrote: Good to have you back mate. If you keep it up I'll promote the group :P

I plan to brother, I hope a few new souls find this place and decide to join.

Alright folks so here is the deal, im planning on making a series of paintings, like Dave did with the turtles, so i want to draw a series of Spider-men. I really love spider man, so i figured, it'd be pretty fun. So imma do a shit load of spidey studies, poses, costume materials and what not.

Here is stuff from today.

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Morning Study

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Hey man, figured this group was dead for good glad to see it back :).
Nice work on the Spidey stuff, I can't see anything in particular I could crit but I think it'd be worthwhile to do some good clothing studies on whatever Spidey's suit is made from, from the sounds of it you're planning a bunch of fully finished paintings so I think getting that down perfectly would seriously help.

Not gonna move over everything from my last sketchbook post but I wanted to get some thoughts on these eyebrows studies as i'm having a lot of trouble trying to get them looking natural in my paintings and w.i.p of a 14 day challenge head, really trying to make sure I can get the planes right on this.


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