Pnate's Almost Daily Sketchbook

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Hey, man!

I just gotta say, it's been really wonderful seeing your work get to the level that it is at currently. Awesome to hear you've been getting steady freelance, also!

Those characters are getting better and better every time I pop my head in for a visit. :]

Thanks for sharing your brushes, can’t wait to try them out!

Awesome to see you take the same Nathan Fowkes class and tackle the same assignments! Good job on the cat one, looking better than mine :P I think you could push the warm/cold contrast a bit more though - maybe behind his orange-lit back, making the background cooler… right now it’s a huge warmish area, almost too intense. Just my 2 cents tho!

As for the rest… well… thanks for sharing your usual Nate-awesomeness with us <3

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Every feedback is appreciated!
Sooo pretty stuffs o.O

What? CHOW is coming back? REally? :O

Fantastic artstyle, I'm loving the sketchbook!
Nate! Glad to see you back! Thanks for sharing your brush set that's been organized with so much care and effort! I used to have a huge and disorganized brush collection too, and then one day I snapped in the middle of organizing them, and deleted all but 15 brushes..... now I use maybe 3 because the other 12 are stupid. Now I can kill them off, and add your set!

Gimra the hero bearded female dwarf, married with a husband and 2 kids waiting at home like Odysseus. Professional Protector whose latest business trip got unexpectedly extended and delayed. Saving the world along side protagonist while trying to make sure her messenger pigeon with 'email' takes off alive. XD

Yeah job is.... being job. The managers has agreed to give me 2.5 month hiatus during Mentorship though, and will let me go back to working for them during winter holiday season. I don't expect to walk out of Mentorship and straight into an industry job, so that was very reassuring yet saddening at the same time, to have this back-up set up, LOL! Need to keep saving $ for either GDC in San Fran, or Spectrum Live next year.... you wanna go?

ah another cool update. the cat study is really badass, but those heads are what i like the most.


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