*GASP* omg omg omg c:
[Image: be759d2e_oh-my-god-o_zps8bb2e64f.gif]

Sam! Yes! Looooooooooove the updates, so much drawing I'm gonna cry :') and dude hell yes we've heard about Inktober! damn, son! Get your work up in this thread!

But jes, I love jor sketchbuk Sam. Keep pushing, you're awesome-!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

[Image: gurren_lagann_overpaint.png]

real gooood :)

Good stuff man. You have a very animated style. Are you looking to get into animation, or is it something you already do?

oh weird thought I had posted here yesterday

thanks guys! Craig working in animation is my dream, haven;t gotten there yet >:D

speedpaint from life, there was this bug casting a shadow just when the windowscreen was catching all the light and it cast the cool shadow that made a hole int he texture :0
[Image: oEj0Kdc.jpg]

and more inktobers
[Image: yVwIhJe.jpg][Image: XaCzE2p.jpg][Image: XaCzE2p.jpg]

Wow man, you are the drawing-machine. Your latest piece came out great allthough I think you could add more subtle gradients here and there. Check out this for example:

see the mushrooms and how the colors are nowhere just flat but change ever so slightly. I think that is something your work could really benefit from.

Great inktober stuff!

Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

latest couple inks, sort of fell off the bandwagon because of birthday and laziness stuff. Thanks for the link flo, great little way to add variety. I'll keep that in mind next time I actually paint something DX Definitely love Elle Michalka and En Worrel's stuff, I could learn a ton from them.
[Image: MfSWSby.jpg]
[Image: K3rwWu6.jpg]

Yay more sam! Looking good man.

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Birthday? Happy belated birthday! Now back on the bandwagon with you! :D

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
sketchdump D:< yep no finished stuff around here what even is that

Still not drawing as much as I should be..I'm scared I won't be able to draw anything good, and the fear of making something bad is keeping me form doing anything...which is stupid. I think it also might mean I'm caring too much about the outcome of my art and hoping the attention that gets will make me happy. Need to get to a place where drawing and improving for their own sake fun and exciting again.
AAnd need to finish more stuff I guess

[Image: CDq26V5.jpg]
[Image: Tn4nyFA.jpg]
[Image: USegK5D.jpg]
[Image: 2Uw1tsb.jpg]
[Image: o0v3Fu5.jpg]
[Image: et27r6T.jpg]
[Image: dzDc4uo.jpg]
[Image: dL3VMyr.jpg]
[Image: EjpTuvj.jpg]
[Image: GNG4T4r.jpg]
[Image: 8OabKpB.jpg]
[Image: ZeBqKBJ.jpg]
[Image: 1Icbtu4.jpg]
[Image: IId3W2w.jpg]
[Image: B0fNQTH.jpg]
[Image: YtsYE65.jpg]
[Image: wVPJU9p.jpg]

Love your style man, keep going !
I have no doubt that you will fulfill your dream one day.
My reaction on that fear more recently was to not post anything or save for that matter. But that's also bad can't receive helpful advice if I post nothen D:

(10-31-2014, 03:16 PM)Samszym Wrote: sketchdump D:< yep no finished stuff around here what even is that

Still not drawing as much as I should be..I'm scared I won't be able to draw anything good, and the fear of making something bad is keeping me form doing anything...which is stupid. I think it also might mean I'm caring too much about the outcome of my art and hoping the attention that gets will make me happy. Need to get to a place where drawing and improving for their own sake fun and exciting again.
AAnd need to finish more stuff I guess

Hi Sam,
You draw good.
I like your style.
Don't worry about being bad.
Just think, every painting, drawing, print, film, photograph, sketch, sculpture etc. you ever saw was a piece of work that the author felt she/he could had improved upon. If you are in a place where you know you are not drawing enough, then you are drawing enough. Complacency is our demise! When you think you have drawn enough, is when you should be worried.
Don't spend so much time thinking about the judgments. Just keep chasing the dream. The chase is what keeps the journey exciting. Hope this helps.


"... for drawing is a thinking person's art." - Walt Stanchfield.
Hey Sam. I totally feel you with what you write about that fear and the other stuff. Are you a perfectionist too? I think though that focusing on the process instead of the outcome will help a lot!

As always it's great to see new stuff from you, I still admire the unique look of your work. My fav is the green dude! Keep it going!


Sam - that's exactly what I am feeling since a looooong time. Crimson helps with that a lot, but it's still an 'artist thing' to get insecure about one's level and comparing oneself to others (which everybody does, although they shouldn't ;) What helps me with the fear of creating something bad is being honest with myself, in knowing that mistakes are something I am going to do and, provided I will learn from them, they will make me better. The curve of learning doesn't alway lead straight up - we get our lows, but then then we bounce of them to the next level. I am challenging myself this november to post more and do more studies and I will keep my fingers crossed also for you. :)

Well, if it helps, I haven't been arround here in like haf a year and when I saw your SB I was like "damn!" and also like "yay, sonic fanart!"

Well would you look at that time for an update!

I was on a really long trip on the West Coast, met a lot of people and made a lot of sketches, none of which I feel like scanning right now. Here's some photos of older sketches!

[Image: tumblr_nfii83InJC1rjgrozo6_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_nfii83InJC1rjgrozo4_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_nfii83InJC1rjgrozo3_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_nfii83InJC1rjgrozo1_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_nfoiasGpme1rysqk3o1_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_nfii6co6sI1rjgrozo3_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_nfii2pxE5s1rjgrozo5_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_nfii2pxE5s1rjgrozo4_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_nfii1kmNcd1rjgrozo1_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_nfii1kmNcd1rjgrozo2_1280.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_nfihct3gUh1rysqk3o1_1280.jpg]

I LOVE those birds. <3


Thanks cyp!

whup whup. Hi again, dropping in for a sketch update. Haven't been working hard at anything, but still getting a bit of drawing in.

[Image: Z04n0Cz.jpg][Image: pzmXVKv.jpg][Image: Ygrtts2.jpg][Image: 9MmYJfJ.jpg][Image: JONcUI7.jpg][Image: LMOZVGE.jpg][Image: K2zeBct.jpg][Image: ip7Frj3.jpg][Image: uwQYslm.jpg][Image: pCbKDF3.jpg][Image: AmZJqWq.jpg][Image: EjHNgtA.jpg][Image: dzD1oYT.jpg][Image: a4mGKMB.jpg][Image: f3YfIFf.jpg][Image: 63HIyu2.jpg][Image: ha3tDo6.jpg][Image: V5FOSXX.jpg][Image: 13fbMpM.jpg][Image: NVQMgHl.jpg][Image: 7PMAnPB.jpg][Image: Rn6ErK5.jpg][Image: biDa6s1.jpg][Image: JUpjPTJ.jpg][Image: 3IayEQB.jpg][Image: eeY3onT.jpg][Image: fSlZDFb.jpg][Image: p4c9JaM.jpg]
landscape study from robby Johnson. I was gonna work on my digital environment painting skills, but then I got video games -_-
[Image: e2ufFzA.jpg]

Beautiful work-- You have a real fluid, action-packed line quality that I love!

That study looks great! My only suggestions: It's a bit far on the green side of blue in comparison to the original, and also, the mechanical thingie in the center is a bit skewed. The right arm has more lighting on it, and should come out a bit more, with a bit more length towards the bottom. I'm sure you're aware of it, though, since it's unfinished. Just thought I'd point out a few things you might not've seen.


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Thanks bookend! I'm actually colorblind, I had no idea the blue was so off. I love what color can do, but I have a hard time with it :/

whole bunch of sketches. I'm working on a storyboard idea with an angel and robot who take care of some kids, but the kids are becoming one kid and the angel and demon have become robots. Writing is hard.
[Image: izTsOwL.jpg]
[Image: zmFfRs7.jpg]
[Image: qUqbXJ4.jpg]
[Image: QPVvvHo.jpg]
[Image: UzQAz64.jpg]
[Image: AyDZgup.jpg]

some other sketches. Started my first pathfinder game a while ago, I'm playing a rodue tengu cassowary. I spent the whole game obsessing over flight then right at the end of the game mutated to have bat wings attached to my arms, and I lost the ability to speak and write. WORTH IT. Really liking roleplaying so far, I wish I'd had a chance to do it sooner
[Image: 6qYGRqB.jpg]
[Image: ibVkp8M.jpg]
[Image: gq9Bzqp.jpg]
[Image: z2wenbs.jpg]
[Image: dHCYtry.jpg]

and some other stuff
[Image: Ik1a4Pg.jpg]
[Image: tPLQGmi.jpg]
[Image: jRsT6VN.jpg]
[Image: LrUERUZ.jpg]
[Image: yAegbdG.jpg]
[Image: 38NVbVW.jpg]
[Image: 6H7NM6N.jpg]
[Image: A73QyJI.jpg]
[Image: TleHUBy.jpg]
[Image: 1OSbZd6.jpg]
[Image: Af2hudb.jpg]
[Image: raAmdTb.jpg]
[Image: flQ5VNE.jpg]
[Image: aSi8Vs9.jpg]
[Image: TWwjRO6.png]
[Image: cMnkr90.jpg]

and some NSFW stuff, links instead of pics.

yyyep. Ah, probably gonna be updating every Sunday now, at least.


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