Sula's Sketchbook
Beautiful, Sula. You capture so much emotion and drama with the simple shapes.
@Pearwood: <3

So, I was going to not update, but I remember I am bound to show failures too
Also, I feel bad for not updating. Feels like I have not been doing my work.

[Image: Enviro-22.jpg]
[Image: Enviro-23.jpg]

While i am against you feeling bad in any way I am happy you show us your stuff, even when you are not happy with it. I actually love the upper one. The wet floor and the itneresting architecture are nice. The lower one has not enough substance for my taste - and the colors are a bit cheesy. ;)
Glad you share your stuff with us!!!!!!

That color script looks awesome, that's a really cool idea! I'm going to try that one, looks like way too much fun. Keep kickin butt

@Wolken: <3 You're too good to me man. Thanks <3 And yep, I had some bad days along the way haha
@Pnate: thanks man :D It was very fun to do.

Today's enviro, I have the feeling it was inspired by Chritophe Vacher's
I should have studied it first. Oh well. :p Have to try again now.

[Image: Enviro-24.jpg]

Embraced by the light.
Very nice.
I like how you have the focus on that little house and the rest looses contrast when it goes higher. If i can add some personal experience i made. I live near the alps and can see the mounains on clear days. While the contrast gets lesser and lesser in the distance and you sometimes have problems to seperate sky and moutnains the edges keep clear. In your picture the edges get kinds fuzzy - maybe better let let the colors and values approach the background but keep clear edges.

@Pearwood: this spotlighting thing is fascinating <3
@Wolken: woot :D Thanks for the awesome feedback! I was supposed to test it today, but I was distracted by the copics.

Official beauty shot (lol) of the sketching today.
[Image: SB-249.jpg]

Argh, its only been a month and you are killing these environments. Why do you have to make me feel bad for not following you and getting awesome :(. K you've done it, environment a day starting tomorrow!

@ImSkeptical: I confess the first few weeks were pretty desperating. But hey, I seem to be getting somewhere with this :D So it works! hoho

[Image: Enviro-25.jpg]

Some angst-y sketching for when your enviro doesn't turn out good :p
[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-79.jpg]

awesome colors and mood , i can see all of those painting drama exercises paying off.
also i see bridgeman in those hands . wonderful work.

The lit house enviro is THE perfect example for "how to successfully create a strong focus point"!

But I could swear that it was raining in that last enviro when I saw it in my rss reader earlier... and now it isn't. *scratches her head* A small figure somewhere could help to show scale... right now it could be anything from medium sized to huge.

Oh, and nice portrait, as always :)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Really nice work here ! :)

Love the portrait on post #1048 ! :D

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(04-08-2014, 04:52 PM)Ursula Dorada Wrote: Some angst-y sketching for when your enviro doesn't turn out good :p
[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-79.jpg]

Holy Pummeluff, i love that face ;O

can i name it? ill call her lady Van Gogh

Workshop enthusiast
Workshop blog
This enviro-piece is a killer. Love the colors :-)
So much good work lately sula! The female warrior piece is amazing subtle yet strong, really solid!

Really like your enviros! You know how put light on objects and this looks amazing.

@Foxfire: thanks <3
@Lyraina: Thank you! And haha I have been back and fort with the rain effect myself. I think it has something to do with the vertical brushstrokes - I need to be careful with that on the next one.
@ShinOkami: thank you :D
@Nimao: thaaanks :hug:
@MrToodles: haha yep! Name accepted
@Construction: thanks <3
@BlewzenL <3 Thank you! yay!
@Protsenko: Thank you <3

I am flying under the radar with client stuff again, so less updated here. Except Chris Oatley's assignments for PD2 this week! I have a skull-a-day assignment for the next 4 weeks, and 3 portraits for this week. Here is the first skull:
[Image: SB-250.jpg]

It's actually a while since I have drawn a skull, is it weird I was almost overwhelmed by all the plane shifts? This is going to be an interesting exercise.


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