Will Warburton's sketchbook
Hey man, I can completely understand how you feel. I may not be in the same living situation as you, but in terms of art, life and where we all want to be, it's something I think a lot of us here can sympathize with. It's not an easy craft to just pick up and learn right off the bat, I think that is what makes it so special, and so discouraging at the same time. Oh how I've thought about just how happy I'd be doing something else, a day job or something else, just working and making money. It can be frustrating having a clear goal in mind, being able to see where you want to be and then looking at where you are now. This is also why it's so easy to find comfort in complacency because of how much much work it truly is to achieve something great and fulfilling. This is also why there aren't billions of billionaire's. Truth is we're all capable of such great whealth and success. We all have the mental, physical and emotional fortitude to make it all happen. We're all human, no one is perfect, there will of course be many times throughout any journey the one will become discouraged, depressed and contemplate other avenues to venture.

In the end it's all about what you know you'd be most happy doing, and how positively it impacts your life, despite obstacles in life. It's never best to dwell on the negatives, is it hard to not do so at times? Hell yes it is hard. We just need to keep pushing (well within healthy means, no one wants arm/wrist problems) and we'll all eventually make it to our end goal, and even more.

Man, I think you've got a great body of work, and the development of it has been great to watch. I'd be sad if you were to leave and stop perusing your goals. Don't give up too soon (easier said than done) but the payoff of which is so amazing it is most definitely worth it. Don't lose the faith, you're capable of anything and everything! :D

Hey mate, i´m actually surprised to see how much i can relate to your situation right now.
The 90% of the people i know IRL are like you say, people who just want a car, a big house, a relationship, usual stuff. And nothing more, no dreams, no ambition, no passion.
Well, even if they are still my friends, i cant respect that.

Just living because you were born, and nothing more, thats not how a human being should live.
You have a dream, an ambition. And more important you have the capacity to make it real!!
And i say it, because, looking at your current work and your evolution, i, in all honestly believe it.

We both just need to work our damn asses off to make it happen.
If your parents dont want you there, i suggest you to either move and take the less exhausting day job you could find or stay in the house working in your art like crazy until you make it or they kick you. But even if you take a dayjob, its not impossible to keep practicing.

I was incredibly inspired when i knew that my favourite comic artist (Stephan Seijc/Nebezial) worked in a rather tough dayjob for 7 years until he became pro.
During that time, he spent night after night drawing relentlessly, he didnt gave up, and i the end succeded.

Anyway, i´m telling you all of this because it would be a fucking waste and it will sadden me to no end if someone like you would ever give up.

Stand strong mate!

Love the rambling text man. Definitely the best way to just unload about this kind of stuff. I definitely know where you're coming from. Being successful just seems such a long way away from here lol. I can totally relate to going "too far down this rabbit hole to turn back now" as well. I can't imagine just saying that I tried and gave up. And can you imagine getting up everyday and working a job you hate, after being so close to this? No chance lol.

Sorry, probably not helping.

I don't know if you've seen this, but check it out. The title's kinda depressing, but he makes some solid points, and I think it kinda relates to what you're talking about. He describes pretty much everyone you meet, just gotta be the exception :).


Recent work looks solid btw, really like the kinda subtle lighting on that last girl. Keep it coming man :D.




its always real interesting to hear other peoples stories, thank you for sharing. i can relate, it definately is easy to take the painless route and even worse have it become a habit. stay away from feeling too comfortable. im loving your work man just keep on working hard, it will pay off and feel great.
Oh, nice colors studies you has here, I liked so much the face colors studies above.
Hey man, your work looks pretty good! I like how you keep pushing even though you're facing some frustrating obstacles, I personally face with some obstacles that sometimes force me to distance myself from art, which sucks since art is the only thing that fills me and motivates me.

Stay strong and keep pushing man, I'm sure things will get better.

You guys are awesome, I can't thank you enough for sharing your thoughts and it's reassuring to hear your going through the same shit (kind of :p).

Archreux - thank man, I agree with your kind words and they mean a lot (genuinely) It's an interesting thought that all people are capable great wealth and success, I used to think something similar, but ive come to think that we all have self destruct buttons inside of us we can't help but press every now and again. It's the reason people watch mind numbing shite on the TV, or lay around procrastinating. We all know it's the wrong thing to do, but we just do it anyway. Humans are weird creatures lol. You also get people like my boss who will NEVER change. I don't think their mentally able to, the old habits are die hard. It's like that dude in the matrix said, after a certain age you can't unplug the person, their minds simply can't comprehend it from the comfy world they've built themselves. (or something along that line ;P)
That being said i'm not going to be giving up anytime soon, i'm gonna keep pushing and see how far I can get this. Thanks a lot again for taking the time to share your thoughts man, it's much appreciated.

EduardoGaray - powerful words dude, and coming from you they mean a lot! It's easy to get caught up In that cycle of the cookie cut life style you mentioned, but when you take a step back and look at this whole thing from a broader perspective and think about how many people their are living in this tiny planet, in an infinite vastness of space which spans on forever where inside black holes there are infinite more galaxies like this one which also span on forever, you soon realise how stupid our perspectives on life are. They are so small and short, so it's truly more important than anything to try and pursue what you love. Money, in the end is paper with numbers printed on it which we have all mutually decided grants us degrees of power and wealth, but no amount of money on the world can buy back your time here on this world. shit I just got deep lol, I hope i didn't just bore the crap out of you lol. Thanks as always man for stopping by, to be honest I probably wouldn't have made it this far without your feedback and support so i'm always grateful your comments.

jake - Na dude, it does help. I completely agree, I think that if I did quit now, and even if I got a new career that was awesome and made me a shit ton of money I would always have that piece in me that said "you failed". And seeing people like yourself who are destroying the workload with progression would frustrate the crap out of me lol, if that makes sense. Cheers for the links too, that TED lecture was pretty insightful. And if you like that motivational vid you'll probably enjoy this one too ;) -

BenFlores - Thanks Ben, i'm glad you got something from it. I was paranoid i'd sound all negative and depressing lol. Yeah video games are my short term painless route to nowhere which are my downfall. When considering your dreams and passion it's sometimes easy to think "wait, this isn't fun. Maybe this isn't my passion." But that's foolish, because anything worth pursuing is going to come with pain. That's just apart of growing I guess. That's something that has been flowing through my mind a lot the last couple of months anyways. I'm back on track now though, thanks a lot for your kind words and encouragement mate!

zakknroll - cheers dude, i'm glad you like ;) Hopefully much more to come in the near future.

wla91 - thanks man, and yeah I know what your saying. It's super easy to get distracted but at the same time, being able to push those distractions away is what will make you awesome. Stay focused buddy (I know that's rich coming from me lol :p) and best wishes for the future.

Dam, my sketchbook is getting to much text, not enough art! Weekend stuff

[Image: comps_zpsb8cb5e10.jpg]

gestures, from various sources including imagination
[Image: gestures1_zpsece25fe1.jpg]
[Image: gestures2_zpsedaa523c.jpg]

still life, kickin my ass
[Image: stilllife2_zps6b712f20.jpg]

min yim (bumskee) kickin my ass
[Image: faces_zpse391e1c6.jpg]

mind shite
[Image: demondudesketch_zps60bc3d6e.jpg]

[Image: smithdudewithgloves_zpsbeb148ca.jpg]

and some comps for potential new piece, going with the title 'boss battle'. Kinda feelin the bottom right
[Image: thumbs1_zpsaa18fa6a.jpg]

I did pencils too, I may upload some soon


small update of some stuff, shit day job eating a lot of my time

[Image: comps2_zps01b961d9.jpg]

[Image: stilllife3_zps16c75c45.jpg]

mind stuff
[Image: chickskeeeetch_zpsec6d2124.jpg]

I <3 dark souls
[Image: toastcolour_zps709d118a.jpg]

[Image: barbarianchick_zpsc3199115.jpg]

first thumb for new piece
[Image: wip1_zps1902e346.jpg]

Haha that video was awesome. I absolutely love those motivational things. So good lol. That latest thumb looks sweet, loads of potential. I don't know what your plan is with it, but I feel like you could push the depth a bit more. Like make the fg guy bigger, and push the creature back with a fuckton of atmosphere to suggest that he's enormous, but far away? I know it's still early, just a thought :). Looking forward to seeing it :D.

Dat redhead on bikini! <3
Glad to see these updates, i like that thumbnail idea for your new illustration.
You could try to make the monster closer to the warrior, or leave him in the background and put an army of his minions between them and the hero, just throwing some ideas haha.
Also, great video you posted!

Duude, you have some nice improvement here too! All this just makes me realize I need to do more things from imagination, go crazy and stuff :P it's really nice to see your creations (the studies too, but the creations are awesome). I enjoyed specially that lady with a staff :P

Keep up man, we all have struggles to deal with. I bet your future self will thank you (:

Very nice gestures Warburton!

jake - yeah dude, we have the same idea lol. I kinda had noah bradley's piece in the back of my mind when I thought it up - http://noahbradley.deviantart.com/art/Ch...-274720162
My shit is no where near as epic though lol, I might work more on my environments before I tackle it further.

EduardoGaray - haha thanks man. Yeah cheers for the ideas man, I recon it could defiantly use more ideas throwing at it before I take it further. It's one of those pieces which you start with high hopes, then you refine it more and more and before you know it the initial spark is gone. I might try playing with some news comps or something later. Thaaaanks again dude!

mateusrocha - hey man, thanks a lot! Yeah it's easy to get dragged into a habit with studies, at least ive found this with myself, where you kinda forget what your studying for and just do it for the sake of it. So doing imagination stuff not only forces you to apply what you've learnt but also keeps your mental library challenged with new ideas too. Love seeing your progress in your sketchbook dude, ill be sure to drop by again soon, and thanks again for your comment.

trevor s - cheers trevor, glad you like dude!

nothing too fancy, just a couple of random studies
[Image: warmlightchickstudy_zps3d8ac411.jpg]

[Image: facestudy_zps72df427f.jpg]

crap between finishin work and sleep
[Image: smugglerdude_zpse37476e0.jpg]

[Image: sketchysketch_zps80e34e09.jpg]

fail lol
[Image: wip3_zps7a97c221.jpg]

new idea for piece, plus concept art. Kinda odd how im doing this, rather than go for 'the best' one i'm gonna be going for the crappiest one which is hardest to paint, which it turns out is the ice one.
[Image: gloemconcepts_zps2165b5f7.jpg]
[Image: wipsonbosspiece_zps06114042.jpg]

update on piece, got 2 full days to work on this so hopefully have it done soon.

If theres any major problems or issues you guys can pick out i'd be super grateful to hear them before I start rendering the shit out of this <3

[Image: wip2_zpsa3c92150.jpg]

and studies so far
[Image: onionstilllife_zps7fe41364.jpg]

[Image: crystal_zpsba8cfbac.jpg]

[Image: crystals2_zpsaa0607ca.jpg]

[Image: iceberg_zps53513f57.jpg]

[Image: icehills_zpsb6672a6d.jpg]

[Image: icehills2_zps1c06eaae.jpg]

[Image: stilllifeagain_zps36c9bf2a.jpg]


greeat updates man! just seeing all this work is motivating me.
For you last piece, you have a great chance to improve dramatically the picture by pushing those values before you keep going forward. I really like that composition, so my suggestion is.
First push those values all you can, shoot direct references if needed and before rendering try doing some color comps to find what palette suits the picture better, or what kind of feeling mood you want to transmit. I didnt do any preliminar color comp in my last illustration, and i´m regretting it a lot.
Keep it up mate!

Heya man! Going to have to agree with Eduardo about the values. I guess you could push the sense of foreground more and seperate the characters.Looks like it's going to be a ballin' piece. Really like the companion studies for it too, they're not overdone and get to the point.

I'm going to go all psychological and ask you questions that hopefully could help you expand the piece! The first thing I'd like to point to is his sword's motion, do you think it needs to finished or could the placement of the sword be midway or even in the beginning of the slash?
Secondly, the composition is quite good right now and it gives a nice sense of scale. But does he need to stand so central to the composition? Could be nice to experiment with how the characters interact with eachother!

You've really grown since the first page mate. It's inspiring to see how well you handle form and texture now. So keep up the work and reach the skiiiees :D

Hi Warburton. Have you thought about messing around with the background. At the moment those mountains feel like they're squashing the ice monster and make him feel smaller. I feel he should be dominating the environment, not the other way round.

Studies looking fantastic man!

I'm kind of thinking out loud here and may be way off, take this with a grain of salt. My first thought about your WIP was I don't know who I'm supposed to identify with. It seems like I'd want to root for the swordsman, he's closest to me and he's in a dangerous fight against giant monster. But then looking at at a second longer I see the little imp dude riding on the giant controlling him and I think oh, this guy has the highest contrast in the piece, and I can see his face, and he's doing a pretty interesting action, maybe he's the main character?
So my eye's going back and forth and it's not so much a visual problem as a narrative one. I feel like if the story's about this imp dude controlling giants and hunting knights, it would be awesome to maybe see some more knights fighting at the same time, maybe a battlefield littered with their corpses and ripped up chewed-in-half armor pieces. If the narrative is about the swordsman, then really I don't see why the imp dude needs to be there at all, it could be a cool man vs. nature piece without him. I might paint him out and make the giant larger and more threatening, or at least make him the same value and more part of the silhouette of the giant so we read them as a single force.

Maaan, so many awesome studies, keep pushing it Warburton!

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wow you guys are awesome! I didn't expect so much feedback but it all helped massively and ive applied it all. Hopefully i'll get round to finishing and uploading that piece within the next couple of days.

Before that though, I figured I should upload this small bulk of random warm up stuff and studies.
[Image: studybulk_zpsaa69e55e.jpg]

[Image: comp1_zps38848567.jpg]

[Image: pkmikestudy_zps8a3299ec.jpg]

[Image: stilllife4_zps0f851219.jpg]

warm up/ night time/ after work doodle stuff
[Image: compwrmup_zps476a879b.jpg]

[Image: shit_zpse6aa5370.jpg]

[Image: doodles_zps6e736d30.jpg]

[Image: doodles2_zps3c7d5f72.jpg]

[Image: ninjachick_zpsf12f50b9.jpg]

[Image: portraitsketch_zps91b810cf.jpg]

[Image: night_zps105d0f5d.jpg]

sansa and the hound :}
[Image: houndandsansa_zps89f161fc.jpg]


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