Pnate's Almost Daily Sketchbook
Think I'm done...going to move on!
[Image: is5Nqca.jpg]

This last piece is awesome! Some solid rendering here! I know it's a small detail but I think it would be really cool to see the Whip go behind that front leg Looks flat against it, atm.

She's Beautiful. :)

Very clean drawing Nate. It looks like you love Brunettes!. :D
The background of grey & white looks very the ones photographers use in nude photo shoots. :D

Wow! Wonderful char design, pnate :)

You kick ass at painting faces!!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Really awesome sketchbook dude, your faces are spot on! Keep it up :)

(And thanks for the kind words over at my sketchbook <3)

Wow, dat last piece...

such control

much cleanness

I find your process extremely interesting, you really control that smudge/extra soft brush.

Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
TylerDonnelly - hey thanks man! Yeah that does look a bit weird huh? They are a little too similar in value. I may go and fix that, thanks for the heads up!

Prabu - Thanks Prabu! haha I guess I do...or I really need to do some more of those blonde studies

thanks smrrfetteeeee :)

thanks much Art.ful <3

Doolio - I read that in doge voice hehe. thanks for comin by! edge control always be kickin my butt

[Image: VtzXArd.jpg]

last character design was awesome, and the sketch came out quite nice, are you doing to render it more or?

Sketchbook | Deviantart | Blog

"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
Thanks Egbu! I think I'll refine it a bit more yeah :)

meh studies
[Image: CBiJPcX.jpg]
[Image: OwFBXM6.jpg]

Heey mate. I see that you are killing it recently =D really awesome stuff! Character with a whip couple post above I my personal favorite. You did a great job ;). Also watch out with soft brush. I've been in fuzzy planet with my work and it's not something you'd like to fall into ;) Keep rockin'!

Some great work in here, I really like the sketch of the hooded character, hope you take it further!
Maaaan, every time I visit your SB you've done a bunch of new seriously cool paintings and sketches! Where do you take all those ideas from?

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
You and your women never cease to amaze me, haha. The girl with the whip is really great, especially the face.

Loving the new finished work! Somehow you are getting even better! ( is that even possible at your level ?!? haha)

great work as always! i really like the simple comps especially. wikipaintings looks interesting

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
such edges in the last one, really really good!

Razor sharp stuff mate, keep it up.

thanks rama! Yeah I've got to be careful with that soft brush. I tend to overuse it cause it's so smoooothhh. I want to master it like the greats, but maybe some more smudge would be useful? more experimenting needed

thank you pugsloth :) Should be done soon

Lyrainaaa, thanks again. I feel like my ideas are pretty generic :/ but I try! A lot of times I'll just attack with random texture brushes to get it started and sometimes stuff comes out of it if I'm lucky.

Archreux - Hey will! Thanks man

TonariNoPunpun - Thank you! Much further to go! onwarddd

aks9 - wikipaintings is pretty awesome! I'm surprised I hadn't heard of it until recently, it's a great resource

EduardoGaray - thanks Eduardo :)

crackedskull - thanks mannnn, "razor sharp" nice one :) Anyone know why those titles under our names change sometimes?

bone shield
[Image: Yp6dSDW.jpg]
[Image: zncTJ3z.jpg]
rough idea
[Image: Gby8QsO.jpg]

Yeah, for sure, these newest ones are leagues ahead of what you were doing before. Even though the process doesn't seem too much different.
Keep doing what you're doing here and it'll be golden! :)

There is usually more on my blog...

thanks much matkaminski!

still fairly rough but I'm going to move on
[Image: sJyJ4tZ.jpg]
raven kings
[Image: JlYQwqa.jpg]
[Image: mL7LIQp.jpg]


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