Danger Zone
I'm not sure how much perspective shortening is going on in the color/bw thumbnails with the casting lady, but right now the head looks quite big to me (or the legs very short). Also, it looks less dynamic than the thumbnails.. less diagonals and twists in her body than before? Sorry if it was only meant to be a color test!

Night elf is nice <3

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
The bears look so cool, I especially like the last armored one!

I agree with Lyraina about what she wrote concerning the lady, also, you wrote you aren't that sure about the colours. I already like the colour scheme you applied here, because it has this nice contrast between the red-orange and blue green. I think though, if you made the fire/magic not red but also a greenish/blueish hue it would give more of an eerie feeling. Not sure though if it would be missing warm colour then. To be honest I probably don't know enough about colour theory to write anything at all, so this was just some personal feeling and you probably can ignore this.

Anyway keep up your delicous updates!


<3 Thank you guys so much, I was focused on trying to fit her in the screen without chopping her legs that I messed up the rest. And now not really happy with the perspective, trying a few leg adjustments, but might have to rethink the BG.

Probably taking the weekend off to recoup my strength.

[Image: iduFU5h.png]
[Image: 4py052D.png]
[Image: JBnfqE4.png]

The Bear-wolf design looks reral neat man, and the elf sketch is REALLY cool, nice dynamic pose, and really great sense of shape, your linework is really solid.

The last post is looking better but I still find the head being a bit oversized, same for the hand. Overall cool stuff man ;)

Cool sketches of the bear and the elf archer! The pose and expression on the archer is so good, visually interesting, and it just has that 'before the event' tension to it, like she is about to snipe someone from on top of a bank or something. Her outfit design is fantastic too, loving the little details and the shape style. The bear-wolf is looking way better too. Pushing that hump makes it look much more powerful and beast-like.

I see what you mean about the perspective - though graveyards get some leeway because they're meant to be wonky, especially the really old ones. What seems to throw it is the sarcophagus in the foreground, since it is sort of over-leaning without a ground plane. (The angle also kind of leads the eye off the page.) I like what you are doing with the light scheme, the energy bolt looks very dramatic and cool - it may help to tone the green down a bit on the grass though, to really give the light effect visual dominance. (A red (or reddish) light would be heavily absorbed by a green surface anyhow.) The background is interesting way to showcase her though, so I hope you keep it.

@Suira Thank you, thank you :) I'm taking that into consideration, going reeeeal slow with this painting, I don't want to rush as I did with the other one and it looks like shit. I'd like this one to look like a pleasant shit.

@clockodile Thank you, that's what I was going for with the night elf. Yeah, I'm not 100% sure with the graveyard, but as I am planning it to be dark as shit, I don't know if it's going to stay like that.

Some more stuff, and another pass of the piece, working on some lineart of it and I'll do another value of it.

[Image: e8OhRUV.png]
[Image: 9g6BbLR.png]
[Image: oaMSTwa.png]

Watch out here's a new Blizzard employee haha. Great work! the rendering of the bear and sketches look really nice. But uwwww the undead girl's feet XD! *runs away*
@AngeliquevdMee Haha, thank you very much :)

Saw pnate doing some thumbs and I gotta join in doing that too, althought mine are not even close as good.
Still trying to set up the mage, pretty much reset the background and trying to mess with the shot. I'm kinda liking the full body one. The earlier version I was giving too much attention for the landscape and not to the meat of the action.
Also was trying to finish the night elf but my hand can't take much more, have to sleeeeep.
Gotta have more cowbell.

[Image: OcH5Mhm.png]
[Image: koN3q9T.png]
[Image: hMpozFx.png]
[Image: jmaM9Wk.png]
[Image: tMcxRkF.png]
[Image: nLePqBW.png]

Wow man! Cleaning up! I freaking love the last updates. And you're painting on the night elf! You gotta finish that one eventually, no matter what, it looks too good to leave it at that. Great updates man, lovin' it :)

Aww yeah, loving those tombstones on both iterations of the mage picture. The foreground one is an effective framing element in the newest version though. The monsters around her are a great addition, they have a good balance between directing the gaze to her without distracting - and add a bit of narrative. Compositionally, it may help to try darkening the lower corners a bit (particularly the left), just to stop the eye wandering off the frame and push focus back in. You're definitely pushing this forward with each new version though!

Keep up practising the thumbs and these chunky shapes too! Composition is an utter beast to learn, I feel the pain of it too. But when I saw the crazy number of little sketches/thumbs great illustrators (Howard Pyle for instance) did for their pictures to try and get things to work... well I guess it is just the nature of such a flexible topic.

Really cool to see you are painting the night elf too! She's looking good so far, I really like where you seem to be going with the light scheme.

Awesoem stuff dude, as usual! Bit of a crit on your recent stuff, you're putting a looot of detail into stuff like that bear's fur or that spellcaster's costume. And that's great but I think maybe you should place your details around your focus and let other places be less busy. Like maybe keep the spellcaster's torso really detailed but give her robes less going on, so the attention's closer to her face? I'm not sure, might just be personal preference or it might look cooler int he painting XD
keep rocking it!

@Suira Thanks man, and I finished it! Kinda like it, needs to make a hundred more of this to become good!

@clockodile Thanks for the crit man, I was just doing that when you posted heh! And now I'm starting to dig it overall, gonna approach it with caution to make it even greater.
Yea, composition is one of the most important things and I always left on the side, starting to make it a daily thing too so it fuels my brain.

@Samszym Thanks man! I totally agree with what you say. I try to go light on details with the last orc and I think I achieved it, and it didn't take too much time. It's my damn brain trying to make a character sheet out of a illustration situation and detail every single part available like the world was about to end and this would be my last piece, haha.

Going forward with things, these gestures/thumbnails might seem boring but I'm getting quicker and getting the hang of it! So fun. Plus some elf and another mage thumb. Ha!

Watched a cool video today which had a part which pretty much summarizes how I feel nowadays, and I bet a lot of you too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTvcpdfG...t-N3Rm3-HA especially at 8:50. Basically the more I learn I realize how much more I need to learn.

[Image: o8sTOp4.png]
[Image: S3VEn8Z.png]
[Image: RzCLdFN.png]
[Image: 1hjBbrz.png]

oh man, everything looks just amazing, like from D&D handbook :D love to see more!

Aw man. too good, you're truly leveling up man. Can't even imagine 100 more paintings like this one. You'll totally make it to Blizzard in no time!

Great stuff as usual, man. Those comps are all looking really sick, it really reminds me that I gotta start planning my pieces more and more, also. Haha. Those head drawings of the foresaken are so juice, as well.

Seriously, I see so much Blizzard in all of this. They're missing someone.

Keep on killing it. :]

@Madzia Thank you very much! Haven't seen you around lately, don't go, keep posting!

@Suira Haha, I was joking but I set myself to study hard until the end of the year, and that might be 100 of these after all.

@Archreux Thank you thank you :) Glad you like the thumbs, trying to lvl that up.

Not much today, had to finish some comission and sketched something I might paint too.

[Image: sQfTeFW.png]
[Image: 433XDki.png]
[Image: EtvDqm0.png]

Lively figures , they're looking great.
If you don't mind a crit, I think that you should push outside your comfort zones so you can combine everything and be even stronger. Keep it up!
Hey Rafa, very cool sketchbook you got here! Love this last character and those gestures.
I agree with what Ben said about the comfort zone; your style is very cool, your drawings and paintings look pretty solid, you have a good understanding about anatomy, lighting, color, composition, your rendering skills make me jealous, and so I think it would be nice if you try to do something a bit different, to push you out of the comfort zone so you can realize where your weaknesses lie and work on them. But very nice work! Keep it up! :)

That rogue is looking dope. I'm curious as to what color paletter you're gonna use for her, your gestures are paying of for real, your sketches like this one come out with rythim and good proportions, real nice.

Oh, I was joking about the 100 paintings, lol, if you make 100 before the end of the year I'm gonna be freaking impressed hahaha.

I wanted to ask you, where do you hail from man? Rafa....like Rafael...? From Spain?

@BenFlores & Clarisse Silva Thanks guys, and thanks for the crit. My thumbnails of composition and landscape are pretty much out of my comfort zone, I suck at them and don't feel goot at it at all, haha.

@Suira 100 might be far fetched, maybe 50 by the end of the year? hmm perhaps hhaha, I don't know, I just want to do all the races on WoW for now. And yes, it's Rafael but I currently live in Brazil. :)

I dun goofed again, I try to finish these pieces in a single sitting in a day but I can never do it, I started to think it's bad and it clouds my judgements, so I just stopped here and got drunk, will finish later, lol.
Ah yeah, I'm doing this one in b&w and I kinda liked the 3rd version, might try something like that.

[Image: BF0GWUq.png]
[Image: PBehKa2.png]
[Image: KegCoLe.png]


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