Wow these are great guys! was doodling around tonight, and managed to get something i like for the moment that will tackle some weak spots


Woah, everyone pieces are looking awesome! Here is my comp at the moment, and a small study for the old wizard dude.

[Image: 809ef102-72d4-4e8b-8c65-d36a790356c6.jpg]
[Image: gandalfsmall.jpg]

I did some more comp sketches (cause the first ones were horrid and I knew I could do better) and ended up with these two...I think I like the vertical one more...the second one was a neat try though. Tonight I'd like to start busting out some character designs and really get the ball rolling, cause I am fallin behind :U
[Image: 7_bs013.jpg]

A little cheesy, but that's ok i guess. I couldn't think of a great way for the dragon sidekick to look very "sidekicky" though...
God I hope I have time for this, because this just sounds so awesome. Soo cool. Okay, here are some thumbnails. I focused on more of a mech design with possible cyborg/android elements, maybe a strain of artificial intelligence that achieved self realization, but not to a degree where it is smarter than a human. I was thinking a flying robotic creature. I want a behavior not unlike a mix of horse, dog, and trained falcon. The robotic element of this potential illustration will be my challenge. If I can fit this in, I will produce more thumbnails.

As for the human counterpart (medieval female rogue/archer) trust me, I haven't quite gotten to thumbing her out yet. I kinda sorta sketched her out to get a feel for her. The end-all is (hopefully) some sort of scene where she is leaping off aforementioned flying robotic creature, having planted, or just about to plant, an arrow into a pursuing AI.

Whew. Well, that was a lot of words I just wrote, so here are some thumbnails.

Hey guys! I'm super excited about the challenge, I bet we're all gonna bring up something great! =D

I started today so there was alot of research and testing out!

My idea is of a Ronin (outcast samurai, or something in that line) forced to do all the drill you guys know about... and a sphere floating droid kinda like one of those of fallout 3

I want to dare trying out a dynamic composition, with alot of movement or a crazy perspective =) These are some lunch sketches, done before any kind of deep thought about design or anything really

And some initial silhouettes, I plan on doing some more tomorrow, after some armor and design studies =)

Bloodsport - awesome event! So many cool wips... Well done all! Here what i did: At first stage i made variations of maine character on the illustration. And i chose Sci-Fi outlaw dude. Than i did some lame variations of future illustration... It was slow and I think that's a good idea will not appear in my head. But idea, perhaps not good, i don't know, I like it, appeared. Then I draw pose, made some cloth design, weapon variations and enjoyed the process. I want to note, that it was hard choice between hero designs couse i really like that post apocalyptic sci-fi dude but I decided that second design more suitable for competition.

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Everyone is so amazing! here is mine. this is my first time joining the bloodsport~ hope my work wont be too embarrassing ><

the idea was a future girl went back to early era ( the time with saber tooth ). and she used some sweets to let the kid stand at her side and tamed a pet saber tooth! and now they are ready to explore!

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Hey daggers. First I did some thumbnails and a sketch. My comps are usually not that great so I focused on that first. Now onto concepts and studies!


Heres my second sketch. Decided to go with a shaman/witch doctor female type instead of a knight. I wanted to practice skin tones and faces as they are my weakest areas.

The companion is a defunct SHERIFF robot stuck on the happy setting, refined his design a little.

[Image: bloodsport_2_by_moonskinned-d5xses5.jpg]

New direction, cowboy in a cyberpunk ish city riding a horse mech.

Hey! So much awesome work and mine sucks so much, but anyway it's really motivating. Here's a few sketches I made :)
Part study, part design for the 'ominous lizard priest character in the back' Comps and main characters to follow :p

Awesome work everyone :)

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A mind that wanders so much it brings back souvenirs.


Very early stuff silhouettes for the protagonist and the companion

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And some character ideas. Not sure who's the sidekick or main char though :p

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A mind that wanders so much it brings back souvenirs.


quick comp clean up
some more will follow. keep it up everybody!

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Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

Getting a late start on these

Here is a rough for my main character, and some comp sketches.

It's been a while since I have been around any forums. Good to see all this awesome work already

started to apply the gandalf study, and did a cloud study
[Image: 4b3edbb7-e751-476d-88db-1c6c965d6fd5.jpg]
[Image: cloudstudy-1.jpg]
Edit: Updated, pushed a little further don't know if it's going anywhere:(

Good to see a lot of interest in this.
A few comp sketches :


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