Mathias Sketchbook
Big Grin 
Hello, this is my first post here in the forum.
Firstly sorry for my bad english (I hope the google translator to help me = D)

I do not have many good sketches for you to see then choose the least bad of my studies, I hope you enjoy.
Please send critical.

[Image: 9ACODiH.jpg]

[Image: OjdmnhK.jpg]

[Image: ph9sJQp.jpg]
You got some great stuff already, man. Keep going!

Are you brazillian, by any chance? haha

Help me learn, dude! My Sketchbook
hahaha yes yes, Brazilian.
Now that I see your nickname hahaha very good = D
Glad you liked the studies
Ei man, I like your job. Your anatomy studies are awesome!
Very nice!
Looking forward to see more!

Don't worry if it is good or bad, we're all learning here and this place isn't fancy. Just keep posting.

Very nice pencil work here, the boxer girl in particular has some nice anatomy rendering. The ink cross-hatching on those zip-up cases looks good too, love the texture!

Gonzaga / clockodile: Thank you guys ! =D

[Image: fwryowH.jpg]

Nice set of figure studies! With those two in the top corner, the right hand one definitely does look better. Keep thinking of those big gesture lines like that, it will help your figures a bunch.

Hey mate, as clocko said, don't worry about how it looks, as soon as you're learning that's what matters. I did a quick sketch that may help you when building figure.

[Image: IMG_0006.jpg]

Basically when drawing a human figure in the begining the best way to go about it , in my opinion, is just to use a couple boxes to place the torso and hips and build from there, using simple shapes, and focus on understanding the 3D of the forms rather than beeing perfectly accurate. If you do this, it will be easier for you every time you try. Keep at it man, remember, the secret of this thing is just to be consistent, don't give up and you'll be rocking in no time! ;)

I like these bases shapes are very good !!!
I will adopt it too !!!

[Image: v8D7Aqy.jpg]
[Image: XAoQfk1.jpg]
[Image: dYbq7PP.jpg]
[Image: 2zzaYqm.jpg]

Looking good so far keep practicing!

This looks really good man, your gestures are really clean. keep posting :).

Hello everyone , first and again, I apologize for my English.
Already long ago that I not posted anything here , but finally bought a new PC and now I intend to keep my studies regularly.
[Image: AoPqQ9D.jpg]
[Image: PTMSIbd.jpg]

[Image: gkHYcuc.jpg]

[Image: wOLNOBA.jpg]

Whoa that last skull still-life is freaking insane man! you've got some nice figure drawings too.

I wanna see you design something now!

@DQ_Nick: Thanks man, soon i want to do some design, to test my skills

Some studies made in mentorship with @Sulamoon in the last four or five months

[Image: 46FkOSm.jpg]

[Image: vnaJW8v.jpg]

[Image: nQbxSIn.jpg]

[Image: feZkwW2.jpg]

[Image: vTGpBwx.jpg]

[Image: IyaF8cQ.jpg]

I still want to finish this one
[Image: T8w6iKc.jpg]

[Image: zZeflZD.jpg]

[Image: H8StcS7.jpg]

Hey guys, a little more sketches :)

[Image: yRhNI9H.jpg]

Nice work! I really like all your studies! Keep it up :)


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