Fedodika the Koala
Wow y'all are sweet! i feel kinda.... guilty getting all these replies >.>

Smrrrr: Fedoxide mmmm, sounds tasty :) Hmmm, edges are becoming my bitch actually, but not fast enough! XX

Lyraina: Yea there's definately an issue i have with paintings I just finish i don't always get darks as black as i can. I just cringe so much when i see things i did even the day before that i spent like 10 hours on that i tend to avoid looking at them, so that's a personal issue. I don't imagine my edges will ever be super sharp, and i'm definately studying that concept very closely lately in master paintings and stuff. thx <3

Sula moonah: mmm thanks for the comment sula, my dream has come true! Yea that brazillian artist is CRZY! i saw him a while back, he was so good made my stomach hurt.. nom nom nom

Mr beedle: hehehehe thank you ;2

Eristhe: geez you guys like the caricatures doncha lol, Well i'm glad you do! thanks! X

Eduardo: yersh contrast is important! I know what you guys are talking about now, just gotta fix it. Yes skin is my favorite thing to paint i love the subtleties and possibilities of it! thanksh! <3

Gliger: I'll try to find an animation program that's free or cheap, but for now painter can't onion skin so it's like impossible to animate in it; caricatures are fun I guess i'll do a couple more since you guys like em alot :) I wonder if i could go to like a fair and people would want me to draw them for tips or something who knows!

Well here is a billy idol caricture, childhood hero of mine. The usual boug study bout 10 hrs on, and a crazy WIP i came up with the composition for last year and decided to paint now, since i've been doin this hardcore since around june 21st 2013, so it's like my 2 year anniversary! I'm gonna spend a few days on this piece, i really want it to look accurate; I'm trying to stylize to the point that it can integrate well with realism, because in the end i don't want to stylize lol, but i think it is inevitable while you're learning.

Attached Files Image(s)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
The latest version of photoshop is great for animation if you have decent ram (I have 8 gigs).
Also gj with the caricature careful with the forms, caricatures need to make sense in 3d (although it depends on the style), by the way you rendered the hair on his right side (our left), we wouldn't see so much hair on the other side.

Also that master study ;);)

Happy 2 years bby! Haha time flies, huh?

Oooooooohohoho this latest wip is lookin' @__________@ hot.
I dunno how it's gonna turn out, but it'll be interesting I bet

Seeing improvements in this master study <3 I suddenly have an urge to do more of them now lol

Man holy crap did you see that artist Sula posted?! He's a master O: I can totally see you getting there and being a badass caricature artist, but putting your twist on it!

Anyways, keep banging it out Mr. Fedoxide Koala ;)

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Nice caricatures! The one of the guy on post #333 Is very good! It has nice rendering of forms
The study of the gold statue turned out nice as well
I agree with Gliger on his comment about focusing on construction of the head and body. Even though a lot of your work is meant to be stylized, improving your construction would help!
Keep it up, improvement is there! ^^ As some said already, try to keep focusing on anatomy fundamentals, make that solid and you'll do anything you want.

Also your master studies are looking pretty good! You should try and focus on doing more, without color picking or anything. Do a few quick ones (1hour) and then take one and try to push it as far as you can, get the likeness and the colors, proportions right. It'll help more than you might think! ;)

You are your only limits!

Eh, I know that „don’t want to look at a painting the next day“ all too well D: But it’s really good to get a fresh look after a break, helps spot some things.

Good job on the Bouguereau study! Now you just gotta apply what you’ve learnt there in your own work. Like the subtle changes in saturation and hue in skin colors depending on area (knees, hands..). :)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Blushing wow you guys are aweshum!! THESE COMMENTS!! i'm not used to it hehe <3

Gliger THX! photoshops expensive tho :/

Smrrr: mmmmmmm yesh thank you smerrrfette hehehehehe DO THE CRAP OUTTA MASTER STUDIEZ!

Voodooooomamam: Thanks dude! (mama?) addin it to the list...

LaleAnn: Thanks!! Gonna try to do some leon gerome/sargent quick studies soon to work on composition and maybe perspective cuz i need to get better at that!!!!

Lyrona del ray: Yea i tried to do that in the WIP

THIS THING IS STILL A WIP! I gotta lotta tattoos and hair strands and blood and stuff to add, it's like 8 hrs in, so def a lot faster than the last one. Pullin in refs has helped anndd uuuh some sketches i should probably do more and post these more often! <3 the boug study was about 6 hrs btw  Wisecracker

Attached Files Image(s)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
You have had a lot of improvement, and I like the shapes you get in a lot of the caricatures, keep up the hard work! ^^
Fedodikaaaaaaaa, you get your eyes lookin' so big and pretty, how do you do that!?

Aaaaye I'm liking the sketches - lots of character in every one of them (and you know I wanna see lots and lots more drawings ;) )

Still looking forward to this wip of the ladies!

P.s. HAHA "Lyrona Del Ray", that's an awesome nickname for Lyra XD

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Hahaha awesome WIP man :D

I saw your comment on that photoshop thread I have to ask you:
Why never use overlay? I've seen a lot of very competent people using it. I'd love to hear why not from ya!

Love the portraits and the master study keep it up!

Hey there Fedo, nice sexy demon ladies :) I see that they are fond of the dark lord. To offer a crit, although I know the perspective you choice isn't technically "wrong", it looks a little odd, I think because the horizon line is so high yet the implication of their poses says that it's a normal middle-ish perspective. I think if you lower the door to the middle, changing the horizon line, it'll look a lot more natural. Nice job applying your studies! Keep on Koalaing, koalaman.


Lily: thank youz <3

smrrr: use airbrush for the eyes! and a little spackle of texture, also do a hard dot for the highlight, then a soft airbrushy dot on top of it; learned that from serge Birault

Sula: im gonna photoshop your face into the moon one day you watch out!

Hobbit: cheers m8!

Pnaters: Yea yer right about the perspective, i kinda bsed it out hopefully won't be as distracting AS ALL THE DETAILS I ADDED!!

Attached Files Image(s)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Slayer oh yeah :D
Nice demon chicks, again, i love the colors you use for skintones.
But from your recent stuff, this one is my fav: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/attachme...?aid=69553 you got the values and colors right, i would keep going in this direction.

eduardo: thanks bro! appreciate the kind words :). Yea i just do that caricature stuff because it makes portraits less boring and literal; I suppose i'll incorporate some of that into my style. I think one day half my characters will have realistic proportions, and half stylized, kinda like kim jung gi

Getting very frustrated; i hate how all my imagination stuff doesn't feel as 3d as when i work from ref; the forms feel like they're 2d or something or not reading right to me. I want my stuff to look photorealistic eventually, and I'm seeing flat like brushwork going on in pieces i used to think are photorealistic. So i guess i'll never be able to escape brushmarks, so i figured i'd experiment with some crazy brushes and settings in painter! not the best stuff but very fun :)

Attached Files Image(s)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
HEy, Great sketchbook! ;)

As for the brushstrokes and realism. Your strokes are a bit random, try wrap them around the shapes of the object you're painting. Take note how the skin is wrapped around the cheekbones for example and look for a way to wrap the brushstrokes the same way.

your painting is improving yes, but try to go for a polished finish and give more time to longer studies until they look "clean".

i can see that on your later works so i guess youre getting on the right track.

as for painting stuff from imagination. i find it difficult as well,especially if youre striving for realism style. so dont be too hard for yourself , at least youre trying youre best to apply the previous studies that you did to your own work, but then when all else fails, do a study again .

its like in a way, a feedback loop . do studies -> apply it from imagination-> find out whats wrong -> study again.

tbh i havent really tried that until now, in making my own character.
keep it up watch youtube or livestreams on how other artists paint . notes some stuff if you can , as so you can use for future reference.

Fedoxiiiideeeeee ~~!

Yo! This realisation is a flipping fantastic thing!! You're leveling up at this very moment! EMBRACE THIS MOMENT! Haha
And I _urge_ you to keep experimenting with your brushwork like you have been. You will not regret it and you will learn so much that you'll surprise yourself. Seeeeeeeeriously.

Keep it up Mr. Koalaaaaaaa <3 <3

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Duude, like others have said, the key to 3d looking artwork are good designed edges/brushtrokes.
I cant talk much about photorealism because i'm not really good at it, but back in 2013 i was really into Dan Luvisi paintings, and tried to emulate his style the best i could... of course i couldnt replicate it haha but what i learned is, for photorealism the most important part is the underlying construction of what you are painting.
Kinda like, if you are playing Bioshock, maybe the characters have realistic textures, but they still look like cartoons because the models are stylized, then you play Metal gear solid and it looks fucking real because the models are modeled 1:1 after reality.
So in the end what do you want to focus if you want realism is construction, whatever technique you use after that to render the image is secondary to that imo.
Sorry if this explanation was silly and unnecessary, i'm terrible at explaining things.

But yeah, you are indeed leveling up as i type this, so keep punching!

Hey fedo what helps me is getting used to sketching in shape. So whenever I draw an eye I have to draw the entire sphere. That's what I've programmed my brain to do after many hours of Hampton studies. This has helped me see each shape individually and I can render it as such. So it really helps to render more realistically. That's something that I don;t think you can get by just doing greyscale studies. Just a suggestion, keep up the awesome work though.

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