Budgie - I definitely want to get back into traditional painting. I'll try and pick up some paints soon, sounds like a good idea. Thanks!
JakeB - I do mindlessly noodle a lot, my bush economy is awful haha. I'll try making it larger for sure, I can see how that would help. I did it one the 'limit to 20 brushstrokes' thing and it worked pretty well. Thanks heaps man.
Heavenwill - Thanks bro!
MrFrenik - It was a really fun exercise, definitely noticed a small improvement in my painting efficiency right away. If I kept it up I'm sure it'll help heaps. It is like that haha, like grinding your face against cement sometimes! But well worth the effort in the end ;p Thanks heaps for the comment :)
I've been trying to take peoples advice here and knuckle down on anatomy more. Did a couple hours of construction today, and some face studies in my moleskine.. will have to get photos of my traditional work soon. Crappy iPhone camera makes is pretty pointless.
Here's the PS stuff. So difficult! Really woke me up to how little I know about the human form.
More of this one the way for sure.
Also, for anyone interested, I came across this crazy Japanese Psychadelic.. math-rock.. instrumental band that I fell in love with today.
EDIT: Gah it looks like I hardly did anything. It took so damn long. So much practice to be done.