BlueBear's Sketchbook
Bluebear you're kickin ass. As a fellow Bear I hereby name you my spirit animal. Your consent is neither requested nor needed. You're welcome.

No really though :D haha you're doing great man. It's inspiring to see.
You guys are too nice to me :3 !
@Bearlaser ahah , awesome name ;) and ty

Im craving for crits on this one , i really wanna push this one as far as i can .

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Hi, Mr. Bluebear! I really like that last piece you did, it's looking pretty solid so far. I think I prefer the greyscale version, though I think that's more out of personal preference rather than judgement of the quality. If I were to give my two cents on this one, I would say that you could probably block in more details around the face. Great stuff, nonetheless, just wish I had more to suggest, heh.
Ah someone called me mr. ^^ , i was using the grey scale more to check values , but i get what u mean , because somehow it works alright with the mood and it might look better , i think ill keep trying to work with color on this one but ill keep it in mind , about the face i might work more on it but the idea was to leave it kind of blury or not defined with lost edges to try giving exactly this idea of confusion and torment that he's going through , idk if it works as well as i intended but that was my objective with the face ( i was trying to guide myself with this , but im far to noobie to understand most of it ). But yes this is far from finished , and dont worry about having more to say man all crits are really helpful doesnt matter if u have alot or just 1 , thanks for the help and for stopping by ;)
last stuff from today , im watching band of brothers again ,HBO knows its shit !
( sorry for the spam ill try posting only once a day instead in the future)

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Yesterday's studies that o forgot to post

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a couple of studies from "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" (2011)

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sketching a bit inspired by witcher3 and its amazing soundtrack

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Im going to attempt doing 1 character a day until the end of June , wish me luck ahah

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Hope you're doing it! That's a tough challenge but you would learn a ton for sure. The first one is already looking good, simple but he still has character. Maybe needed a touch of highlights on the reflective armor. We should play a game of league some time.
More stuff from the challenge im doing

Thanks Ben , ye , im having a hard time not finishing them to the point i want due to time , but hopefully ill keep improving and getting fatser , i havent played much league lately and im just a noob , buts my usename is threshthethug , altho im on the euw server :S

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What's most important is you keep to the 1 month plan as much as possible for this one, and you're doing a good job at it so far! All the characters have variations too, keep it up!!!

Good to see you keeping up with those characters. I'm not sure if you're using reference but it may help especially when it comes to materials, variety can go a long way. Dynamic wrinkles and drapery by Hogarth is also worth a read.
Lots of work I'm seeing! It's impressive that you're sticking to this challenge you set out to complete. Don't give up, you're gonna learn soooo much!

Woah, Day 11 looks boss, BlueBear <3 though yeah if you gave the clothing a bit more dynamism, it'll look amazeballs.

Keep being awesome! Pump it uuuuuuuuup!

off-topic: if ya liked the 2011 remake of Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, I'd recommend seeing the Swedish trilogy :D one of my favourite series ever, Lisbeth is such a fckin' badass bietch haha

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
I love the combination of llineart and painting with the blacksmith man, so cool.

Impressive amount of characters keep it up!

Nice character sketches, do MOOOOREEEEE! O.O

Thanks guys !
Ben - ill give it a read ty for the tip
Smrr-  Im gonna watch it asap , cause the remake is one of my favorite movies ever ^^
Dont know whats going on with me , im tired 24/7 , just feel like sleeping all day ,  i got some stuff on my plate and unfortunately i made the bad decision of quitting the challlenge :S , have been sketching a bit here and there but havent finished anything since the last post. 

the first one is a study

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i think i feel like this towards it because after day 3 all i was doing was just getting a char done for the sole purpose of doing one , it just didnt make me happy or inspired it just felt blank and boring , but i should probably get used to it because thats most probably going to be how most work will feel like in the future. feel like an ass for not finishing this just because im tired and have a bit less time tho. I really like to sketch and work on something for the first 2 or 3 hours , but i found i really hate rendering , maybe its just because im i dont know how to do it properly but im not sure .
Sorry for the spam but after some brainstorming i think i got somewhere , i shoudnt be doing stuff to try copying other peoples career paths , i shouldn't be doing and painting stuff to make people like it , i should paint stuff that i like and find interesting  and stop worrying so much about what someone on facebook might say about it , its kind of silly but i think i have been fooling myself for a while , ex i spent the last 3 days working on the same boring unoriginal painting of league of legends fanart with the single purpose of getting some people excited and to get some comissions out of it , but that just clicked for me , its bs to be doing stuff for other people , it might sound selfish but i feel like i should do more stuff that i wanna make and worry less about what others might think.

This helped me open my eyes

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