molesting virgin moleskines with graphite <3
time for an update (:

dicided to drop the last digital piece for a while. I will pick it up later, but I feel like I'm not ready for it yet, want to do some other stuff first.
firstly, I got some new brushes. damn, this feels a lot better.
secondly, really kept a few crits I got, also on the last piece, in mind.

this work is a 25 min life drawing from the guy who was sitting at the bar at my work, sadly enough, halfway my painting the man left.

this is a wip I'm working on now, to get used to my new brush. man, I really got to finish this one before starting a new piece. have to do: finish colours on character to be able to drop the black outline - make the background less saturated and darker to make the figure stand out more - fix those persective errors.

got some sketches over here, will scan those tomorrow as I'm going to disneyland in a few hours with school :p time to draw some disney achitecture and make horror versions of disney characters.

This update took me some time, ghehe :p had to drop the last piece because a project was offered me - some friends wanted me to make the game art for their personal dungeons and dragons cards- will finish it when summer ends. The update includes some studies, gesture shit, sketches and a wip of one of the project pieces, a plein air thing and random stuff. More to come! Doing as much as possible atm.


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The WIP looks really promising, he maybe hunch to much it makes him overall looks like he's scared. Pushing his chest to front should fix it :) Beard-guy with shinning buttocks makes me laugh so hard i almost choke myself! xD

EDIT: NOOO, a really important layer of the face dissappeared and it looks much worse now D: *insert a lot of swearing here*

madzia - haha thanks :p had a lot of fun about the beard guy too :p

so, update on the wip. yep, it looks terrible, getting rough parts down. went into detail on the face more; shame on me. but it was fun. it's 3 AM now, I worked for 7 hrs and I'm nearly dead : p lol ah well. now getting the rough grayscales down one by one; depends what colour they'll eventually have, and then get more into detail, after that add the colour. I've putten up a deadline for myself: the piece must be finished before nect sunday 23:59. All the time I'm telling myself: ''keep it simple'' ''use larger brushes'' ''look where the light is coming from'' ''no DONT do details you biatch!''
etc :p streaming the piece to eventually make a time lapse, so I can laugh at myself if I look back at it in 2015.

[Image: taVlsxL.jpg]
[Image: 52XYWFb.jpg]

lil' update on the WIP, it still needs so muck work :/ for eample, the arm looks pathetic, I really need to get some decent ref for that. I gave the shoulder armor several tries, but concluded that it will probably need a seperate study. man, this is harder than expected and I have no idea what I'm doing tbh :p

[Image: AqE36Eh.jpg]

selfportrait night, having fun sketching at a bar.
no scanner around ;_;

[Image: dr2V9F3.jpg?1]

demon guy with horns looks kewl, the magician with the fireball looks a lot better now that you've fixed it. arm studies, but where are legs? keep at it, cheers!
just finished my first comission ever :D wheeee I'm somehow happy with the result too, slowly starting to enjoy working digital more. livestreaming is fun ^^ yeas, natori, tomorrow there will be time for legs studies.

[Image: nSjoylw.jpg?1]

have the leg studies over here, but it's 2:15 am and I'm exhausted, so they will follow tomorrow if I find the time -packing bags for a trip- here's some quick fart from a little less than 3 hrs, not looking too well (I honestly think it stinks but ah well) slowly starting to enjoy digital more and more ^^

[Image: G9CYcxd.jpg?1]

aaand a quick 20-30 min leg study from ref, mainly focussing on the colors. left leg clearly got more attention.

[Image: Hllk9xY.jpg?1]

further design of the poster, it's almost finished (:

[Image: zniF20s.jpg?1]

things I feel I need to study the most now:
for painting - clothing materials, clothing in general, environments and buildings
for drawing - perspective (think I'll do plein air stuff to practise that), HANDS, feet, putting legs on the torso, and perhaps some more environment/design stuff.

I guess I got to admit for myself that I HAVE to start drawing buildings etc. after all, I can't be drawing just figures forever. time to stop being such an art-pussy?

imo, better a jack of all trades and master of none, than master of one.

so, I know that the feng zhu vids are amazing for design (still havent watched any, shame on me) but whats good for environments, achitecture, anything? ofcourse the necessary plein air and photo studies, but links, books, tuts, anything useful delights me ^^

got to start making color & light my paint bible :p (no offending joke intended about bibles) I feel really insecure when using colors (above shows how I played safe with red blue and green, I just realized)

fuckin' comfort zone. ugh.

well folks, looks like I have a lot of work to be done.

Been a while Tess, and must say your digital painting has improved since then! :D
Really liking 'number 8' up there, tis a fun looking piece
The demon guy is looking cool man,
if you're looking for vids on architecture vehicles and perspective, then scott robertson is probbly your best bet, I've only watched one of his vids myself but it was really helpful with perspective.

thanks for the tips and support guys, a comment always gives me such a boost ^^

man, this this is needing an update. summer break is over, school has started. pfew. less visiting of the beach and friends, more drawing. so.. well. ive been somewhat doing what i was talking about before, except for the perspective stuff. been to paris for four days, my brain is completely overwhelmed with all the amazing stuff i saw. did some plein air with pen at versailles -made photo's to be able to finish it- and did some life drawing at the louvre, sculptures yisss. oh boy oh boy. also did another poster assignment, time for some of my own stuff now. oh, and high school assignments on art ofcourse.
btw, I also made tons of notes from the color & light book, but those arent very interesting to update :p

lots of ugly poop and unfinished stuff. yes yes, no excuses for that, iknow iknow. slackslack.

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You're 15!! Say it isn't so!! Your work is fantastic! WOW! I mean really... WOW! I really look forward to learning from you and watching how you develop next. I can't believe you're only 15 and producing such work!! Brilliant! Keep it up, I look forward to more!! ~mii

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 
Lol woops wait, I turned 16 two weeks ago :p lemme fix that.

Drawing at the Versailles and the Louvre!?! Color me jealous, that sounds amazing. This stuff is really cool, the poster looks hecka professional and I think the values are spot on in that last photo study.
Good luck with school and stuff, and (late) happy birthday!!!!!!! :D

You're paintings on this page are so funny/quirky, and your sketchbooks are beaming with awsomeness. I love it, haha. I'm really interested in seeing how that WIP in the middle here will turn out, it's off to a pretty good start. You've also got really nice lines in your sketches, they're one of my favorite things so far.

Great stuff! :]

missimoinsane - haha thanks! I hope I'll have something to teach :p I've got some watercolour derps now, perhaps that kinda stuff is helpfull?

samszym - paris and the netherlands are quite near to eachother -only 2,5 hrs by train- and man, the cleaners at the museums over there must have had a hard time, because my jaw was dropping all over the place. probably the best trip I ever went on. and, thanks ^^

archéux - thanks mate. which wip do you mean exactly? if it's the one with the eyeball-man, that one prolly won't get finished.. The idea I have behind it is kinda interesting, and it really deserves a better sketch than that one :p

you guys have no idea how motivating those replies were ^^ feels good not to be completely alone in here :D

also did some google hangout stuffs this week, it's a hella lot of fun.

so, first off, some watercolors derps. Made notes to clear up my thoughts.
an, a wip of some avatar fan stuff. I figured I had to do some fanart. ONCE. no ponies for meh.
I promise to have it finished by tomorrow, unless I get ill -which might be happening, since I don't feel too well atm- or get into a bad traffic jam or something.

last but not least, I'm busy with making notes of the color & light book (every one knows that book, and if you don't, wake up and go googling :D) and putting in my thoughts and some tips. I know I'm not some super-special-wise artist, but if anyone would have interest in them, like, to lay them next to your book while you read color&light, please ask. I'd love to help anyone.


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You're already producing some really impressive work!
I'll make sure to keep watching your SB to follow your progress and to get motivated.

readrob - thanks man, looking forward too meeting again (:

here it is :p enjoy.

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Wow... this is a real pleasure to see.
Your water colour stuff is great too.. so keep that up!! :)

© missimoinsane:  Daggers Sketchbook  |  deviantART  |  Facebook Page  |  Personal Webpage 

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