Elderscrollers Sketchy Stuff
Wow, you've been busy mate. I love your Arachne pieces, really nicely painted :).

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Second part of this year´s inktober

Great job over all.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Really love your Greek Myths series :)

@ darktiste  &  meat: Thanks, guys!

Here´s the rest of my Inktober drawings:

Sicks drawings, we need more of those !

One thing I really like about them is that they all tell a nice story and are very expressive, on top of being well drawn. A pleasure to see !
@Baldgate thanks a lot! I always find that a picture with even a hint of a story turns out much better

Character commission from a while ago

Commission work of Scylla:

Haven´t posted in a long time....getting post-lazy when workload gets higher :(

Another commission for the annual Terry Pratchett Livehörspiel in Innsbruck (sort of a radioplay, but performed live on stage with audience). This year it´s the novel Jingo and I got to do the announcement poster art 

Got myself an ipad2018 not too long ago, when I found out it also works with the apple pencil now. One of the best purchases ever!  And procreate is an almost perfect painting app. The quickshape feature alone is something photoshop MUST integrate (you basically paint a wobbly shape and the app makes it nice and clean. From lines to squares to circles....!)

Long time no posting.....so here´s a bunch of stuff I´ve been doing :)

Loved the landscape, very immersive
@Matheus Chastinet: Thanks!

Daily portrait practice on my Ipad. It´s nice to also simulate toned paper sketching with red and white chalk

I´ve been to Vienna at the Monet exhibition at christmas and after that, I wanted to do a msterstudy of one of his paintings in oil. I chose the magpie and gave it a slight fantasy theme twist

Some more portrait practice from imagination, while watching TV or from life at a Cafe

so much cool stuff man!

@Leonard: Thanks a lot!


I´ve started experimenting with more painterly styles again as I don´t always like the stiff/clean look of my finished images. The two examples below are sketches from imagination done without any lineart, starting off with very textured paintstrokes, going from big broad shapes to finer ones, bringing order to a chaotic mass. It is the complete opposite of what I usually paint like. Usually, clean lineart comes first, then clean local colour base layers, then rendering (essentially bringing order to already established order :) )

It is absolutely liberating to paint in this chaotic way. Not sure if the result looks good in any way, but I think, I´ll keep using that workflow at least for my sketching as it is fun and also very fast


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