smrrfette's Odyssey
dodeqaa - aaaaaaaah thanks andrew :D! will do *salutes*!

I figured I'm barely gonna have a lot of time tomorrow to do day 25/be bothered to do day 25 lol and I seriously, seriously don't want to have to play catch up again -- so I just did tomorrows today, as well as todays.

EDIT after seeing Fedo's comment...
I realised that I was sick of seeing my bloody paintings lose their quality when I need to resize them down. I never understood why this happened. Until now (after like 2 EFFING YEARS LOLKERALKSEJ)
Basically, this whole time, when I go to Image > Image Size... I never really played around with the "Resample" option down the very bottom. I never saw that mine was stuck on "Automatic" which is what always screwed my resized work in terms of quality.
Anyway, I played around with a couple of the settings and applied I think Bicubic (smooth gradients) to both images (I felt this one was closest to how the image looked while working on the sketch as .psd)
I may play around with these options in the future as well, but here's some updated versions of the digi work form yesterday:
2hr morning sketch - working on my weaknesses -- value paintings + speed + comp -- yes it's a nekkid Elite from Halo (sorry Bungie, for butchering your glory lel)

and been working on this bit by bit. Was meant to be a skeeeeeeeeeeetch, what am I doing?! why am I still working on this o_o

it's fun! 
But if I was to spend time on something like this -- I'd actually consider composition and ideas and fahk. Oh well.

No but seriously, this changes everything. I wish I could go back to all my work in my sketchbook and resize them correctly. Fahk.
Fedodikaaaa, you get that +rep baaaaaby <3

Stopped doing the daily SP's for a reason -- will pick it up again closer to Nov 1st but stopped for now because I'm feeling a lot more comfortable with painting my goddamned face (and tbh I'm sick of it jeezuschriisss--)

'til next time dagz!
Lets keep pushinggggggggggg <3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
UHAUAHUAHHEHEHEHE SMRRFEETTE!!!! Try painting some still lives or something formy like a apple to try to get your edges under control! or maybe like a greyscale of like a a torso or something, to try to get the edges to transfer right on diff planes, But dont worry your draws are good!!!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
city chills with jaik ftw!

and then poops :( :

feeling both good and bad. I feel I'm on the utmost peak of the rollercoaster, about to take the dip again.
here we go

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
I like the zombie dude :)!

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
I`ve been following your inktober sketches on FB, and they are craazy! really starting to become something between Amano and Kekai, awesome :D

Thanks for popping in gais <3 <3 ! 
EduardoGaray - Aaaaaaaaaaaaayee! Eddy! Thank you! Means a lot to hear because I've been having a lot of fun with 'em ^ ^ the more I fail the more I wanna get better, it's weird. cheers again!

OtherMuzz -  Thanks Muzzzzzzz ! Too bad I pooped all over it during yesterday's artblock ugh haha. oh well, on to better stuff ^ ^ thanks for popping in you crazy good dude you!

So I had a pretty nasty artblock yesterday, so I spent the day researching stuff. I attempted to art but scrapped about 4 designs throughout the day. Usually these artblocks last a while for me on average, approx a week to get over... but surprisingly, I woke up this morning and felt the buzz hey. For the most part at least -- enough to get me through 2 Inks (the amount of time I failed though, yeesh)

Anyway, exercise /really/ helps to get me outta that crappy mood.

I wasn't happy with these inks i did. I hesitated. Wasn't as bold and thus, didn't do Kuvira - (one of my ultimate faves in LOK)
any justice at all ;_;
All I'm thinking is - "work at using ink. get better at drawing. come back to LOK characters in the future."

I'm so happy I've kept up with Inktober though - I've been learning so much. I have a clear idea of what I need to work on in my studies since I've hit about 20+ walls while mocking up each days piece.
Basic, basic stuff.
As my DEATHLINE states:
at least 2.5hrs study daily was the goal ... and I haven't been keeping up with that goal. 
Imagine if I studied what I sucked at on each Inktober piece and applied what I study to the next day...
No time for regrets. 
I at least know what I've got to work on come Nov 1.

artblock poo - spent a couple of hrs on this guy. i'm done, w/e. daily sketch done.

Day 27 & 28



sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Hnnngh your inktober pieces are amazing!

Makes me wish I had participated this year. I miss working with ink. Dx

(Croquil kinda girl, but I'd like to try brushpens in the future.)
damnnnnnnnn such dynamic sketches O_O love the inktober stuff. Keep up the good work :)
Ooooh, love the energy in those inktobers! Especially no. 28. Screams „BADASS!!“ with every stroke. Good job on keeping up (or catching up~ whatever!) with Inktober~ 

Keep rocking, girl!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Yay Inktober!, those sketches are looking so energetic and the compositions are great.
I need to start using ink again sometime as well, loved using it when i did its just..that shits expensive especially when you mess up drawings as much as I do XD.

keep it up smrr!

Brushpen skills be sick yo :) what are ya the wizard of oz? hur hur. K Ill stop.

I feel the GTA-ish piece lost contrast in the faces compared to the one in post #902, the one with WIP #2 scrawled on the middle dude's shirt.
Great sketchbook! I especially like your inks, they are very dynamic and cool looking. Keep it up!

Thank you all for popping in <3 <3  048 edit: seriously, woah <3

Fedodika - ^__________^ ty ty ty my koalamanoxide! I feel like I'm finding myself through these :D!

Azuli - Hey thanks Azuli! (your name reminds me of Azula from Airbender ;D) really means a lot to hear you dig them. And hey, give it a shot! Nothing to lose <3 <3!

AngeliquevdMee - Thank you kindlyyyy Angelique o_o!! Great to hear you're feeling the dynamism! #goals achieved!

Elderscroller - Ta Elderscoller <3 means a lot to hear because I'm finally finding my voice thanks to these inks

dodeqaa - lmao oh you xD haha I wish yo :) but I'll keep working at le brushpen! Yeah I decided to give up on it. Lost cause. Considering it was meant to be a sketch and I didn't think about composition or anything - would've turned out worthless even if I did keep working on it. And yeah I see where you're coming from with the contrast comment <3

Triggerpigking - Aaaah, means a lot to hear, Trigger <3 yes, go for it! Dw about messing up-! Make the mistakes into something ;D you've been killing it with that fundamental perspective training hnnnng! I gotta step my game up to your level!!

Lyraina - Hey thanksss Lyraaaa-! So glad that's what you got from no. 28! Goal achieved! :D definitely doing the latter hahaha. You too!

Wanna see some failures?

Hogarth torso work, in pen, from imagination.
One thing at a time.
Focus studies.
I read a bit of Hogarth this morning, applied what I learned. 
I'm so goddamned tired of not being able to draw the ideas in my head non ambiguously. I want to be able to draw anything and everything. This needs to be done. My stomach keeps cringing when I think about studying perspective and anatomy, so here we bloody go.

Gonna be studying Hogarth this month. And perspective. 
So uh, yeah, get used to seeing a whole lot a failure.
It's gotta happen.

And Inktober 29 + 30 o:

I ain't happy with these, but hell, I'm sure as shit proud of myself for keeping up with this challenge and having fun while doing it.

The perspective is whack on no. 30 and ugh, so much ugh. no 29 was too adventurous after reading Hogarth, but yknow - go hard or go home, right?
You can tell no. 30 was done too quick.

Onward to tomorrrrrowwwwww!
O:!~@WQA sd;M
let's kickass and chew that bubblegummmm!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Mariyan-Hristov - Hey man, thank you kindly - hearing that really means a lot <3 <3

Today was my DEATHLINE goal check-in!
8/10 goals = 

Going to add some write up tomorrow, probably. I have a clear vision of where I wanna go and what I need to study atm. It feels really good!

Day 31 of Inktober -- 
I can't believe I managed to complete all 31 days. It was tougher than I thought it would be!! I feel I only managed it because completing the challenge was apart of my DEATHLINE goals tbh. Not to mention... sharing every goddamned entry on Faceboob... yuck. But I did it. Now that my failures are online, I seriouslywanna improve for Oct next year.
Not happy with it, but all I can do is keep at it and work at the thing that's freaking me the flip out - perspective + anatomy:

Keeping with the Korra theme I had going this year... monster-ish Korra, Bolin, Asami and Mako. Outta my comfort zone again. Yaaaaaaaaaay ;_; wooooo! ;_________; I looooove living outta my comfort zoooooooooneeee TT_________TT ahhaah

Aaaaaaaaaand completed International SP Day in record timing :D ...

I remember my first entry in 2013 took me like double, if not triple the amount of time it took me to do this... and the likeness was way off.
I at least managed likeness somewhat better in this one
Didn't start with lines either... so, I stepped outta my comfort zone hard again and for that reason alone, I'm actually kinda happy with this.

Note to self for next year's SP Day:
don't leave the house twice while doing the damned thing lmao.
oh and also, stretch that neck. because ow.


sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Hey Smrr! I was going to say that you seem to be so hard on yourself all the time, calling most of your stuff trash and all that, but then you drop in that SP and say you're 'kinda' happy with it XD you should be, it's freaking awesome, and a lot of hardwork set the causes for that. Add another deathline goal to tell yourself your stuff is awesome sometimes ^^

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
Daaamn, this joint be poppin'! there is so much energy in this sketchbook!


wow that selfie looks really solid! nice brush efficiency. It looks really fast and dynamic but I think you really took your time with picking and placing every color. Paid off! Maybe only lacks a dedicated area of contrast, like a strong rim- or sidelight to push the lights and darks and model the forms even more, right now it's all mid-values. If you like to keep the values close, that's cool; just look for other places in the image where you can put those other values! ruan jia does that all the time, his stuff looks really foggy and the values seem to be super close but he still works with the whole range somehow.

Killing it with those inks Steph! The way you used the pen on the air glider D: so cool. I'm still looking for a brush that works like that in Photoshop. I haven't used my pen brush in a while but I remember they helped me with brush work and values.

Working in 2 values like that is limiting but forces you to come up with creative solutions to make up for it. Check out Frazetta,Gerald parel, and Adrian Smith B&W work.
Update soon!

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