Renato's Sketchbook
Beautifull render on those portraits man! How are your new CHOW piece coming along?
Keep pushing!

Solid rendering man , just wanted to point out construction problems in the last portraits. Keep updating !
thanks everyone! :D It's really important to read all that feedback from you guys, keeps my artsy juices flowing, so thanks a bunch <3

@Rafa: The crimson chow character hasnt been going very well because I've been swamped with work, I'll still try to push it a little bit more and make a final version of one of the designs tho :)

@BenFlores: Thanks man, and yes! I do have construction problems regarding portraits.. well, regarding all of the anatomy to be honest, definitely need to work on that since is one of my weak points :)

Today I didn't have much time so I did just some quick face gestures :)

[Image: rWcxZcN.jpg]

Lookin gewd
a teaser of what I'm doing now :)

[Image: V7HlMRJ.jpg]

Niiiice man. Looking good. Not sure if its intentional, but the tigers teeth arent following the same perspective as the brown/face, kind of makes it look like its snarling even though its, you know.. dead..
Other than that, looking really good :)

That smile. . . She so happy c;

Looks really good
Dude. That's an awesome but somewhat creepy portrait haha. My only crit is that his head feels like it sticks out a little far relative to where his neckline is. Hope to see it finished soon!

thanks to everyone :) I tried to fix the things you said! ^^

After almost a week of not posting, I'm back! I had to take this week to finish some things for university, and now im officially graduated! yeaaaayyy! I can devote all my time to stay home half-naked creating art all day! 8D

so yeah, here's the final image of that guy I started! I know he still has some weak points, but I discovered a lot of problems and worked to push through them and that has to count for smething right? xD

Btw guys, I have this problem of over detailling things.. I jump to details waaay to soon.. any advice you could give me besides trying to work zoomed out?

[Image: u0xQEfG.jpg]

fuck, I've been slacking a lot lately. I think its still the post Trojan-Horse depression, ate least that's the excuse I give myself for not drawing that much lately.. ANYWAY enough with the sad crap stuff, time to get back and kick some ass.

this is a character i did this past 2/3 days, it's supposed to be a skull knight :O

[Image: nuhGUnr.jpg]

Damn , really like the idea of multiple jaws on the upper arm. Looks a bit as if it doesn't follow the arm too well tho and I think the reason is the shoulderskull. Maybe it needed to be a bit deeper in the armor ? Or uhm ... maybe the elbow armor area needs to be a bit different? I don't really know , don't listen to me.

YEah ! Kick some ass !

yeah you are totally right Adrian :O thank you for taking the time to look at it! :D

so, today i did some gestures and etc.. damn, im sooooo rusty! i really gotta do those much more often ;__;

[Image: i5GMqAA.jpg]
[Image: AJfwPGP.jpg]

some more gestures today.. trying to get the hang of it again.

[Image: gjnLJgY.jpg]

just some more studies! a bunch of thumbnail compositions and a quick master study. i was just training to get the colors right without the colorpicker, i think i really lack that skill

[Image: VsHIvsv.jpg]

[Image: QBDbSPw.jpg]

Spent waaaay too much time from the Daggers! Time to get back, and time to get back to basics, so heres so value studies
[Image: F0lKTA0.jpg]

Yeaay! Your anatomy and gestures are getting really good Renato! :D Your latest study is mind-blowing! Good job.
Now I think maybe you should try to focus a little more on portraits and heads/faces, as it seems to be a bit of a weaker point to your studies so far. Keep em coming! :D

You are your only limits!

Moar stuff! :D

some landscapes I tried to do and some compositions for a creature card
[Image: GcPJm6r.jpg]
[Image: 8TKgfPy.jpg]

And thank you buddy! ^^ yes, i reckon thats one of my weak points! really gotta start making them portraits :)

Those thumbs look awesome! For portraits I suggest just hammering out a ton of Asaro heads and Reilly Rhythms of the head. Along with lots of portrait studies to apply the plains and rhythms, of course. Thats what they teach at the Watts Atelier at least and it definitely helped me a lot.

Oh wow thanks a lot man! I'll definitely do that, thanks for the advice! I do have some images of the asaro head, but i didnt know the reilly rhythms of the head, i'll check it out^^

Hey man! Welcome back! great updates! Those thumbnails are looking awesome, really dramatic! This is a page of the reilly head rhythms: I searched loads before looking for more info about them but it's really mysteriously lacking online, at least for free resources. But essentially just gotta memorise those grids and look for them on people's faces and you'll figure it out.

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