Danger Zone
Those thumbnails look amazing <3 moar!
@Jonesoda Thank you very much. I really liked how it turned out too, I might be learning something at last!

@Suira Haha, Gooooooooooooooooooooooooats. Yep, I agree, the armor is totally something like a tribal armor while the axe is something hot and molten, but I took them directly from the game (http://www.wowhead.com/item=105286#modelviewer) and ****you kinda get from the same area*****, actually scratch that as when I was sketching it I thought they were from the same area but they were not, oh well! I got confused with this one: http://www.wowhead.com/item=77188#modelviewer or if I could do it again I would change it to http://www.wowhead.com/item=105567#modelviewer. Haha, thank you man, thumbnails are really hard for me nowadays and go for it man! I'm doing like 5~7 a day, takes 30min to an hour and it's really helping me with composition, like what you said about the separation of the dwarf and the wolf, if I hadn't studied Eijsing's thumbnails I would probably do both of them in the same value and they'll blend the shit out of each other, sometimes doing something interesting is better then doing realism.

@BenFlores Thank you man! Glad you're enjoying my thumbs, kinda my lowest skill right now.

So, had some monitor issues with the last pieces and I tried to salvage them. Wasted almost 2 fucking hours trying to fix it.
[Image: srKCljZ.png]
[Image: dpsOFR8.png]

And some more crap from today, Michael Kormack's painting are haaaaaaaaard to thumbnail, they didn't come out very good.
[Image: TWqDZNB.png]
[Image: ffyCxDX.png]
[Image: 0k2TTZu.png]
[Image: vq3u5R9.png]

LOVE IT!! I just LOVE IT!!!! Omg! Hahaha I laughed so hard with them goats! You don't dissapoint man! Totally loving this one, it has some serious potential, you totally lived up to my expectations! I tell you, for a few thousand golds those mounts don't get enough money out of their effort. Hahaha, so awesome. And the goat studies are also sweet man, it seems you totally figured out the line quality trick way earlier than I did, it's just great. Ahhh! I can't wait for this one to be rendered damn!!!

The gestures are, as always, pretty cool, and even though you say this set of thumbs didn't come out great you were tackling very hard comps, specially in the 3 first ones, so I'd say it's a more than decent result for such a short length of time.

Also diggin the finished paintings. You managed to integrate the axe quite ok with the rest of the picture, I think it's the values that made it so, so nice job. And yeah man, a big big part of this whole art thing is to know what to include and what to exagerate or leave out for the improvement of the picture, and you're taking the right choices. Someday soon I'll be as strong as you with fundamentals to be able to start making those choices haha.

You also managed to make the mage look cool, I really didn't like that picture so much as the others in the begining stages ( mostly personal taste more than anything else) but you managed to end up with quite a decent result so kudos. I still find something in that piece that doesn't fully convince me but I can't quite put my finger on it. The stuff I see that I could crit are:

-The glove/hood/flowe/shoulderpad ice/ background feel too uniform in hue, I understand you tried to fix this by using slight hue variation and gradients of values, but it's still a bit weak, specially because it's the main focus of the picture so it receives a lot of attention and it must be really solid. I can't think of much solutions to this issue apart from: changing the flower hue to purple or something that contrasts more + changing the hair color to warm blonde or dark brown. Also maybe a change in the raised hand, by putting some more of the local hue in the back of the hand's shadow instead of using the background to make it pop more, still it's hard because the blue light is strong and it would be dificult to find a balance that is satisfiying.

-Maybe tighten up a bit the detail ( not much though, you always want a 1,2,3 read in that) in the part of the cape that's lifted with fur, just so there's a more smooth gradation in detail from the top to the bottom of the girl, still it's a minor detail.

Anyway, as always I'm quite aware that, it's unlikely you'll change this cause the GOAT NEEDS WORK xD but these are minor tweaks and maybe you should experiment a bit with them just so the piece is stronger.

As always, loving the hard work and getting inspired by your cool work man, keep it up! ;D

@Suira Did you love the goats? Here's some more! And thanks for the crits, I feel like what you pointed out is my biggest flaw, I'm not consistent enough, I start a painting all pumped up, and it goes great but I get to the barrier where I think to myself fuck it, this will do, and it dosn't come out good. It was a bit uninspiring after I finished the background, maybe that's where I caved in, I'll try to focus more.

Gestures, figured out I might as well start doing thumbs of my favorite artists and I really liked how this set came out.
Goat dragons! It's fun to take horrible ideas and try to make them good, been awhile since I've drawn some dragons and since I was doing some goat studying figured just to merge them, kinda liked but there are some areas I'd like to explore differently in the future.
Finished the piece from yesterday too, went full retard speed on this one, not disappointed.

[Image: EXQqjAE.png]
[Image: ggrER7D.png]
[Image: lxvqgZi.png]
[Image: 0B6SckO.png]

Lol now I see what you said about your issues with your monitor! Damn, here in the your last illustration I can see everything! the armor, the fabric, the skin of the wolf... On facebook they look pretty black Rafa! Did you change them to post here?
I also recognized some of this thumbnails in grayscale, definitely I gonna try this too! they look super helpful!
congrats buddy <3


Uuuuuuugh dude. Dude holy shit. I like stalk your SB and you never disappoint, your painting are always super amazing. Loooooove your brush control. And your character design. And just everything. Unf.

Lookin' sick as always! That LINEWORK. How you makin' creatures so sexy? And that last painting made me lol when I saw it on facebook haha. Keep running 'em over, Rafa <3

@Rosolino <3 Thanks man, and yeeep, LD Austin pieces, shame there ain't that many of her around.

@ZombieChinchilla Thank you very much, I'm glad you're enjoying it, hope I never disapoint!

@pnate You know how I make them, babies blood of course. That's a strong ritual, I'll show you someday, lol.

Some more stuff, imitating them warcraft dragons and hey, they do really look like in game, -hi5 myself-, and I was planning to start and finish the blood elf today but I didn't really feel it yet so I just created another draenei for laters, haven't named him yet, gonna sleep and see if they need some adjusting. Laters!

[Image: q9art35.png]
[Image: i40zes8.png]
[Image: WAvSX92.png]
[Image: zS9cw6d.png]
[Image: kmZaqKS.png]

Hesus ! Your stuffs are wow ! I mean .... literally ! Heheeee..... (worst joke ever)

But seriously ... I love your sketchbook , don't ever stop man ~ Checking this revived my past memories in wow :). Even some funny ones when one of my friends fell into abyss in a very funny way ~ wish I could draw that haha.

I think I even seen a drawing here with a double bladed wow type gun :O

I could easily see you doing awesome hearthstone cards art.

wow i love your lines man ;O

Hells to the yes! Awesome updates man. Gestures keep getting better and more precise, I gotta catch up in too much stuff with you already! Stop owning me all the time! Don't force me to look trough Brazil in it's entirety and kidnap you, it's too big for me! xD Also the thumbs are great, how long do you take fo each one? I assume if you take an hour for the entirety of them it must be really quick right?

I also love the linework for those faces, dragons, dragon-goats, just everything! Really cool, I dig, I dig.

Also the new sketches are promising but I have a couple crits ( as always ;) ). The BE looks a bit stiff, I think you could solve this by changing the positioning of the legs. having the right leg be more towards his center of gravity and extending the left leg more, I don't know if you get what I mean, I'd do a quick sketch, but I'm about to fall asleep on the keyboard haha.

The draenei priest ( which looks awesome btw) needs his left leeg falling more into the background with a more pronounced foreshortening otherwise the position loses dynamism and he looks like he's awkardly planted. Hope it helps :D

As always, impressed and happy to see you work your ass off, but watch it! Or someday I'll dinf you and you'll dissappear from the face of earth muahahahahaha!!

Omg that goatchaser, LOL! :D

Love how versatile you are with all your character stuff. Characters from pretty to orcish and anything inbetween, animals, dragons, weaponry, ... kudos to you, sir.

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Excited for this elf paladin o;
Have you tried other background compositions? Brom and frazetta use all kinds of shapes to really push the focus.
@Adrian Thank you very much! I do want to be the best in the world.... of warcraft, heh. Which gun?

@Nimao Thanks!

@Suira Thanks as usual man, your crits indeed help, the draenei still feels a bit woobly to me, I do want the hands to be big but it seems like a child draenei, or it's just overwork talking right now.
Thumbs were like 5-10 minutes to the ones with less shapes and double that for the first 2 ones I guess, I usually start the day with the gestures and thumbnails but as I am grogy as hell in the morning I tend to procrastinate a little, lol.
Best to level up fast then so I can run away!

@Lyraina Thank you! Glad you liked it, I had some awesome reception for that piece and it came real easy.

@BenFlores Thanks man! Not yet, I do plan to do it on the future, I really enjoy this guy http://www.chrisseamanart.com/34ifuk7eyc...8866n11pq6 but for the moment I want to just focus on making characters, got 4ish more races to do then I'll start a new project.

Forgot that I needed to do some foreshortening studies, so I'll include them in my routine as well, found a nice gallery here http://tasastock.deviantart.com/art/Fore...-332875484 but if anyone knows a good one let me know.
I ran out of LD austin painting to thumb. :( Wei wang is next most likely.
Trying to imagine if they ever remodeled the centaurs in WoW, that's another project that could be fun in the future.
Also finished the blood elf, about 4h and I'm pleased at where it is. Was hoping to finish the draenei today as well but I gotta take it easy or I'll bust out my hand, started cooling it off with ice today, yay.

Trying hard now, it's so haaard now.

[Image: vbecr8w.png]
[Image: rM0395A.png]
[Image: 77UHkMQ.png]
[Image: tchyMKI.png]
[Image: lptjYIS.png]

(08-16-2014, 01:47 PM)rafa zanchetin Wrote: @Adrian Thank you very much! I do want to be the best in the world.... of warcraft, heh. Which gun?

Page 3 , the one with the girl , 03.25. Oh but wait ... it is a crossbow. My bad. I got so used to see that on guns that I automatically categorized it as a gun lol.

oh wow man, those characters look sweeeet! :O can't wait to see that blue mage guy finished :P

I think you should know that I wake up each morning and stalk the shit out of your sketchbook...
Last character is really great. I wan't too convinced in the early sketch but damn, you pulled it off in the end!

Just keep studying and keep doing what you're doing because it's working <3

Discord - JetJaguar#8954
Oh lawd!! You totally nailed the BE in the end, really cool color palette and that nazi hairdo gives him more psycho-killer personality, great job on that one man. My only crit would be the cape, for some reason your clothing stuff doesn't convince me 100%, maybe doing some studies on that would help, also hogarth's book "Dynamic wrinkles and drapery" helps a ton, I think it's available on pdf online.

Gestures of foreshortening are coming along too, I personally tend to fail big time when foreshortening from ref, so you're doing a really good job in my eyes with that, you wanted more refs, so here ya go:

http://senshistock.deviantart.com/ - decent foreshortening refs, very suited for the kind of characters you draw too.

http://www.posemaniacs.com/ - the definitive foreshortening ref site in my opinion, super annoying to draw them at first, because it's a wonky weird lens, but when you get the hang of it it really improves the construction / observational skills. Plus you can set the timer however you want or just browse without timer if you wanna study some pose with no time limit.

The faces are looking nice too, I kinda wanna see you paint one of those portraits, I'm curious to see how you'd handle them.

For the draenei, the quickest solution in my eyes is: TENTACLE BEARDS!!! if they have that, they look older and maybe a bigger torso would help too, he's packing really big legs with an average to small torso, which kinda kills the feeling of an elder. The color scheme is looking nice though.

And yeah, no wonder you're running out of paintings to thumbnail, you're spamming tons of them everyday! xD

By the way, the only way to avoid the wrist thing is to take it slow for 10 minutes MINIMUM every hour!! Listen to me man, or you'll get some fucking muscle problem and then I'll have an advantage over you!!!! Hahaha Oh, another idea is to try and loosen up the wrist when drawin/painting, try to hold a les firm grasp on the pencil, it is hard at first because it's a reflex, but if you keep doing it your body gets used to it and your wrist suffers much less stress.

Keep killing it man! ;)


70+Page Koala Sketchbook: http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-3465.html SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits! http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-7879.html
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
@Adrian Ah yea, that was supposed to be a crossbow. :)

@RenatoCaira Thank you, hope I didn't disappoint.

@Tristan Berndt Thank you very much man, that's inspiring to hear. I wasn't so sure about the sketch as I kinda went through with it without a clear idea but in the end I liked it too.

@Suira Man you need to get out of my head, I realized that about the drapery yesterday and today too, after I finish the races I got alot of studying to do, and thanks for the links!
I never liked the concept of the tentacles to be honest, they didn't really fit the draenei type, I guess they had to add because of the eredar on war3 had them, but idk, they just don't fit. :/
I have been pressing hard on my tablet lately, trying to test out a more softer set up on the config, let's see how it goes.
Btw the link on your SB was supposed to be a kotaki painting, here's another one that ilustrates what I was trying to say: http://38.media.tumblr.com/5d6014671670d...o2_500.jpg


Thank you guys so much for the support, it fuels this crazy routine.
I'm gonna take it easier on weekends now, so won't be post many studies, gonna try to have some fun, lol.

[Image: LFsmTLP.png]
[Image: uPlWmz8.png]


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