Will Warburton's sketchbook
Damn, love your recent stuff. Studies and hard work is paying off. Keep them comming, can't wait next ones. Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy ;3~~~

Man, every time I come back there's always so much to look it, haha. It's amazing.

I'm really liking this new piece of yours, it reads so much like a Legend of the Cryptids card to me, it turned out with great success if you ask me. Although, it could use some more armor, or whatever. But that's just nit picky bull. :p
That one rogue-ish looking chick was looking really cool. You've got so many sketches in here that you could go back to and turn into something awsome, don't forget that potential, meng! :DD

Real nicccce!

Think it turned out great, man, good work

ramalooke - haha, thanks again man, I need to start studying more again, more stuff soon anyways hopefully ;)

Archreux - Thaaanks dude! Theres no way i'm good enough for lotc yet but I hope to be one day. The compliment means a lot though dude! Thanks for stopping by again.

MrFrenik - thanks mate, im glad you think so ;) Hopefully more to come soon.

crappy update, of stuff between work, nothing fancy though :/
[Image: stilllife2_zpsaef09bbf.jpg]
need to paint more fuckin faces >:S
[Image: heads_zpsd4c0ec72.jpg]

[Image: facemasterstudy_zpsf2aa7976.jpg]

[Image: chickinbluelight_zps471cd04e.jpg]

no I didn't paint that face lol
[Image: Unwedfdcfxv_zpsb92871d3.jpg]

apply -_-
[Image: warriordudeapply_zps6a8e8fc5.jpg]

need to paint more clothes and design and armour >>>:O
[Image: dress_zps76975b26.jpg]
apply lol...
[Image: dressaplly_zps077f419b.jpg]

[Image: hpdoodles_zps60950dd6.jpg]

[Image: controllingthebeast_zpsf29a7c7e.jpg]

[Image: sketch4_zpsb199f731.jpg]

[Image: pooq_zps41754291.jpg]

chow sketch thing ill never finish..
[Image: wip2_zpsd7f763a7.jpg]

Man, I'm seeing some great imagery here. Your colors are rich and appropriate, and your fundamental understanding is definitely evidenced by your stuff. I might suggest pushing yourself to the edge of your abilities on one piece and taking notes as to what you struggled with most, then attacking the weak spots.

Other than that, you're doing nicely-- Looking forward to more!

Youtube Channel (Process, Tips on how to get work, etc...)
Great stuff, War. Really digging the flashlight shining on the cave creature one. That could definitely turn into a cool image.

cant get over how great your studies are, awesome man !
the way you use that edged brush reminds me of this piece by dean cornwell
[Image: 5821928126_00f3495b19_z.jpg]
Einver - Thanks man, and good advice! I tend to get overwhelmed by the amount of stuff I need to improve upon lol, though I do need to begin pushing myself harder again. :s

MrFrenik - Cheers mate! Yeah that one was for the daily splitpaint group on facebook. You should totally check it out if you haven't already, some mad talent in there at the moment, it's super cool. Thanks again for dropping by man, I appreciate it.

BenFlores - Thanks Ben, and wow that dude is awesome! Love how he renders cloth 0_0 I think that brush came from Bumskee's (min yum) set though I can't really remember. I keep meaning to change my brushes, because it kinda feels like I have a few that I rely upon. But I get worried that it might effect client stuff and it takes some time to adjust to the new ones. Or maybe i'm just scared and making excuses lol. Thanks for stopping by man.

I'll upload more junk soon. This is just a piece I did for fun between stuff. Kinda testing a few things out.
Not sure how I feel about it though. I would appreciate any crits or thoughts if you guys can think of anything?
Ive noticed recently my stuff tends to be kind of 'foggy' or muddy, especially in the backgrounds. I'm not too sure what it is or how to correct it though lol.

and here's some wips for anyone who's interested ;)
[Image: wipsformedusa_zpsbc66c832.jpg]

The Medusa pic turned out great, man.

i love the spooky floating eye monster haha

Workshop enthusiast
Workshop blog
That last piece looks awesome dude. Really like the big shape looping through it. Not sure how to tackle the foggy-ness, can't say it's something I'd really noticed in your work. Backgrounds are so tough, trying to work out what you can lose, and what you have to paint. Beats me lol. Maybe just try rendering one much further than normal, then pulling it back afterwards? Might give you an idea of how much you need to paint in future?

Not sure that helps lol. Whatever. Work's looking awesome dude. Keep pumping it out :D

MrFrenik - I'm glad you think so mate! Thanks for the support as always.

mr toodles - Thanks man lol. I think I must have got lucky with that one, twas 30 min sketch for splitpaint group on facebook, there a lot of fun ;)

jake - Thanks man, and yeah I know man, backgrounds can be a pain in the dick to paint. That's a good idea you mentioned though, i'll give that a shot next time. I think I just get too carried away with the soft round when it comes to loosing edges and end up with a big fog mess. Thanks again man for the help.

just junk stuff. Hopefully i'll be able to post some commission stuff soooooon. Till then..

[Image: faceee_zps11830660.jpg]

[Image: chickintoplight_zps108f69ee.jpg]

[Image: armour_zps30f380a1.jpg]

mind sketches
[Image: potatoheadguy_zps818933b4.jpg]

[Image: sketch1_zps4ee22b89.jpg]

[Image: messinboutface_zps8a3abd19.jpg]

[Image: bastionfanart_zpsfca19f1c.jpg]

[Image: sketch5_zps14d1f953.jpg]

death note
[Image: deathnote_zpsc02b498c.jpg]

too high
[Image: toohigh_zps4c35a5e2.jpg]

sick creature
[Image: sickcreature_zps220a825b.jpg]

I really like your compositions and use of colors. Awesome sketchbook, keep it up!

for the medusa piece id say dont neglect the background, they always have answers as to what colors are on the subject. if you dont already, try to put alot of time into one piece. continue the good work !
whoa, i totally missed that medusa piece, it came out great.
For the colors, you can always use complementary colors, or very desaturated colors to focus all the attention on the characters. I dont know, just a couple ideas.
Keep working hard mate!

Man you are really doing awesome. Keep at it, each post is better than the last

Lol "pain in the dick" sums up my experience with backgrounds pretty perfectly. Awesome post again dude. Your spitpaints are looking crazy good, gotta get my ass into gear with those. Keep it coming man. :)

heeey, what's up? been a while since my last comment. been extremely busy. I can see you are working hardcore and improving like a mad man. i'm jelly =D your stuff is really inspiring so keep pushing it. Cheers

Hypnagogic_Haze - Thanks a lot dude, I'm glad you like. And i'll be sure to keep it coming ;)

BenFlores - Thanks mate, I appreciate the feedback. Ye my original plan was to make that piece more dynamic and almost comic book like for a card piece or something, but it didn't work out that way in the end. If I can work the comp I might revisit it sometime, I don't know yet. Thanks again man!

EduardoGaray - Cheers as always man, and yeah I agree about the colours. I'm a bit of a sucker for reds and greens for that horror style vibe ;p Thanks again for dropping by and for the feedback!

pnate - dude, compared to your work my stuff sucks xD The kind words are always appreciated man, thanks as always!

Jake - haha yeah man, that's my professional evaluation on the overall experience of painting backgrounds. Same can go for urban environments and interiors too. I'm pretty much brain dead in that subject x_x Speed paints are fun man, yours are pretty awesome too! I like the way they either inspire cool ideas or come out shit lol. Kinda like playing Russian roulette. Cheers for dropping by again mate.

ramalooke - hey man! Always cool to see your face around, and thanks as always for the kind words of encouragement. I appreciate it a lot.

It's been ages again D: Thought I'd best do a quick dump. Though recently ive been having trouble keeping up the work load, and I find myself not getting much done. I remember about a year or so ago and getting a ton of work dude, especially during the golden boy days and now I seem to have nothing to show for all my hours spent painting :/ Guess I need to organise my time better and shut up whining lol.

I always get scared that I'm not going to improve anymore, that ive hit my 'peak' as it were. I'm not sure anyone else sees this or whether I'm just being a negative arsehole but sometimes you see artists who progress to a point and then that's it. They produce the same standard of work for years and never seem to grow, while others keep progressing. I mean, look realistically at the number of top pro artists, vs the number of ok artists. Both seem to always be working hard, but what is it that separates those two? How is it a handful of people can excel so far while the others don't? It sounds harsh but I guess it's just something that runs in my mind a lot. I guess it's the same in all skills and sports too, but i just want to know.

anyways, some broken pencil studies (from wes burt a lot, his faces are too amazing)
sorry bout the shitty quality, phone camera fail :s
[Image: 1_zps43f8df6d.jpg]

[Image: 3_zpse8864a92.jpg]

[Image: 2_zps74e0eed3.jpg]

[Image: 4_zps35c7f14f.jpg]

[Image: 5_zps56745fcb.jpg]

speed paints
ash giant
[Image: ashgiant_zpsa994b350.jpg]
dark portal
[Image: darkportal_zpse8c5294a.jpg]
concentrated solar power
[Image: concentratedsolarpower_zps4499a1fb.jpg]
[Image: captiantomatohead_zps2e3bd127.jpg]

[Image: bandwface_zps478bdd14.jpg]

[Image: faceagain_zps820d50a6.jpg]

[Image: chickstudy_zps7925d65f.jpg]

[Image: draperystudy_zps7bef85bc.jpg]

personal thing im working on. Cghub character thing inspired. Some galatic blacksmith
[Image: iterations_zpsd0defbf5.jpg]

[Image: thumbnails_zps7fe14495.jpg]

[Image: wip1_zpsf3430d6d.jpg]

Actually it's really good question you've been asking. Personally I think the difference between top pro and aspiring artist is state of mind. I mean you have to be really passionate about what you do, so you can keep challenging yourself. I think Daniel Warren talk about it in one of his streams. Many artists stuck in (what i call) medicore purgatory. When they produce ok work but are so busy, going from paycheck to paycheck that they somewhere down the line stop improving and stagnate. I'm getting through this as well. I'm so busy with my day job and so tired that I barely have energy to study and paint after my work hours. I know I need to get out of this habit and start challenging myself to grow.

I also think your getting a little deceived by the numbers. You are saying that number of top pro artists is very low. And you are right to some extend. But it's not as low as you may think. Think about all those artists that are hidden in studios around the world, doing amazing proffessional work but are to busy/not willing to post online. So don't get discouraged and keep doing what you're doing. It takes so muuuuch time to get to the top and you'll eventually get there if you work your way through. We all will. Peace!

Oh and great update ;) As always I digg your pencils, they're awesome <3


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