Styles' Grimoire of Art Magic
Day 1: 100 hand studies
[Image: handzcopy.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
Day 2: 100 hands study (153 if you count PS crashing and making me lose everything)
[Image: hands2copy.jpg]

today's studies [Image: Silverboyall.jpg]

Brad potrait study
[Image: Bradschandra.jpg]

lion study for Beastmasters.
[Image: lionstudy.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
Day 3 100 hands study (this is eating up a lot of my painting time)
[Image: hannds3.jpg]

and a study
[Image: keira.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
day 4 100 hands...almost forgot it was it will be my birthday tomorrow..i hope i have time to do studies...i dont want to have to do 200 hand studies to make of for it.
[Image: hands4copy-1.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
part 1 of 2...i wanted to paint more females because i suck at painting them....i won't be doing any more of these anytime soon....i have so much work to do this month.

[Image: ChimeraNormalversion.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
some fixes...Note to self: i need to pay more atention and flip my canvas more often.

[Image: ChimeraNormalversionfixedcopy.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
Last batch of bad work before i undergo metamorfosis and become a beautiful artist...hopefully.
a quick sketch
[Image: speedy.jpg]

and stuff.
[Image: wanderercopy.jpg]

i'm going to take a break to study for a couple of i can do some paintings from life and study volume. and some loomis.

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
today's life study

[Image: stilllifecopy.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
it was nice seeing you in the hangout

today's life study
[Image: stilllife2copy.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
am i a beautiful artist yet?
[Image: Survivalofthefittest-1.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
i think you should rethink on how you feel about your art because i sense that you want to be accept as a ''good artist'' but i fact you should be more focus on improving first.It good to be approve but is that all that really matter? for me the answers is no.This should be a faculative goal i think.

Being a great artist is not just about drawing painting what ever it is about making for art.I think it also to be able to communicate with art.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.

[Image: colorlizardcopy.jpg]
[Image: lizarddesigncopy.jpg][Image: lizardformcopy.jpg]
[Image: lizardcopy.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
lookin good!
keep up the studies!

Hey, thanks Marjorie.

MOAR Studies

[Image: handstudie.jpg]

[Image: Jaimecopy.jpg]

and a quick speed painting

[Image: Forestcopy.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
stuff i've been working on
[Image: Orcus2.jpg]

and a wip for a local contest.
[Image: ADVENT-1.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
hey dude, i think it's useless to rush your studies now, since you don't have the fundamentals of volume and space ! It's better to do 10 hands focusing all your attention on proportions, volume, etc, rather than rushing, and doing 100 hands where you put no thoughts on it and all you do is barely copying the shapes of your hands . You have to think a lot whils drawing and painting, you must understand what you're doing ! it's easy to draw thoughtlessly, while your mind is wandering, but it's harder to put all your energy and your focus to spend 2-3 hours fully thinking about learning and actually making huge progress !!! Anyway, keep up your efforts dude !

thx kikindaface, i stopped doing the 100 hands thing because i just went on autopilot after the first 10-20. now i am thinking a lot more while i study and i feel like i'm learning faster.

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
something i was working on before i did some studies and saw how bad it was. i may keep the idea but i'll have to repaint it from scartch.
[Image: Thisisnotover.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.
OOOKAY. i've decided that from today on i will be posting daily. even if it just some scraps :/

i was working on this before i decided to stop painting and do anatomy studies all november.

[Image: haip.jpg]

[Image: loomisstudies1.jpg]
[Image: loomisstudies2.jpg]
[Image: loomisstudies3.jpg]
[Image: loomisstudies4.jpg]
[Image: loomisstudies5.jpg]

My Sketchbook

I shall live forever or die trying.

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