Danger Zone
Oh man this thread rocks! Love the imagination coming out of the daily stuff. I really love the way you use lines. Have you ever tried a style that keeps the linework in the finished painting? I think that might look cool, probably not what you're going for though

anyway, great stuff, looking forward to your posts :D

@Lyraina: Thank you very much, your sketchbook is very beatiful too!

@Samszym: Thanks, I was enjoying mixing things up too, sometimes I get bored of just anatomy and gestures and all that. And do you mean like fusing the two drawings of post #62?

Sort of, not just putting outlines over a painted figure though...Not sure what I mean exactly, I guess I was thinking more like the decorative lines Leyendecker used in his rendering and outlines in some parts of his figures? The lines sorta give everything sharpness and direction. I see these really cool moments in your line drawings with some repetitive hatching that reminds me of Gibson or Booth a little and I just think your linework has a lot of flare and personality and clarity. Then when I look at your painted stuff next to it it because of all the blending it just doesn't have as much punch to me. Maybe all it would take are some more really sharp edges to pull the viewer's focus

Anyway, that's probably just be my personal tastes and not a real critique, I don't want to tell you how to paint XD

Holy shit man, really amazing sketchbook you got here :D

Loving that water buffalo sketch haha, such great exaggerated shapes haha :D
I hope you don't mind me doing just a quick redline/paintover your orc sketch. I just noticed that the perspective was off a little on his nostrils, especially the one furthest away was falling down towards us, when it should be going up and away. So his eyeline and mouth were following the same form line around his face, but the nostrils were not. I try to imagine the nostril planes in a flat V shape, like the wings of a butterfly. Agh, faces are very hard ;_;

keep it up dude, love seeing your updates :D :D

@Samszym: Oh yeah I totally agree, I always think my painting are kinda bland, I totally dig these artists you linked and I am trying to get away from the smooth blendings and what not. I totally dig the work of LD Austin (and all of the blizzard artists) and she does mixture a bit of that too. Thanks and don't worry, I'm listening to those critiques.

@Tul: Thanks man!

@lungcell: Thanks, and you can paint them over no problem. The nostrils are definetly wrong, I guess I'm having some issues on these 3/4 poses, nose, biceps and I have to study on that.
Gonna have to halt studies this month because have been illustrating for work around 12 hours every day, probably gonna push hard next month again.

Freaking awesome work buddy, not much to crit, just keep going!

3D/VFX artist, entrepreneur and photographer
Katara's Path to Mastery (SB) | Art Blog
@davidKatara: I'm late but thanks :)

So, worked until my fingers and brain bled, can barely look at pencils and photoshop but I'm getting back at it.

I know they're wrong, just having some fun.

[Image: h9Exkkf.png]
[Image: d8Cs0Dc.png]

Seriously awesome stuff here.. Danger Zone is a proper name indeed :)

brother, your studies, your work generally are super-good, I spend watching all the pages haha, excellent, hope to be at your level>. <
@Kaffer: Thanks :) Might you said this could be a top... gun? lol

@inksourt: Thanks man, just keep working and you'll get it fast, I'm real lazy.

Brain farts:
[Image: 5MwmlkF.png?1]

Late night something.

[Image: U1rKgPW.png]

Learning how to color these b&w, still tunning it.

[Image: FTrmOxa.png]
[Image: mgboJIl.png]

Some more crap.

[Image: rfmKN40.png]
[Image: PmPixjJ.png]

Freaking amazing stuff, man! I'm stalking ya!

Are you Brazillian, by any chance? haha

Help me learn, dude! My Sketchbook
@PacaTatuCotiaNao: Hey, thanks man. :)


[Image: 13pggeN.png]
[Image: PS9lOlr.png]

High Warlord armor! You should be working for Blizzard, bro.

ahah, dat ork face:D

Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
Ooo love those color choices. Juicy! What type of blending mode are you using these days? Looks like just straight color layers? Like Haze said, can totally see you working for Blizzard someday stylistically :)

Thanks everyone :), Blizzard is a long dream of mine, maybe some day.

@pnate: Yep, I make a folder as color and add a bunch of layers. I was using the b&w layer as overlay and paint underneath (Sam Nielson teaches this way) but I feel more confortable with color nowadays.

Pretty much done with the character, dunno if I'm gonna do a BG, it is just a fun study after all.

[Image: glsALcg.png]


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