bemota's sketchbook
hey, lots of time since my last visit, glad to see all of this updates. :)
i like your ballpoint pen sketches, looks like a nice practice.
The last piece has lots of potential.

Thanks for visiting! The pen sketches were a bit terrifying at first but I'm getting more comfortable at starting stuff now because of them.

I won't touch that last one ever again. That piece got me in a dump because i started getting over-critical about it and killed my will to work for some time. I guess I learned something from it anyway.

Keep it up, and here is a great guy you should definitely go and check out

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
-Lao Tzu

Blog | Sketchbook | dA
I have to agree with EduardoGaray on your last piece. It really stands out and looks inspired.

(03-10-2013, 09:17 AM)Heavenwill Wrote: Keep it up, and here is a great guy you should definitely go and check out

When I said I was going to watch some magic that was what I was watching. No joke.

I guess you also check reddit....

[Image: pkFUaah.jpg]

[Image: IrREouK.jpg]

[Image: 6ROReX3.jpg]

[Image: PaNVDCL.jpg]

[Image: buT37rX.jpg]

[Image: WXHRu1A.jpg]

[Image: CfJeih8.jpg]

[Image: LaeOuFQ.jpg]

[Image: a3M8U8Y.jpg]

[Image: fBQB5BX.jpg]

Hey awesome sketchbook! i like your use of values i hope to see you push those even further!
Nice work on the pens dude...You're getting more confident with them already. See we told ya! ;)
On the bloodsport page, I really like the dynamism of the bottom left thumb, great perspective as long as you can fit in some of the environment in there to show the time period.
Oh and you seem to always draw the leg from the knee down about 2/3 to 3/4 of the length they generally should be.
Keep pushing!

 YouTube free learnin! | DeviantArt | Old Folio | Insta
I'll try to keep this updated more often again.

Some stuff I did in the meanwhile:

Norse Mythology for class:
[Image: Jv2Vos5l.jpg] [Image: Kz5RN5Gl.jpg] [Image: tOhUmmZl.jpg]
[Image: u8tYxR1l.jpg] [Image: Cq73A63l.jpg] [Image: pLlJzVWl.jpg]
[Image: yuXxHMfl.jpg] [Image: XqnDQX5l.jpg] [Image: zR8MevTl.jpg]
You can read it here:

[Image: Fti4EAQl.jpg]

[Image: hCkBmrBl.jpg]

[Image: KO735rS.jpg]
Old WIP I need to finish eventually.

And what I did yesterday:
[Image: gCsgEeQl.jpg]
[Image: i9Ur0Kel.jpg]

I'll post again today. :)

Nice color and anatomy studies. I've really got to do a lot more of those myself, but you've really got the color values going well!
Hurray, you're back dude! I was starting to wonder if you had abandoned ship. But you certainly came back with a bang. God damn awesome work, really noticeable level-up achieved :D
Loving everything in the latest post, values, colors, rendering. I guess I especially like the norse mythology illustrations, because I'm biased! They're really controlled in their value with strong composition. I totally appreciate that, you did it justice and I can recognize most of the stories.

Can't wait until next update man, you rock!

Thanks Adam, means a lot! I also haven't done color and anatomy studies in a while but I'm fixing that. :)

Damn Patrik (can I call you Patrik?), you almost made me tear up a bit. I was starting to feel some crippling self-doubt again because I've not been studying very hard lately and most of what I do is school work... wasting my time at home and all that. Your reply means so much more than you can possibly imagine. I might print that and put it on my wall, seriously.
Norse mythology is awesome! I wish I had more time to do those illustrations and maybe try out some oil painting with it... maybe eventually.
And because I was out for quite a while I can see perfectly clearly everyone's improvement and you improved so much! I'm in a bit of a hurry now but I'll definitely reply in your sketchbook later. (But damn man, your story telling is getting buff)

Yesterday I ended up not posting because it was a bit late and I was getting sleepy... but here it is. I worked on getting back some of my mojo with a lot of gesture drawing. It started out really rough and I was getting so furstrated with the 60 seconds. I slowed down for a bit to get my shit together and ended again with 60 secs. Still have some problems where I tend to overlap figures, draw them too big and out of the page most times.

[Image: ef0Qyoo.jpg]
[Image: XxVtHB9.jpg]
[Image: oIZD96q.jpg]
[Image: xiuHyPv.jpg]
[Image: GqOsN2y.jpg]

Today's batch:

More 60secs gesture drawing. Still not comfortable enough or happy with the results. Gotta push harder.
[Image: 8dxF4eE.jpg]
[Image: c6QVTDh.jpg]

I really need to work on my faces so here's the start of that!
[Image: KtcHH3B.jpg]

Gah, struggling so much. Also having some weird problems with focusing on what I'm doing...
[Image: 9O0Z9j9l.jpg]
[Image: u5mr8Rtl.jpg]
[Image: qDZtlwIl.jpg]
[Image: PyeXdEPl.jpg]
[Image: PBwmbvFl.jpg]
Gotta push harder.

it's hard to do everything at once, try focus on your problem one by one, if it's face, try a week to draw only face until you can do it from imagination, just my opinion, keep push harder

Beautiful reply man! You can always call be Patrik! Makes me happy that it meant something for you!
Yeah feeling like you are wasting time sucks. But I don't know, giving yourself some rest ain't all that bad. Aslong as you can pick yourself up and continue walking. You're doing a really good job with your school work anyway, which means that you're working and being productive! Studying isn't everything :D

Got so pumped to do some norse myth paintings myself. Some oil paintings would rock, in the same style as your graphite stuff from before! Drooling a bit over here.
Thanks for the reply and for the compliment! Seems like everyone is improving a bunch all the time. Go crimson daggers!

And as for you wanting to get better at faces, why not try and do a bunch of skull studies, with the planes and everything. Felt like it helped me a lot. I don't see much wrong with your portraits though. I'm guessing you apply it anyway, if not, dooo it!

Merry christmas man, hope you're having a good time :D

Recommended to improve photo quality

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Ah, a brand new year. Let's see how this one goes and I'm definitely going to work much more than in 2013. Got a oil painting kit for Christmas and a ticket to Trojan Horse was a Unicorn!

darktiste, thanks for the heads up. I'll try and be more careful about the quality of my pictures from now on! I also really enjoyed the stuff you posted on the resources thread, you rock.

From my sketchbook; more gesture drawing, skull studies (dat zygomatic bone) and some sketches:
[Image: iGdIc51.jpg]
[Image: ceQh4cm.jpg]
[Image: U6cwsmp.jpg]
[Image: yfHI2no.jpg]
[Image: symUR2s.jpg]

Paintings I did for my Reddit Secret Santa's giftee some weeks ago:
[Image: vrIfDAH.jpg]
[Image: oregZJQ.jpg]
[Image: LFECSvz.jpg]

Today I decided to do some spit painting for the first time! ;)
[Image: WTiiTMQ.jpg]
[Image: JXKMD3P.jpg]
[Image: 6WLbKwD.jpg]
(30 minutes each)

And a warm-up sketch:
[Image: 47aPXFm.jpg]

Hope everyone had a great time druing the holidays and may this year be the bestest :)

PS: I might be looking for a study partner if anyone is interested...

This weekend I didn't do much but tomorrow I'm staring my new schedule! Wish me luck with this one ahah.

[Image: Qkw4mzW.jpg]

And an environment I started to relax a bit in the evening... school starts tomorrow again D:
[Image: azcoVkF.jpg]

Really sweet SB cant wait to see more.


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