BLOODSPORT 14- BeastMasters!
jeshields--welcome! and thanks for the awesome ref material!
Thought I'd drop some references for armor, might inspire some of you! Goodluck everyone

I'll contribute with refs too!
Armor ref:
Hope it helps!

To throw in some possible help on the creature side of reference/inspiration this is a beautiful blog for those that don't know about it:

Yay falcons :D

[Image: 52e04e285184e5d7dc3c62f942945130.png]

[Image: d0e85d2afe12166fa64b1e579d2296f8.png]

[Image: f6918ce4277911c4cf9ed8f3b7cfaf8d.png]

Arrgh matey...I know I know, a bit cliche.
I'll be starting to work on a kraken of some sort pretty soon.
[Image: Q8NLHjU.jpg]

[Image: EWNoAiW.jpg]

My contribution to the armor references:


Warzone, remember that this has to be a VERTICAL card illustration. Please read the brief

Good job everybody! really looking forward to see more of this!

I am thinking of using the moose. So i started off by doing some quick studies on it, using line work.

Then i went on with some silhouettes, though I think that i have to do some more before I jump in to a illustration.

cool start folks, and cheers to everyone for the ref links <3

forrest - nice studies and initial designs man, wings scare the shit out of me

first wip for ma Bison Brawler. Hopefully making his second form more action orientated.
[Image: wip1_zps51555ae6.jpg]

It's gonna be interesting. Do not forget to save your works! Because i did this studie twice. My computer just reloaded when i started to paint this... This is just texture studie of armor. Very messy, but i catched the idea ) Update: the reptile eye\skin studie.

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BeastsMasters, shapeshift! I love this challenge so much!
Bison Brawler, awesome name! I need to come up with something for mine too, Hyena Huntress perhaps? haha

My sketches

My refs

My concepts, might be subject to some changes


[Image: ibvdDFOy8rzpCv.jpg]

New WIP (also I switched from African tribe style to a mix between African and Tibetan):
[Image: iE4PCzuoGZI41.jpg]

More armor reference :D
The batgirllll (not final name :P)

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A mind that wanders so much it brings back souvenirs.



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studies and some design exploration

[Image: 34evnvd.jpg]

[Image: helmconcepts.jpg]

Amazing stuff so far in, really inspiring.

Got a few results from brainstorming, playing around with the idea of some sort of insect or spider like armour/creature, haven't finalised anything yet,

studies and so on to come, once I know the bug I'm going for Insane, ecstatic

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Just a beetle study....trying to analyse value and saturation after the fact and where I went wrong
I tihnk maybe beetles are my creature, they come ready-armoured. :)

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two studies so far of a Louse and a figure/muscle(or lack there of) study to get shape down. Will be doing probably some studies of holocaust survivors so get the shape of the character down. This is probably the most difficult challenge I will do but I am having so much fun doing it!

monkeybread -Awesome study man cant wait to see what you will be doing with that creature there will be some really cool possibilities with this.

Canaan- Spiders would be really cool, number 5 is my favorite but I am getting more of a leaf type bug or some sort of mantis type, really good stuff keep it up.

Thomas Mahon- Great studies mate, I cant wait to see more some sort of centaur type creature would be a cool way for them to transform.

Angel_Intheuk - Cool ideas so far. I think some sort of arabian desert hero would do good plus you could really play with the clothing and textures or armor.

Simonarpalmer- that looks pretty awesome and off to a great start. I think some tribal tattoos that mirror hyena stripes or spots would look pretty good on the warrior to even tie the two together more.

Nikt- Off to a good start man! I would try a little more larger scale studies as in maybe a suit of armor, I think some value studies would do good for you as well. cant wait to see more man keep up the hard work.

Warburton- Great Idea love the weapon hes using, although I think the skulls are alot bigger, and were you planning on doing a native american type look? because I think you could get some really cool designs with some tattoos and different designs on the armor.

Philip- Awesome moose idea, I would do some more concepts myself try out the idea of a tall strong creature within this warrior, I think some sort of druid type would do pretty well, but you should push that try something that isnt common and push the ideas.

Warzone- cool idea I would try and do some pirates of the carribiean studies and also try and work the design of the character some more as well and not a cookie cutter look of a pirate, they all looked different and you could really get some nice designs. Try to look at some of the clothing from that time period and do some studies of it.

Forrestimel- love the falcon man, cant wait to see some character design concepts as well, be sure to play with that as well. composition wise I really dig that last one. Keep up the hard work and those awesome studies.

everyone else- Work hard and do some bad ass creature people.

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Hello everybody,

Great to know there is another bloodsports challenge. Here is my moodboard and pose sketches for my entry.

Its a very straight forward moodboard if you ask me. heheh

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