Marjorie's sketches
(08-07-2013, 02:31 PM)atrenr Wrote: First time in here, you've got some very nice stuff! You've got some very nice poses in that last post. Keep 'em coming!

Thank you! I sure will! ^^

Cool stuff, I'm fond of the those sketchbook drawings and that one girl with the purple hair/red eyes, cool colors. :]

Thank ya kindly Archreux ^^

Nice stuff in here! more more more!

heres what i've been painting in my livestreams lately
[Image: TnQOcOz.png]

annnnd a closer shot .....still need to finish up his clothes and legs areas
[Image: ZKBLk9s.jpg]

Cool image. I know you are still working on the clothing, but the folds are a bit odd to me at present, almost like a loaded diaper. You may also consider pushing the values on the character, particularly in the armpit, but I like where this is headed.

Keep it up!

(08-09-2013, 02:17 PM)brianjohnson Wrote: Cool image. I know you are still working on the clothing, but the folds are a bit odd to me at present, almost like a loaded diaper. You may also consider pushing the values on the character, particularly in the armpit, but I like where this is headed.

Keep it up!

thanks man for the crit, its very much appreciated!
I've been having a bit of trouble with his clothes, so I totally agree with you on that!
and I shall fix the armpit thing also (can't believe I overlooked that) ^^;

Wow! Dat background. I can see the rendering you do on your characters is not nearly as elaborate as the one you do on bakgrounds, that makes it look a bit awkward, but still, nice stuff! Keep up the good work and studies!

(08-09-2013, 02:45 PM)Rognoll Wrote: Wow! Dat background. I can see the rendering you do on your characters is not nearly as elaborate as the one you do on bakgrounds, that makes it look a bit awkward, but still, nice stuff! Keep up the good work and studies!

Thanks, rognoll! Yes, the background is a bit over rendered and too sharp. I will be softening and blurring out details in order to bring the focus on the character later. the usual way I paint is sharp then i go back and soften it up a bit. I find it hard for me to work with a soft brush and make the hard sharp bits later... so I work a bit backwards lol ^^ as for the character I gonna punch up his detail and contrast majorly.

a quick sketch from imagination (I wish I had that spongebob gif to go here lol)
[Image: vWrSjjo.jpg]

a character design done for a friend not long ago....
[Image: k3Hqis4.jpg]

and this is from a personal project
[Image: rbfmJ97.jpg]

Great works Marjoriedavis!
Only crits I can offer is that you may want to add more contrast to characters
Also when doing characters in environments keep in mind that they are actually there, apply the lighting until you get that feel that the character is indeed in the environment.
Also, awesome sketches :)

Thank everyone for the critiques! I shall be putting 'em to use! ^^

this evenings study progress...
albums listened to death cab for cutie's plans and metronomy's english riviera.[Image: 5Gt6yVt.png]
[Image: TdsewR3.png]
[Image: SjJui4p.png]
[Image: MjUGCK4.jpg]

Nice sketchbook you have here. Keep pushing, I'll be watchin' ya xD

^^^ what he said. Very nice stuff going on. I really liked the girl portrait on the first page with the splashes of color - a very cool look you explored there. Personally I'ld love to see more stuff like that!

Also those most recent characters are nice too.

Steve Anthony Pierce
CD Sketchbook | Artstation | Instagram | Blog | Twitter | DA | Facebook
Thank y'all!! I appreciate it!
I'll keep pushing myself to do better and post here as much as possible ^^

heres a warm up one figure reff'd and the others are from my mind as well as the clothing.
[Image: 1zGxSfi.jpg]

annnnd with this one i'm trying to find a good composition for my next illustration
[Image: dbZXCki.jpg]

just playing around with stuff
[Image: 9CTXaQR.jpg]

felt like I needed to remind myself of how to construct noses... I've been sick lately and man i feel like every time i get sick i forget how to draw anything and everything lol
[Image: DqUScrB.jpg]

[Image: WLfl1lc.jpg]

Great sketchbook, I reallllllllllllly like this one

Lots of good stuff in your sketchbook, I'll make sure to come by regularly!

whoa strong sketchbook
love the pencil drawings with the white


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