Raman's Sketchbook
thank you very much :)

new stuff

a study

[Image: BlondeFemalePortraitSTudy.jpg]

some environmental stuff. altered my workflow a little, and started with values this time to add the colours afterward.

[Image: eatsomesteakfinal.jpg]

[Image: liftsomeweight02-1.jpg]

[Image: a3-1.jpg]

some digital sketches

[Image: Concentrate01.jpg]

[Image: a1-1.jpg]

[Image: a2-1.jpg]

[Image: Concentrate09.jpg]

[Image: Concentrate10.jpg]

[Image: Concentrate11.jpg]

sketchbook pages

[Image: a1-2.jpg]

[Image: a2-2.jpg]

[Image: a90.jpg]

[Image: a9-1.jpg]

[Image: a6-1.jpg]

[Image: a4-1.jpg]

[Image: a5-1.jpg]

[Image: a7-1.jpg]

[Image: a3-2.jpg]

[Image: a8-1.jpg]

Thank you :)

some things i've done last week

[Image: szenenmitfarbenuumlbenalle4.jpg]

[Image: auenland2davidgegengoliat3ea.jpg]

[Image: bulletandatargetwood01a.jpg]

[Image: colourscribbles1.jpg]

[Image: whatthehellisthat03.jpg]

[Image: hh.jpg]

[Image: schneebb.jpg]

[Image: AA001.jpg]

[Image: AA006.jpg]

[Image: AA007.jpg]

[Image: AA003.jpg]

[Image: AA005.jpg]

[Image: AA004.jpg]

[Image: AA002.jpg]

[Image: AA008.jpg]

the weekly update:

[Image: stillleben01kartoffelcranberrysalzstreuer.jpg]

[Image: stillleben02fenchelzwiebelsalzstreuer.jpg]

[Image: stillleben02ingwercranberryknoblauch.jpg]

[Image: stillleben02zuchiniknoblaucbcranberrysal...nblock.jpg]

[Image: juliuscollab.jpg]

[Image: AB09.jpg]

[Image: AB07.jpg]

[Image: AB08.jpg]

[Image: AB02.jpg]

[Image: AB01.jpg]

[Image: AB03.jpg]

[Image: AB04.jpg]

[Image: AB06.jpg]

I love your painted environments.
Another great update! Great job on the still lifes! I'd love to see a more finished fantasy sketch of yours ,like you've started with the dragon. :)
I'm a big fan of your imaginary environments, the dragon sketch would make for a great portfolio piece!

Mother of studies. Really grate stuff <3

great sb! i love your imaginative stuff.

Thanks for all the nice comments :) Yes, i probably should do more finished illustrations for my portfolio

not much to show this week. just a couple of doodles

gonna post the sketchbook pages tomorrow.

an unfinished study

[Image: wolkenbergesteinestudie_zps4e14d420.jpg]


[Image: sketchmitbergen_zps20f5969d.jpg]

[Image: wood01_zpsd091f172.jpg]

[Image: woodmitblau2_zps4ac2efc7.jpg]

[Image: manimwood3_zps587ba983.jpg]

[Image: waldnachregen04_zps45aff67c.jpg]

[Image: zqnce_zpsfc890f2d.jpg]

[Image: zqnce2_zps1c0d5876.jpg]

[Image: berg_zpsf0adf0f0.jpg]

[Image: berg2_zps428201f9.jpg]

[Image: berg3_zps3d3f2205.jpg]

work in progress still life

[Image: MoumlrderStillleben05_zps01266cf1.jpg]

Wow, that's a whole lot of stuff you're doing! And it's not just much, it's good. I'm envying you right now : ) Also I sadly don't have any advice for you, at least no other than just keep doing what you do!

Thaaaaank YOU! :)

not much this week .. just a lot of scribbles an the finished still life

[Image: MoumlrderStillleben06_zpsa67a0870.jpg]

trying to learn something from anthony jones .. trying.

[Image: anthoynfnoej_zps598cc469.jpg]

[Image: omegay_zpsad0ce986.jpg]

[Image: omegay3_zpse3e12654.jpg]

[Image: morejoneslearnige_zps415556a0.jpg]

karakter live drawing:

[Image: BC001_zps0a1c0396.jpg]

[Image: BC002_zpsc4027974.jpg]

[Image: BC003_zps7759d9c1.jpg]

and some scribbles

[Image: BC006_zps916bc53e.jpg]

[Image: BC007_zps6f0141ee.jpg]

[Image: BC005_zpsf5f4bfd9.jpg]

[Image: BC004_zpsb672c975.jpg]

[Image: BC0001_zpsac88566e.jpg]

[Image: BC0002_zpsfc53b88f.jpg]

[Image: BC0003_zpsc440788b.jpg]

[Image: BC0008_zps39f0961d.jpg]

[Image: BC0005_zps974991cb.jpg]

[Image: BC0006_zps6e795dc6.jpg]

Didn't post anything last week. This week it's neither a lot nor is it good. I've been a lazy unproductive hollyday person. But next week is going to be super hardcore again. i swear! :D

Sketchbook and Cheese

[Image: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa1_zpsf6b0a882.jpg]

[Image: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa2_zps3fd88852.jpg]

[Image: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa3_zps1ffbad14.jpg]

digital doodles

[Image: VomitingOnACanvaspt1_zpse1eb7d3b.jpg]

[Image: bl_zps8f179a10.jpg]

[Image: bountyhunter2_zps34b52efa.jpg]

[Image: BadRelegion_zps080a8032.jpg]

[Image: nebandnamensdieorsons3_zpsc3957fcf.jpg]

[Image: nebandnamensdieorsons1_zpsf2058175.jpg]

[Image: heiligemutterlempenb_zps36e7591e.jpg]

[Image: heiligemutterlempen_zpsb48d8047.jpg]

[Image: heiligemutterlempena_zps70840ec4.jpg]

[Image: richtedenhut2_zpsaee73bb2.jpg]

[Image: Sketching_zps23efea70.jpg]

[Image: mehrweiteranderessktchingmitcharacter_zps53dad684.jpg]

[Image: quentin_zps5a2bdf32.jpg]


[Image: RuinedCastleStudy_zpsa4556c69.jpg]

[Image: Costumestudy1_zps17abe97d.jpg]

and a sketch i just started. yes it's Charmeleon. yes pokemon. yes .. i just found my old pokemon blue game and borrowed my girlfriends gameboy. I'm telling you... Pokemon is THE shit!

[Image: haaaaaft_zps828f99fc.jpg]


Killer start to a sketchbook man, theres already tons of improvements in just two pages 0.0

I really like your environments on this page, especially the colour thumbnail ones about half way down. Try and watch out for how much you use that soft round, i think in your recent updates some of your beautiful colours and brush economy is lost through the over use of soft marks.

Great so far dude, the new pokemon piece looks promising too, i look forward to seeing it updated.

thank you man! you really helped me by mentioning my recent over use of the softbrush. i think i just wanted to be all cool and efficient and paint some sexy edges... whatever :)

during the last 3 weeks i played around a lot with my workflow. just to keep my mind fresh and view the painting process differently. learned a lot i think, even if it's not that visible yet.

here are some of the paintings and drawings i did since january 6th. a lot of unfinished paintings and sketches. maybe someone might find that interesting.

[Image: itsafineline_zps2b2c204c.jpg]

[Image: glutexo23_zpsbeee17ab.jpg]

[Image: mehrportraitpbungen_zps76cd4a63.jpg]

[Image: sketchingaportrait_zps15f31e52.jpg]

[Image: mannoohoo1_zps585d47d4.jpg]

[Image: PortraitPainting1_zps6bd0f07c.jpg]

[Image: uumlben1_zpsa6edb28d.jpg]

[Image: uumlben1_zps95d9092a.jpg]

[Image: GesichterUumlben1_zpse8524749.jpg]

[Image: GesichterUumlben2_zpsbe2bb634.jpg]

[Image: GesichterUumlben2_zpsd06d0ae4.jpg]

[Image: GesichterUumlben3_zps030097f6.jpg]

[Image: GesichterUumlben4_zps98da65f9.jpg]

more stuff

[Image: gesichtalg4_zps5e7d9842.jpg]

[Image: paaphadp1_zps165819e8.jpg]

[Image: paaphadp2_zps82fc24f7.jpg]

[Image: paaphadp2d_zps102df03c.jpg]

[Image: frankendude1_zpsad2a45ca.jpg]

[Image: frankendud3e_zps8d367d30.jpg]


[Image: Tarantinula_zps48feab8a.jpg]

[Image: bahoom1_zps1677add0.jpg]

[Image: ayayay1_zps106de3c7.jpg]

[Image: mehrtesten05_zps9d53a057.jpg]

[Image: mehrtesten06_zps0a700ab0.jpg]

[Image: mehrtesten07_zps472ec705.jpg]

[Image: ObamaishSketches1_zps061ad05c.jpg]

[Image: ObamaishSketches3_zps6ad2dd6e.jpg]

[Image: froschliu_zps9207d492.jpg]

[Image: scribllingmitowhung_zps1c7dc029.jpg]


[Image: fishingstudy_zps1ab5de35.jpg]

[Image: IMG_6931-fishing_zps6496b986.jpg]

[Image: obamastudy_zps831b64e7.jpg]

[Image: modelfacestudiostudy_zpscd8f395b.jpg]

more sketches

[Image: sketchingconversation_zpsc9ea1a5d.jpg]

[Image: roumlmeraktion_zpsc4e67298.jpg]

[Image: aaaa_zps2344b862.jpg]

[Image: fishingfischesunterfisch_zpsbfb72ae3.jpg]

[Image: huntingforcoolfish_zpsb333a41d.jpg]

sketchbook pages

[Image: IMAG2360_zps1bebd2f0.jpg]

[Image: IMAG2362_zpsaee6bc23.jpg]

[Image: IMAG2364_zps15acb7bb.jpg]

[Image: IMAG2371_zps5aff9ad8.jpg]

[Image: IMAG2373_zpsa05f4abe.jpg]

Sweet stuff lately man

thank you :)

Your hard work is paying off, Love the loose brushwork!

Wow, really nice stuff. Good line work. The values in the ones you've shaded are great. From what I've seen in your sketchbook it would seem you're a bit more comfortable with traditional mediums, as a posed to your more digital works (paintings), and it shows.

I can tell there's been a marginal improvement with the studies you've been doing. The polish in them are great as well. For your more personal things I'd really like to see you push future paintings further. A lot of the current ones on here are off to a great start, many have wonderful block-in's of color/value etc. But for the most part they are missing that polish needed to bring them to completion, and you've demonstrated this plenty with your studies. I'd even say if you feel up to it, go back and finish some of the more rough concepts in this sketchbook. There's a lot of potential in many of them.

Hope this helps! :]

Thanks guys!

Yeah you're right. Lately I was trying to get more comfortable with doing quick rough paintings and the developement of ideas and compositions.
Now I'm trying to merge what I've learned from my studies and my quick sketches to do some finished well polished illustrations.

New Stuff :)

some sketchbook pages

[Image: IMAG2831_zpsbe501832.jpg]

[Image: IMAG288cccccccc5_zps7f4cd71a.jpg]

[Image: IMAG2885AAAA_zps1abca5ae.jpg]

[Image: IMAG2885asdasdasd_zpse092bd62.jpg]

[Image: IMAG2885ffffffffff_zps65610b4a.jpg]

[Image: IMAG2885ffffffffffdddddddddddddddddddddd...b7490b.jpg]

[Image: IMAG2885asdfaf_zps7d232403.jpg]

some quick scribbles i painted on my phone ( no stylus though)

[Image: sketches5_zps3856d894.jpg]

[Image: sketches4_zps1fdb770d.jpg]

[Image: sketches3-1_zps1187dc8f.jpg]

[Image: sketches2_zps1c59af96.jpg]

[Image: sketches1_zps75847cb8.jpg]

digital sketches

[Image: bw_zpse0e5a1d3.jpg]

[Image: ADAA_zpsf1c1e93d.jpg]

[Image: gd_zpsc8319213.jpg]

[Image: DerRusslandfeldzug_zpsa1b3fad7.jpg]

[Image: Pilze_zps9967ba93.jpg]

[Image: lukasmachtjetztloumlsegeldklar_zps8b1ea186.jpg]

[Image: NextMechDude_zps3601c69c.jpg]

[Image: AufWachSketchen1_zpse3f5fad2.jpg]

[Image: HouseandSketchinga_zpsa1ccfdbc.jpg]

[Image: HouseandSketching_zps8da58ab3.jpg]

[Image: warmupsketch_zpsfc293219.jpg]

[Image: Trucker-KalteLuft03_zps7857a38e.jpg]

[Image: Trucker-KalteLuft02_zps4a260b6b.jpg]

[Image: Trucker-KalteLuft01_zpsdefecbd5.jpg]

[Image: loosenup2_zps0f9bf179.jpg]

[Image: bbbbb5_zps70a3e360.jpg]

[Image: walkinginthedesertalle_zps079f812a.jpg]

[Image: hihpohi_zpse3da5621.jpg]

[Image: deliveringbananas_zpse0f7848d.jpg]


[Image: animalstudy1_zps88f2ee7c.jpg]

[Image: anneathewaymovestillstudy_zps29a89e07.jpg]

[Image: vwievendettastudy1_zps53c161f6.jpg]

[Image: screenshot-lrg-11_zpsf54cb8d7.jpg]

[Image: PrometheusStudy01_zps991241d2.jpg]

mech designs

[Image: warmupsketches_zps842704a8.jpg]

[Image: MechSketching_zps41aca999.jpg]

[Image: MechSketch02_zps729d176a.jpg]

[Image: robomechcyborgiuuu_zps24fba32b.jpg]

[Image: robomechcyborgiuuu2_zps5e213282.jpg]

[Image: Jetztverwsuchichmalwasgutes_zps7c7f327d.jpg]

[Image: Jetztverwsuchichmalwasgutes2_zps62ec52d3.jpg]

[Image: Jetztverwsuchichmalwasgutes1_zpsa8ae3263.jpg]

[Image: DesertToiletMechDesign_zpse20b4a08.jpg]

and the finished ones

[Image: DesertToiletMechDesignfinal_zps08375297.jpg]

[Image: PizzaandConversation-ABCD_zpsb36b4bb9.jpg]


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