Joshua Meehan's Sketchbook
So I picked up a lot of hours at my day job and I find the amount of energy I have at the end of the day is near 0 depending on the shift. I've been working hard to complete client work but it doesn't seem like I have a lot of time for personal work. Usually, as soon as one job is completed I'm getting another opportunity. So this month I made a goal to just make sure I'm doing some of my own ideas and at least finishing one piece!

This piece I need some help on I want to take it farther and paint this up full color and looking good and would love input. Thanks!

Very nice sketchbook!

Good balance of studies in there too, which is good.

Cool stuff dude! as for that last one, maybe put a sacrifice/homage to whatever this dude is into on the altar or something ha.

Workshop enthusiast
Workshop blog
the last compo with the two guys is simply terrific. you have a very nice skills already , good luck in your aspiring career !

Hi Joshua. The last piece with the character kneeling before the altar is looking good but I think it's too ambiguous. There's no gesture or expression coming from the figure so we can't tell if it's alive or dead, summoning the wisp of magic or at it's mercy etc etc. I think if you showed the hands (or at least a hint of the left one) performing some sort of gesture or expression it would give the character a lot more life. Just my opinion of course, hope it's of some use.

Wow, there is really a great sense of scale in all of these... For that latest piece, my eyes seem drawn to that strap on his back... I think it would look better if you pushed the character to the right side a tad. I think that would make the room feel a little bigger and it would put more of a focal point on the alter.

Very cool stuff you got in here man. I specifically like your environment sketches. Wish I had your skills. Keep it up!
so much art now to upload. Got a promotion to custom framing manager at the michaels I have been working at. So that takes up 40 hours a day. Which means new schedule for art. I get up at 7am, usually paint on my laptop for 4-5 hrs then either before work (if I work 1pm-930pm) or 4-5hrs after work (work 9am-530pm) go to bed at 10-11pm. With two days off to work on personal or client work. It's not glamorous but its paying bills and student loans and I still paint! So that makes me happy :D

Anyway I have been creating a collaboration project with Colin Mulkerin, a friend from college. He has been creating the mechanics and I've been doing the art and character design. It's a card game called Kobble, the all in one box set that we will be kickstarting in a few weeks.

So yeah lots happening. anyway here's art.

Ahhh cartoons! This page has made me so happy, I love that goblin character.

Part two of things I've been painting. Most of these things are characters for the game that represent a unique part of the world. The main premise was ANYTHING COULD BE MIXED WITH ANYTHING. So in the mind of the player if they can imagine a minotaur-goblin they can be one. Or a yeti mermaid. it creates a lot of fun stuff!

and characters and objects. contacts. llots f stuff since I started in October. its been a challenge keeping with a single style but rewarding to learn color and be cohesive.

contacts and objects that can be acquired for an edge in the battles.

Since today is my birthday I spent the morning painting in great weather :) Trying out a limited palette and more brush strokes in my work. These are veeery loose.


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