Sula's Sketchbook
Me love <3 Great work, I can't wait to see it finished ;3

ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff such a hot sketchbook in sooooo many aspects.

@wla91: yay! Thank you :) long time no see around here, thanks for stopping by again!
@Ram: :3 Thanks! Let me push it, I wanna see it done too hehe
@Maany: <3 Thank you!

[Image: Gwyn02.jpg]

That new one has a really nice composition! I like his armor too.

@Hypnagogic: Thank you :D

Polishing it up some more. I like doing this fake reflections - hope they work in the end.
Also, #PokedexBR secound round was unveiled today, so my Flaaffy can now be posted too <3

[Image: Gwyn03.jpg]
[Image: Flaaffy-01.jpg]
[Image: Flaaffy-02.png]

Stunning elf in post 790! The colors are soooooo beautiful and her hair looks so perfect!

Really like the knight/prince/king by the throne. He looks like he has a lot to think about.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Man, your stuff has been getting tight lately! Especially in your edges and values. This new piece is coming along nicely too, great ambience and armour. I don't know if it's me but the perspective looks a tad warped at the bottom, like it's slopping downwards a bit, but it's not that big an issue. Plus I'm a perspective noob so take what I say with a pinch of salt ;p

I love that latest portrait too, so gooood! You got any tips on how to paint hair? The way you managed it in these latest pieces is beautiful.

@Tygerson: Thank you :D
@Warburton: Nice catch! Thanks. I tried to fix it. Better?

Update :)
[Image: Gwyn04.jpg]

Really like how his face turned out. Just a beautiful image, with such drama loaded into such an apparently relaxed pose.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


I love where the new illustration is going. You're a true master of tilted horizons and dynamic compositions, even with a somewhat static scene like this one!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
@Tygerson: Thank you <3
@Lyraina: <3 yay! yeah, it can either be dynamic or get a sense on uneasiness. It's fun :)

I'm calling it done for now, because there goes the weekend.

[Image: Gwyn05.jpg]

:D looks awesome Sula! Love the perspective.

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It is wonderful, Sula!

Cool! My only critique: maybe the back rest-part of the chair flattens off a bit, maybe some details there would help there.. other than that, coolness! :)

@Jonesoda: <3 Thank you!
@Wolken: <3 thank you!
@Kaffer: indeed. I beat around the bush on that one, hah, but couldnt come up with a decent solution. I'll probably retouch it later on. Thank you for the feedback!

Today's sketch
[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-57.jpg]

Oh wow. It's been a while since my last visit. And you are killing it ;o So much great stuff <3 The throne piece is mind blowing. Makes me jelly =D Keep it up!

@Rama: thank you <3

Watching Mike's stream today, I am kind of reminded on this way of using custom brushes, and also doing sketches like this.
It's fun, I should probably try more <3

[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-58.jpg]

I can't help myself haha now it's 5Am again
[Image: Salvaged-Sketch-59.jpg]

Trying my hand on some enviros today. I need to do more of those, really.

[Image: Enviro-06.jpg]
[Image: Enviro-07.jpg]

One more because what is sleep?
I need to work on harder edges on this.
[Image: Enviro-08.jpg]

I really loved that guy on the forest, and this last landscape is so beautiful!!!
One teacher said me once: "Sleep is good for our health, but when you're sleeping in the same time you are losing lots of time that you could use for learn something new".
I will dedicate my dark circles for you and those guys who inspire me during the sleep time, Hahaha!


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