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Congrats for sticking with your challenges and completing them! They look great, especially the landscape master studies and the last few still life's! I don't really have anything to suggest or add, just keep going onto the next challenge : )
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@crackedskull Yeah, they are fun to do, though sometimes it's hard to find an object after you done a few :P
@JyonnyNovice Thanks! :D
I'm continueing my 21 Days challenges. I'm going to study the Scott Robertson how to draw book.
Started 2 days ago. I'm doing these traditionally.
Sorry for the bad photoquality :(
SR Day 1/21
SR Day 2/21
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Nice studies! I need to pick up a book like that; really really need to work on my environment/background work.
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Daaaaaaaamn, BrushNoirrrrrrr 0_0 Fantastic work on the H2D studies man---!!
Seeing all this hardwork makes me feel like a lazy mofo
Great stuff, keep it up and don't forget to apply
sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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So many great studies! :D Keep truckin'!
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Love the perspective and Hampton studies! Are the perspective ones free hand or with a ruler?
Keep it up!
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@Arapersonica Thank you! :D
@Eyliana Most of them are freehand, some with a ruler, just because I could not keep the lines apart :p
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hey man, great work on how to draw, your little diagrams and drawings are so clean looking which is really hard for that stuff! Even if you're not into the vehicle stuff, I'd really urge you to work through those parts since it's practical application of all the stuff in the book - especially the orthographic stuff, it's great for designing all sorts of things not just vehicles.
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@jyonny thanks! And ye I know but at this point I could not do it. When I grow more balls I will do them ;)
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Awesome sketchbook BrushNoir! I love your paint studies and still live studies - really well done. Also, the perspective studies look really interesting. Looking forward to seeing you apply then to a painting maybe - keep up the awesomeness mate!
“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.
CD Sketchbook
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Quote:@jyonny thanks! And ye I know but at this point I could not do it. When I grow more balls I will do them ;)
No way dude, the way you killed those exercises using just a ball point! they are so solid, you'd do the vehicles amazing!
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I agree with Jyonny here! The lineowrk on the perspective is good, it is not messy and since most of it is freehand, I think you have a good understanding on how perspective and shapes work. And the view more complicated sketches you did, could be simple vehicles. I think you'll do more than fine :)
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I agree with Jyonny and Eyliana - awesome linework on S.Robertson's book, and I think applying those studies by designing some artifitial stuff (like architecture, vehicles etc.) would help to draw biological objects (like people, animals) better. It's the way my brain works, that is why I'm going to finish that book as well as the second book, "How to render". But it might be that you are a more intuitive person and don't need it as much as I do :)
Did you use perspective grids as underlay constructing all this How-to-draw stuff?
I looked through Hampton's book recently, I like his approach! Your Hampton studies are awesome, too!
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@Artloader Thanks alot dude, much appreciate it.
@Jyonny and Eyliana You convinced me, I'll be doing them and finish up the book after hampton!
@Neopatogen Thanks! Yeah applying them would probably be on vehicles and architecture. Though to keep it in my ally I try to do them intuitively just to try and keep things loose ^^.
Day 20/21
Day 21/21
Day 22/21
Day 23/21
Day 24/21
I continue my dallies till I finish both books Hampton and Scott's. I was thinking about setting up a stream when doing these studies or any drawing/painting related subjects. With the idea of getting some crits en tips or even give some as much as I could. Would any of you be interested?
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Small update.
Hampton 25-27
Took a little break from hampton since I caught myself doing studies only, so now I started an personal practise project. This project is basically a magic card. I found a description and started it. Here is my progress so far.
Studies (lol...)
These are from Proko anatomy (will do more in the future)
I figured out that I have the 'flat face virus', so I'm working hard on that to fix it lol
Some lame sketches
With a basic idea after these sketches I started my line drawing. This is what I got, still WIP
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Great studies. I'm glad to see more and more daggers are doing real studies not only random paintings.
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Awesome studies, and it's great that you applied it! Hope to see more progress of your WIP, the drawing looks very interesting.
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Hi Brush! The initial sketches look wonderful. Not really a critique (since it's too early in the stage to tell and you might have the same reservations as I do), but more of a reminder of sorts... or advice... or both!
An old artist I know imparted this old adage that went like: "If you're going to focus your work on something, work on these three things: the face and the hands... Those are the three things people notice and nitpick almost immediately."
I remember he said three. I'm so much of a dolt that forgot the other one.
Anywho. To my point. Your hands seem to need a little bit of love. Again, I realize it's still in its early stages and for all I know it might just be a placeholder.
I hope you don't mind the quick and crude red-lining.
I suggest pulling out a mirror to get the hand you need for the illustration. Better yet, find a good reference picture. Like a good, slim, lady-like hands, and morph it in such a way it looks like this creature's.
The piece is shaping up well! Looking forward to the progress!
If you are reading this, I most likely just gave you a crappy crit! What I'm basically trying to say is, don't give up!
IG: @thatpuddinhead