Eddy´s Sketchbook
Protsenko: thanks a lot! i'm glad you like the comic so far. Though, not everything is doom and despair there, i kinda want to transmit a positive message. But yeah i also need to construct a gritty, bleak, bit deppresive athmosphere to tell the story.
Also, i will take a look at those comics right away. :)

davidKatara: thanks a lot!! :D

Triggerpigking: haha thanks mate! yeah the other inital pages are inferior to the newer ones, thats inevitable but the first one in particular was so awful it simply had to be redone.

What do you do when you feel like crap? you keep working, thats what you do.
So, this is my little tribute to one of the best anime i've ever seen, Texhnolyze.
Without spoiling anything, that ending obliterated me, for more than one reason.

Anyway, possible cover for Rainfall issue 1?
Mostly from imagination, i never though starting a comic would help me so much in that regard.

Be sure to listen this beautiful song too for maximum downer:www.youtube.com/watch?v=yY5ala…

Mm maybe i'm not feeling disconnected from painting, just from fantasy/sci fi and stuff. :P
Alternate cover for rainfall? I like this one more.
Wanted to see how far could i get without reference while trying to pay homage to Yoshitoshi Abe.

Really like the eery shine of that last with giant droplets. Or bubbles, if it's underwater. You could almost make the tie float upwards and it would fit with the surrealness.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Personally I like the first cover more, feels like it fits a slight bit more with the whole tone of the comic,
The second cover is cool though(love the water droplets) I think there's a few small problems with her face though, I think her jaw looks a bit too square and manly, and the nose looks a bit off as well.

Tygerson: thanks! yeah i though about it, as triggerpigking noted, that picture is failing in many areas, but i still like the idea a lot, so i will probably come back and try again in the future. :)

Triggerpigking: thanks mate! yeah in the end i used the first haha, you damn right, she looks kinda weird. That's what happens when i get cocky and try to do something completely from imagination. xD

And because i dont want this to become a ghost town, here is more comic pages!
Really soon i will have extra time and start posting more practice like in the good old days.
Pages 14,15 and 16 from episode 1.

Heya guys, to recover some balance in my life i will try to follow a schedule from now on, something like, alternating days between painting/studying and working on the comic.
I will also try to become more active here again. ^^'

So, here is some recent stuff:

practicing with some new brushes:

Texhnolyze fanart:

and Rainfall, page 18:

I really like the colours in your work. You have a very cool style for colours.

The comic looks great too btw, I really admire you for being able to stick with something. I tend to get distracted from things too easily. Following it on tumblr now :D

Awesome work on the comics--I love the guy's thought process, and how reality smashes into it like a ton of bricks.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Haha, love your comic. I sooo want to slap the guy. :P

The paintings with new brushes almost look a bit like oils, very... pastose? But also with a danger of looing blotchy. As for feeling disconnected... yes, keep working.. although a break for a few days can also be healthy. Or experiment - give yourself permission to spend some time doing something crazy that you normally don't. Never know what might come from that, and if nothing turns out, doesn't matter either.

Anyway, keep it up :)

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Every feedback is appreciated!
Tygerson: thanks a lot mate! i'm glad you like it. :D

Lyraina: thaanks! :) but he is actually a good guy xD he is like a stray dog that barks and shows his teeth because he is actually scared.
Also, indeed i followed your advice! and it seems to be working, this week i've been more motivated and positive than in the last 4 months.

So i though it was about time to update this thing, this time with moar practice as promised plus the comic stuff.

Because this week i'm starting to feel more and more positive and energetic i've resumed at last my anatomy practice:

Manga studio rocks, it makes me feel powerful haha.

Aand a proper cover for this first chapter of rainfall, plus pages 19, 20 and 21.
Only 3 left to finish the chapter.

some more practice, want to keep updating this thing daily again! :)

Really like your usage of lines and conveying emotions through certain stormy ways(I dont know how to say it srry)
Like in page 16, when the guy freaks out, you made an awesome effect with covering half his face with black.

Interesting plot so far, not what I expected, but liking it nonetheless.

Hey man, it's been a while again, hope your well mate, it's awesome to see your still pushing with your work and the amount you produce. The quality of your comic has been getting better and better too, especially in your line quality and I like what you do with the values too.

Ive been following your stuff for a while now and its pretty amazing to see how your anatomy has improved, these latest studies are really tasty man and are always paying off and making you stronger. Keep them up man, your doing awesome.

crackedskul: thanks a lot! :) yeah, i love those crazy expresions and strong chiaroscuro panels haha, doesnt mean that i'm actually good at them, but we are just students after all.
Also! just out of pure curiosity and if you dont mind answering, about the comic's plot, what were you expecting? :)

Warburton: Hey there! :D its always awesome to see you here mate. I'm feeling better and better each day, went trough some shitty times this last months, but seems like the worst is over, i feel like working my ass off again. Also thanks! i'm glad you see improvement, i really want to keep grinding those studies daily, thats the only way. :)

So here is some anatomy/construction/women's shirts studies, and page 22 of Rainfall.

I stopped using the ink tool for inking in the third panel. At this point there is no noticiable difference between ink tool panels and the pen tool ones, but wait until i learn how to use this new method correctly.

Eduardo! Your anatomy studies are coming along great. Are they mostly observations or do you mix it in with applications. Because I really can't tell the difference, they have loads of volume and feel very dynamic.

Cool to see the comic evolve as well, only by looking at the posts in this sketchbook page alone I can see that they're looking much more fun to draw. Seems like you're getting comfortable with what you're doing. Love it! Totally admire that you have the focus to stick with this concept.
Will the next chapter of the comic be another pizza? Oh the suspense!

You rock!

Long time no see :) Just keep doing what ure doing man, you're hammering through !

Wooow love the anatomy stuff here... very clean lines and it all looks very dynamic!
Nice work on the studies mate.

Just a tiny thing about the dialogue in the last comic page.
In the first panel she says "I think we have started on the wrong feet",
it should probbly be "I think we started on the wrong foot" also getting rid of the "have" because it makes her sound a bit robotic and unnatural.

Alright done unleashing my inner grammer nazi :P, comic's continuing to get better man and despite a few tiny slip ups like that, the writing's great.

Bjulvar: hey there! thanks man :D i generally mix studies with application because i'm really chaotic it cant be helped haha. Generally the ones that look better are studies and the ones that look rough and considerably less good from imagination.
About the comic, haha well, i'm using it to let it out all my inner mental shit xD so i'm really enjoying every page. As for chapter two, there is going to be cake!

iCi: heya mate! good to see you here :) thanks a lot!

AngeliquevdMee: thank you! because i'm also interested in comic stuff thats a priority. :)

Triggerpigking: thats embarrasing haha i know, some people have already pointed that mistake.
I really need to take some english classes if i want to keep writing this comic in english. xD
And thanks about your suggestion, i will remove the "have" then. Please if you spot more weird things like that dont hesitate to tell me. :)

And moaar practice, more applying today than studying.

(05-14-2014, 10:22 AM)EduardoGaray Wrote: Bjulvar: hey there! thanks man :D i generally mix studies with application because i'm really chaotic it cant be helped haha. Generally the ones that look better are studies and the ones that look rough and considerably less good from imagination.
About the comic, haha well, i'm using it to let it out all my inner mental shit xD so i'm really enjoying every page. As for chapter two, there is going to be cake!

iCi: heya mate! good to see you here :) thanks a lot!

AngeliquevdMee: thank you! because i'm also interested in comic stuff thats a priority. :)

Triggerpigking: thats embarrasing haha i know, some people have already pointed that mistake.
I really need to take some english classes if i want to keep writing this comic in english. xD
And thanks about your suggestion, i will remove the "have" then. Please if you spot more weird things like that dont hesitate to tell me. :)

And moaar practice, more applying today than studying.

sup ed! awesome progress as usual , i wonder how many hours in the day do you devote on practicing ? also i really like youre comics its really entertaining how long does it take you to do one page? and can you recommend some good tuts on manga making or good manga to read? i know its a little unfair for me to be asking then not giving proper feedback on your sb but lets get serious im miles away from your lvl....


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