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Cool stuff. I really do like the flow you did on the brush :)







I think you'd benefit a bit from simplifying your brush strokes and making them larger and more focused, so I did an example. im not saying the end result should be this flat tiled look, just more to think in this way of simplifying the strokes, using a brush with 100% opacity to lay colors in carefully assigning a color to each plane individually then only if necessary, blending the edges together. IMO if you could indicate that neck with 4 brush strokes, but i see yours used about 12 or so. It ends up looking blurry and sloppy and you sacrifice edge control for a perceived effect of expressiveness.

maybe even try it in greyscale and see if you can manage it, i know how that mindset of texture brush works, it gives you lots of room for error because they can bleed into each other and it looking different may make it seem like that the planes are fitting together, but if you dont get it on a fundamental level, that wont save it. Love to see more and keep on truckin

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70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]

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(05-21-2018, 03:55 PM)cicakkia Wrote: Cool stuff. I really do like the flow you did on the brush :)

Thank you for caring about my Art
(05-22-2018, 12:15 AM)Fedodika Wrote: I think you'd benefit a bit from simplifying your brush strokes and making them larger and more focused, so I did an example. im not saying the end result should be this flat tiled look, just more to think in this way of simplifying the strokes, using a brush with 100% opacity to lay colors in carefully assigning a color to each plane individually then only if necessary, blending the edges together. IMO if you could indicate that neck with 4 brush strokes, but i see yours used about 12 or so. It ends up looking blurry and sloppy and you sacrifice edge control for a perceived effect of expressiveness.

maybe even try it in greyscale and see if you can manage it, i know how that mindset of texture brush works, it gives you lots of room for error because they can bleed into each other and it looking different may make it seem like that the planes are fitting together, but if you dont get it on a fundamental level, that wont save it. Love to see more and keep on truckin

Yeah , evertinh that you said is right. I posted it work ,because of stupidity i knew that is unfinished , there is a lot of mess. I did a new post called - 50Evolution, where i expaine that i am not going to countinue posting shity stuff from now on.  Because everybody can do that , and everybody can post thers so called studies which are no so much than a copy or shity copy.  Thank you ,bro for caring about my progress.
Well it alway a question of is this something you can get feedback on and almost alway the answers is yes so i don't see the benefit of not posting what you think could benefit from a critic.There alway something to learn at each stage of a drawing.Only posting finish work will not help you improve your approch.I remember when you were really against my critic i think it just show that you might have a resistance at showing unfinish work.I just hope you don't let the critic slow your progress.What is important is you push the quality to the best of your ability.

Not posting too sloppy work that you have the ability too improve.The problem is alway too determine what to post and what not to post.It easy to post sloppy study but how do you know it sloppy?That an other big question.You can't only post quality portfolio piece it not gonna help you progress in the study aspect.It also sometime bad to ask for a certain type of critic because you might not spot other problem a piece might have.

You have to practice good judgement.It sometime frustrating too be told that some of your work look sloppy it doesn't mean we should stop posting and only post master piece.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(05-27-2018, 08:24 AM)darktiste Wrote: Well it alway a question of is this something you can get feedback on and almost alway the answers is yes so i don't see the benefit of not posting what you think could benefit from a critic.There alway something to learn at each stage of a drawing.Only posting finish work will not help you improve your approch.I remember when you were really against my critic i think it just show that you might have a resistance at showing unfinish work.I just hope you don't let the critic slow your progress.What is important is you push the quality to the best of your ability.

Not posting too sloppy work that you have the ability too improve.The problem is alway too determine what to post and what not to post.It easy to post sloppy study but how do you know it sloppy?That an other big question.You can't only post quality portfolio piece it not gonna help you progress in the study aspect.It also sometime bad to ask for a certain type of critic because you might not spot other problem a piece might have.

You have to practice good judgement.It sometime frustrating too be told that some of your work look sloppy it doesn't mean we should stop posting and only post master piece.
[quote pid='119154' dateline='1527373455']

Thank you

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52 Process

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not bad!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
I like how those wrinkle show though about light and shadow.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

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55 Rus/Eng

Учусь,рисовать просто. Я чересчур зациклен на отрисовке всего. У меня нет общего и частного. Работам не хватает лёгкости ,которую я хочу получить. Вообще, становлюсь сильнее дальше.


Studying to draw loosely. I am always drawing with too much focus on the everything. I don`t have usually separation between major forms and tiny details . Nevertheless, i won`t give up !

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Nice paintings dude! I love the texture in your brush.

I think you have good skill with value and colour too.

One thing that helps me a lot when painting is to think in terms of big shapes first. Work from big to small.

Hope that helps, please ignore if not.

Keep it going dude!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook



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You gotta spend more time focusing on edges, in the last one all the edges are unclear. My advice for now is to make every edge super sharp, carve out the background around it with the lasso tool so its super crisp. Then go in afterwards and use a blur or a soft brush and fuzz up the edges of things which you want the viewer to look at the least

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]

Training fur

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