06-10-2014, 02:27 AM
Monochromatic still life

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Tristan's sketchbook
06-11-2014, 10:17 AM
Decided to make one of these. It will start up in a few weeks. I'm going to try and relax, have some fun and just dance around in my underwear for a few days after I graduate (it's on friday BTW). Want a short vacation where I just do whatever for a while. But soon after that I'll get this going. This is not a set in stone schedule and it can (probably will) change to better adapt to how I want to learn. I'll also try and allow myself some time every now and again to go, and have some fun, be with friends and that kind of stuff. Part of my new Deathline will be to break through my social anxiety (I have really good social skills but I just get nervous and avoid talking to new people) so getting out and talking to new people will probably help that. But yeah. Here's my CRIMSON SCHEDULE! ![]()
Discord - JetJaguar#8954
06-12-2014, 08:11 AM
Great work buddy! THe only thing I'd say is don't forget to push some of your studies a little further into rendering :) Keep it up!
06-13-2014, 01:31 AM
Thanks Lâle, will do! These studies where mostly to block in light but I suppose it would be more efficient to also study how I render things.
I was going to do this one well but the light was changing sooooo much while painting this that I just gave up. Will now do all my still life paintings before 4 so the light is consistent.
Discord - JetJaguar#8954
06-13-2014, 08:06 AM
Great studies, you're really starting to get those values pinned down. I agree with LaleAnn on pushing them a bit more, one thing that particularly stands out is the edge transitions. The brushwork does look really energetic and textured (particularly on your imaginative work on the prior pages) but at times it can sort of disrupt soft edge transitions. I think it is more an issue of developing control, and perhaps picking more values/colours so you can work the transitions and subtle light effects in.
A little thing that might make still life studies easier, if it is a viable option for you, is to do them in a room with a north-facing window. There is a more consistent light that way, though I know it isn't an option for everyone. Also, keep working at watching out for the bounce light in those studies! All in all, great work, keep it up.
06-14-2014, 10:06 PM
Hey, thanks man! Will be working on all that jazz. Sadly my home is designed to get as much direct light as possible so the best I can do is a west facing window that allows me consistent light for most part of the day, however in the afternoon it changes.
So I just graduated and now I'll have a short vacation before getting into my schedule. Will still be studying daily, just not as much. Here are some bad hand drawings ![]()
Discord - JetJaguar#8954
06-15-2014, 06:28 PM
hey Tristan,
I checked your DA portfolio and I really love some of the characters, especially arrow head. It seems like you already came a long way and going to SARA I am sure will benefit you a lot. I am actually kinda envious of all the people I here going to ateliers like that :D Keep it up
06-17-2014, 12:50 AM
Hey thanks man! Yeah SARA seems like a very cool place but I'm cooling on going there. It's expensive and I feel like I'd be able to do just as well by myself. However if it looks like I'm not progressing as I want in a year then I'll just suck up and spend the money to go there.
Oh well. For the spitpaint group, The Crow God ![]()
Discord - JetJaguar#8954
06-18-2014, 07:51 AM
Hey great sketchbook! Your studies are awesome, keep them up and I really like your animations and the one knight with the white cloak on white background ;)
What I would suggest is to make a couple of longer studies to practice color, form and textures. :)
06-18-2014, 09:49 PM
Hey thanks, man.
Right now I'm trying to focus on light and form to get a better sense of construction in objects. Will be doing longer studies in the future. Apple study. 2 hours. ![]()
Discord - JetJaguar#8954
06-19-2014, 04:09 AM
Hey tristan, thanks for stoppin by my sketchbook. This recent still life is looking great along with your other works. At a glance I think your values need to be pushed a bit more as to translate the form. moarr!
06-20-2014, 12:14 AM
Hey thanks, man! Yup, will be getting a better grip on values
Some figures... Damn, this method of sketching is really fun... ![]()
Discord - JetJaguar#8954
06-20-2014, 07:21 PM
Good morning!
Got some figures done. Gonna make some lunch and then we'll se what happens for the rest of the day.. ![]()
Discord - JetJaguar#8954
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