smrrfette's Odyssey
Jeebus guys, thanks for even still caring about this washed up sketchbook hey - all dirty and covered in seaweed and whatnot after being abandoned lololol

BenFlores - Hey cheers Ben <3 haha I'm sure there's a brush out there ;) I'd say go for it with the pen brush though. And hey that piece looks rad o_o thanks for popping in man
P.s. hey look I updated XD

Jan Kloidt - 
Yeah you're spot on about the contrast and stuff Jan, cheers for the feedback and dropping in -- gotta work at it <3

Joe - lol cheers Joe <3

JyonnyNovice - Only being honest with what I see, Jyonny, hahaha <: bah I hate it now tbh, but cheers! I maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay... add that as a goal... maybe... *cough* lmao

Fedodika - 
<3 *burps*
Hihihihihi HAPPY (late) NEW YEARS YO!

Here, have a metric-ton of failures.
The shitter ones were done earlier, etc. Been studying things I suck at i.e. perspective, architecture, etc. 

There's a mix of studies and imaginative shiz down in there - I honestly can't be arsed going through and labeling what's what with over 70 scans, so uh... yeah...

Have a few simple goals that I am going to smash this year

Not sure if I'll be regularly posting like I used to... If I'm honest... unless I'm able to time manage like a boss - we'll see <3

Onward to a better future, Daggers 

Much love, 


sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
keep going dude, so much progress in here

I thought' these looked pro, tbh

I feel like w r settin up the battlefield here...

U no wat 2 do

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
What are you trying to do when you do those geometric shapes? I'm guessing they're from How to Draw? But I don't recall those ... Are your city scapes all from imagination or some of those trad sketches are from observation? Your shading quality is getting even better, to a place where I want my sketches to look like but never quite got back to again since high school. I admit I don't sketch intensely or a lot traditionally anymore, having splurged all my waking hours either somewhere digital, or using brush and markers to make outlines instead of filling in shapes of shades.

Aight - I don't normally reply to my sketchbook without posting any art, (except that one annoying time) but considering I don't think I'll be updating for a while because of many reasons, I figure I'll let this slide, just to answer some questions before I pop out again for who knows how long.

meat - Yeah, they're all from How to Draw, Yen - I've been practising them to better understand how mirroring shapes and planes on tilted surfaces work, so when I draw from imagination, city scapes and vehicles and object and what have you come a lot easier (and will become even easier when I observe references for future drawings before I draw). Yeah so, as I mentioned before, all the architectural pen drawings that aren't confined to thumbnails are from my head. Although I think I marked out which were from a photo (P) and vs imagination (I). The thumbnail sketches you see in my sketchbook were plein air studies I did while visiting Jaik. Drawing on paper for me is what gives me life tbh. I don't get the same feeling when I draw digitally... you just learn so much more taking time away from the PC and studying from books yknow? 
It's never too late to take that time away and draw, draw, draw ~ 
Anyways, cheers for dropping in, Yen <: keep enjoying what you do! Onward to slaying this year aye?! <3

Fedodika - lmao I wish bby <3 lets do the best we can in everything we do, Fedododdidixide <3

rainbowsorknives - Hopefully a bum load more than ever before by the end of this year ;) thanks for the encouragement!

Alright, gotta jet o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
So what's happened since the 2nd of le Jan!?

Well my Cinteech Companion got the same powerjack problem it got last year, that's right - AFTER REPAIRS. Ffs. Getting picked up Mon and yadda yadda

On the plus side of things, been getting my shit together! Even though my brain feels like melted cheese rn... I'm actually way more organised than I have been in a while. I have to give a shoutout to Jan for helping with all that - you know what you're doing ... (Y)(Y) xD

Lots of projects coming to fruition with each new day. Who woulda thunk a schedule could actually be of good use for me -- the hater of routines o_o . But yeah no, really. The schedule came about after being a CD lurker-perv like in the good ol' days; during this time, I read the shoutbox and various threads - old and new alike - through which I saw how many of you guys are time-stricken, badly. Having to work more than 1 job etc, or whatever reason it would be. Knocked my head on the right way again. The thing is, yes, not having the responsibilities of a job in the way of pursuing art is wonderful. However; it certainly has its drawbacks. You don't make as efficient decisions with your time after a while/ and blah blah... ugh, I won't get into it - we all know the answer to this is balance.

Man, I miss these dear sketchbook things lmao
Will be posting probably weekly now. Seeing as I've figured my time management out and a study routine I can follow + personal-project-work-block-thang . Also, it's good to see weekly progress/keeping myself in check etc.

But so do my drawings in general lmao. 
Here's the thiiiiiiiiiiiiing as to why my drawings are so shite. When I study, I have a frame of 30mins from 1hr to apply what I learned. If I apply at least one thing I learned in the given time, then, mission complete. The other thing is that I haven't been working on my visual library building - and we can all see it. My chars are boring af because of the lack of research, but honestly, I don't see the point yet in studying fashion all the way if I still can't draw simple shapes in 3D spaces. It'll come and I'll work up to it, but for now - I'm gonna continue trying to draw figures in perspective after my study sesh's. Cool shit later. Perhaps a weekly drawing where I take my time and flesh out things & render etc. 

Just word vomming rn
Don't mind me.

SO. K. 

Studies first:

schoolism week 1

portrait experimentation

persp training: finding VPs + application

experiment 1


sketches - stuff that's braindead applications of studies, others are sneak peaks into personal projects I'm working on (there's a llot more in the outhouse -- but they're mostly just full of writing and ideas: no point uploading)

project blue stuff:

Will be sharing a WIP fan art thing probably later tonight after fixing a few final things, we shall see


cyaz for now o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Impressive amount of stuff, those perspective studies should pay off.Keep it up!

glad you got a schedule working for you, do you mind sharing it? I've tried so many times to follow schedules but only ever last a week or so before I go off grid.

Looks like a pretty productive month, training wise, characters in perspective are so hard... is there supposed to be a point where it just 'clicks' and you can draw multiple characters in perspective without hurting your head or is it just always gonna be hard ¬_¬ great job though, your characters feel like they are mostly together in the same space, mebbe put a bit more care into the background and things'll start feeling even more united. Keep going ^_^

Comic book creator
Abandoned Hideout Discord Server
Discord: JonR#4453
She is chute

Haha smrrfette your sketchies makes mes smilesh <3

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Really cool updates Smrr, your figures are turning out really good and yay scott robertson working on that as well atm.
Out of curiousity which, schedule did you start recently or did you just build one?.
Theyv'e never worked much for me, I keep getting pulled away to do other things, my house is too hectic haha, can barely ever sit down and concentrate.

Also I wanted to ask, whats your process for drawing figures from imagination? these look really good and i've been struggling a ton with just the basics of setting them up, finding it hard to draw figures well on a4 paper as well due to the structure and detailing of smaller forms becoming difficult.

Before you post anything, lemme just say how you FUCKING NAILED IT! :D you go girl, really awesome piece!

Wooooooooah, cheers for the warm welcome back gaise <3 love yaz

Triggerpigking -  Cheers Trigger -- I feel like things are coming together in my head, even though it may not look like it on all this copy paper x'D . For the schedule, I posted mine up here: 
it's sort've just a modified Wotjek/Rapoza kinda thing -- gotta find what works for Mr. Trigger and you'll be unstoppabru ;)

Having difficulties with le peopleolses? Same here lmao! Although, I have found recently - that all my figures  turn to complete shit when I forget about the importance of gesture at the very beginning. Whenever I stop drawing for a bit and get into it again, my figures become stiff - because I just jump right into the form building without considering the energy of the character him/herself D: so yeah, always a quick, light, gestural note to understand what I want the char to do -- before thinking about structure, persp, etc -- I hope that helps bruh <3  

 Fedodika - I wanna strangle her ;_;

and lol - a lot more where that came from ;) lolololololololololoo.... lol o ol olool 

llololoo lo lo

JyonnyNovice -  
Sure Jyonnyyyyyyy, I shared it in le schedule thread <3 
oooooh I like what you said about the *"clicking"* and the simple answer is, yes! :D I'm certainly not there yet, but there are parts of the human body that I am able to see more and more just by studying perspective. My observation from December is that anatomy studies are useless without a solid understanding of perspective. Hence why my study schedule has a training block for perspective daily (minus my day off). SuuuuuuuuuuuuuUUuuper important stuff - that fundamental stuff ;)

Hobitt - 
Hopefully they do hey! <3 cheers Hobitt o/!
Hi! I'm back! Prematurely ;)

Just casually dropping off a style/experiment thing portrait thing from last year - she was meant to be Winona Ryder - love them man hands lmao no joke

andddddddd my first actual 

portfolio piece <3
of Fleur East! #goals
been working on her for about a week total
absolutely out of my comfort zone but enjoyed every last minute working on her and that's all that matters to me!

Super fun fun

See y'all next week with an actual update with studies and all that 


sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

Attached Files Image(s)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Sketchosoph - hey cheers man <3 although I don't feel like I am haha. brain is so mushy >: I'll definitely keeping up my H2D studies in way or another! Hmm, never considered it - I only kind of like one dude from that sketch haha, the rest of 'em are blegrhgehr. But who know, I may in the future! At least to experiment. 
cheers again for the kind words sketchosoph!

Fedodika - and there ain't no denying it bby <3 


Alrighty, this week started off shiet. Just because after I finished that illustration - I stooped into the inevitable low that I usually fall victim to after finishing an illustration. I felt directionless with my goals and all that junk again. On the Sun & Mon I was checking out Will Terrell vids to pick me up again, followed by some Stephen Silver vids and soon after Jake Parker ones. I learned a ton and managed to get the ball rolling again. It was only on Wednesday that I decided to take a look at my goals again and actually carve out > in detail > what projects I want to have completed and wrote some stories to aid in char dev for new illus' and all that good stuff. So now I won't be flailing around all disorganised like :) or so that's the plan.

No one ever told me this art thing would change me as a person. Especially my orderliness. 
is a goo'ting.

tl;dr poor update - just stuff from Wednesday and Thursday.

Le pen sketches (no ref)

Le pencil sketches (no ref)

Was tryna see how far I could go with drawing heads from imagination > goal was also consistency. style is one thing but, consistency is another. I think I'm understanding that now.

Also, going from drawing in pen for like 4months really helps your pencil drawings - I've found at least - 

Anyways, 'til next time dagz


sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
I really like the stuff you've been posting on social media, wanted to see some of the behind the scenes stuff. All I gotta say is great job, looks like you're really putting in the hours.

Glad that you're able to self evaluate and figure out what you want to/need to do. It's one of the most important skills in all this imo.

You're one of the few people I genuinely enjoy watching grow, you've got your own voice and it's awesome. cant wait to see everything that you become :)

Sketchbook ▲  Website ▲ TwitterArtStation ▲ Twitch ▲

really nice studies on perspective and form!
loving the rendering and colors on post #936

Keep going!!!
Hmmm huauauauhahaha may the smrrfette b with u <3

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Thank y'all sweet little dagger faces for poppin' in with some OJ and Key Lime Pieeeeee mm mmm mmm ! <3

Fedodika - I haven't seen The Shining yet bby, but when I do - I'll come back to this vid asap <3 ahahaha ^ ^

VoodooMama -  Yessir! Will do, cheers!Welcome back btw :D

Jonesoda -  This honestly made my day Jones - and it's been a pretty crazy day -- thank you so much! It's taken me years of hating my stuff and trying to find my voice and I feel like I'm now making ripples with my art-making process :) not waves just yet, but ripples; ripples are all I need to keep drawing tho! woop woop!

Back at ya with the "everything that you become" boi! You hardworking sonofabish!
Let's get at itttttttttttttttt!

This weeks studies > they look like shit because I'm learning and boy did I!

applyyyyyyy (imagination)

personal project roughs

digi stuffs --- tryna do a somewhat daily sketch thing. by that I mean 3 sketches a week. The main focus is >> making shit I like, speeding up my process and being consistent... OH and making shit in general! I never have anything worthwhile to show by the end of the year, so I wanted to change that <3

this one turned out like SHIT
but it gave me the idea for the Super Mario Bros/Smash Bros UFC series I'm currently doing, so it was a success in that regard
also, the experimenting on it was a learning curve

took 6hrs

took about 7 :l
that number'll change with the more I do

oh and a wip

Man, so much has changed... I now finish things I start  016 

'Til next week dagz <3 o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
WARIOOOOOOO!!! <3 Killin it SMRRRR!!!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]

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