Ramalooke's Sketchbook
Christ Ram, awesome updates. I've missed a lot! I really like that Rapoza inspired bald guy, great execution. Hot-ass brush work in the latest post too. Don't hold back your updates, it's not fair towards the world.

The dave rapoza inspired pieces are really great man, as well as the jaime studies!

Sketchbook | Deviantart | Blog

"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
Damnnnnn that is one awesome update! Really nice textural style to the portraits. The cars are looking super sweet and shiny. Can't really crit anything here so good work :D keep it up :)

Thx for dropping by! The grungy brushwork on most recent characters really gives them nice energy. They say it's good to paint with default brushes as long as you can, but hell, you cannot get such effect out of a round photoshop brush.

It's a somewhat solitary existence, a bit like a lighthouse keeper throwing a beam out into the darkness, in faith that this action might help someone unseen.

BombMy Sketchbook (critique welcome)Bomb
Dem cars! How?? Nice portraits as well :) Bring us more awesomeness!

hey man,

wow, just... wow. what an update.

I like all the studies you are doing, especially those noses.

I don't know if you do it already but Anne Pogoda gave me the tip to always do a copy of your study from memory after you've finished from ref. That way your brain is forced to really remember and the information gets solidified.

And I think it is great, that you work on your edges. Working from hard to soft helps to selectively decided about the right edges. At least for me, that is ^^

Keep it up dude.

Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

HOMEPAGE http://floart.weebly.com
really cool this recent stuff! i also abuse of the soft round brush sometimes haha

those cars are awesome! maybe try doing a couple of paintings with the hard round with opacity jitter turned off? O.o then you'll be in hard city :D

I'm enjoying the various studies as well as the sketches done for yourself!
keep it up :)
very cool stuff.that reflection in the cars was probably a bitch to paint lol.Only sort of advice i could give is probably work a bit on composition.Since most stuff is sorta centered character stuff so I'm not really certain but working around the char with something a little extra to sweeten the piece is always a good thing.Keep up the good work .

Aewsome stuff in the last post. Keep it up!

Hey man, thanks for dropping by!

Your'e a beast. Great stuff all around. Makes me veerrry jealous :)

Keep up the great work.

Wtf man!? Where did all this awesome stuff come from?? I need to drop by here more often :p
I think your stuff has moved forward recently, you seem to be breaking down your weaknesses one step at a time! The Jaime Jones studies really benefit your work a lot. I get the impression working in that style seems more fun to you too (could be wrong here of course lol) because the pieces with less soft edges and looser brush strokes seem to carry way more life and energy in them.
And seriously dude, those car pieces are fuckin amazing 0___o I would be super interested in a tutorial or wips on how you do that man style man if you can find the time of course ^ ^
Thanks for sharing as always mate, and much love.

Looking good man1 Specially that last art dump.... and hey doesnt look to me like you are struggling that much with the lady portraits! Just keep doing them!

Amazing update! You just keep getting better! Looking forward to seeing more. I'm a big fan of work where you can still see the brush strokes, I like that you're delving into painting that way, helps give digital that traditional feel. Keep up the great work man!

Awesome sketchbook with a lot of range! Envy :D Love the old knight, so much feel!

Thanks =D

Thank you kind sir <3

I always appreciate when someone post a comment here. Thanks for kind words and yeah. Jaime Jones studies are very beneficial, everyone should give it a shot. Thanks for dropping by. It's always good to see you around ;3

Thanks! Do it!

Thank you :)

Thanks! =D

Hah, I'm glad you like it ;) I'm giving all I got. Gonna try to push myself even more next year. Cheers!

Thanks mate. Cheers!

Heeey. Thanks for kind words ;) I'll try to keep it up and don't dissapoint ;3

Yeah it's true. Custom brushes gives some nice advantage upon standard hard round. But you can paint with anything actually. Just make sure you understand what you're doing. Thanks for comment ;)

Hah xD Those cars were blocked in with 3d and i threw some phototextures and painted on top. Nothing special. Thanks for support. Have big plans for 2014 hope I wont fail =D

I tend to do studies directly on my painting. Cuz little time I have. But I'll try to follow your advice once a while. Saw a bunch of people doing this and I can see it works wonders =D Thanks =D

Thank you ;)

Thanks ;) I'm doing jaime jones studies to destroy my tendency to softness. But yeah, I've noticed I stoped using flow and opaticy options and started to use my tablet presure instead. So yeah I guess I'm moving in to the hard city really soon ;D

Thank you for feedback. You're right. I need to really push my composition and design skills. Gonna attack this subject later next year. I'll try to keep your feedback in mind then. Thanks for dropping by ;)

Thank you ;)

Heey no problem ;) Thanks for comment. I'm doing my best xD

Hey, thanks. It's true those Jaime Jones studies are extremely benifitial. I did like a couple of them and I allready see huge improvements in my brush economy and overall speed. Like really wow. And those cars originally were rough 3d models, i pasted into photoshop, throw some phototextures and painted the rest. I'll ask my client if I'm allowed to show step by step if not I'll try to do in depth tutorial that's show the process. Not sure when. End of the year is really busy period for me. As always Thanks for comments and feedback. It's always good to see you around ;)

Haha thank :D but trust me. I'm struggle quite a bit with making pleasing female faces. It's a pain every time I do them xD

Hey, thanks. I appreciate all the kind wors. Cheers ;)

Hey, thank you ;)

Wow guys. Wow! So much comments =D and I'm gratefull for every kind word and all the feedback. Makes me really pumped and willing to work even harder. It's been a while since my last update. But I was burried under deadlines and christmass preparations. And here's a small dump. I'm still trying to reveal all jaime jones secrets. I must admit I was really suprised how much I've learned by doing these. My speed and brush economy incresed dramatically. I recomend those studies to all of you.

Leaving to my parents house today. So I won't have access to the computer. Gonna read books and draw in my sketchbook. I'll post something when I get a chance. In case I won't be around till 2014 I wish all you guys merry christmass and a happy new year. Keep rockin'!

[Image: jaime3_zpsdf32ca3c.jpg]
[Image: jaime4_zps39252a8a.jpg]
[Image: ninja_brian_fan_zps449deb89.jpg]

Whew, those pieces from work in #175 scream "fast" to me, makes me almost want to hold onto something in case there comes a turn soon or something ;) (Or just get out of the way of that red car!)

Your brushwork is soooo beautiful... those last environments, awesome. And probably only getting better due to your Jaime Jones studies. Maybe I should do some, too.

Anyway, I wish you merry christmas & happy holidays :)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Insane update man, love it ^ ^
Looking forward to these upcoming sketches!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you too man, have a great one! :D

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Mmm, those delicious clouds, and that portrait is awesome!
Happy holidays to you to!

damn...it's awesome sketchbooks, nice studies and portrait.
can't wait to see your sketch


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