A vagabond's sketchbook
the Gnomon DVD on Character drawing and Digital creature painting

What all does he go over? I've debated whether or not to get those.

Well It's not really that he goes over specific things like techniques or something.It's more like Marko Djurdjevic's DVD.Simply showing his process from start to finnish.Explaining what he's thinking of while designing characters.But it is a nice thing to have running in the background or ur second monitor while u do ur own work.If u want to check it u can find it on cgpeers.com , that's where I found it.

Having some issues with creature design.Probably gonna break into the skillful Huntsman to see if I can figure out something.

Experimenting with colors.

It's going , but slowly.

Gonna call it quits for now.My eyes feel like they're gonna melt and Im bored out of my mind off it.

Having some issues with perspective and composition as usual.

Started renderring out a char design I sketched some time back.

Started rewatching TTGL :I

Keep up the good work dude, why did you stop posting ur anatomy studies?

Life is full of possibilities, If you don't make mistakes then you'll never learn.


I simply haven't done any.I do a bit of sketching on paper but that's not even worth calling a study.Now Im concentrating on more necessairy subjects like composition and values since I seem to have a huge trouble establishing them.Also I'm trying to improve on my rendering more .But I still draw lots of figures and whatnot.Anatomy is a guilty pleasure of mine.

trying out to render up a sketch and practice coloring grayscale with a method by our very own Rapuzaman

Very interesting design, man; it's cool to see the in betweens as well. I'm interested in seeing that gray-scale coloring process, if you don't mind posting a link of it.

Sure thing ,buddy.


there u go.It was also my first time Using Color balance and whatnot.Seems like a very handy tool especially for someone like me who isn't a very good color picker.

Oh, right, I should've realized that's who you were talking about. Good vid, for sure.

great sketchbook dude, this latest character is awesome. I love how you've balanced her posture, you seem to have a good eye for figues in perspective.

Keep it comin man, sweet work so far!

lately I've been out of the groove big time.so I just paint over old old stuff I have in store in my hard drive.Im having issues as to how to continue renderring this up.Maybe introduce a second light source ?Like something cold like aqua blue ?still a noob in colors.And not sure how to introduce texture brushes without it looking like shit. :I

Nice stuff going here! You posted earlier about improving your rendering skills, give some studies from life and photo studies a try. When doing them push yourself to render out some details as much as you can and then go back again and try look again. By doing this you will be able to learn how to render out details (obviously) and also how to take your own images further with detail and realism. Until you practice to render at a certain level you won't just happen upon it.
Also once you've pushed your own personal piece as far as you can go don't be scared to go check some ref to help you push it more with materials and lighting. This way you arent being a slave to the ref and you learn about improving your image.

(06-28-2013, 02:05 AM)Rindoukan Wrote: Im having issues as to how to continue renderring this up.Maybe introduce a second light source ?Like something cold like aqua blue ?still a noob in colors.And not sure how to introduce texture brushes without it looking like shit. :I

You don't need to introduce second light source you need to first of all know about environment thus reflected light. I've picked colors in shadow and they have almost 100% saturation red/orange hue. But you have gray/cool background and it will affect the shadows. They will not be so saturated. Think where he's standing right now? If in daylight outdoors then sunlight is yellow but blue sky work as filling light tinting shadows with blue color. I hope it's understandable :D
Your designs are great, just read something about colors they are so complicated but already many artists explained in details how they works :D Good luck!


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