echo´s sketchbook
Good studies, -echo-. I really like the study of the lizard and the girl in half pink lighting.

I was going to mention about the hands, but NoodleInBox has already beaten me to it :P. So I'll suggest something else that might help you - be careful how you draw ears. In the guy above, his ear sticks out so much so that it begins to put the head out of perspective. Also watch for how much length you are putting between the end of the brow and the start of the ear. In some 3/4 images the side planes of the face stretches out far more than the placement points on the human skull.

Besides that small point, keep it up!
Thanks guys, I will keep those points in mind! :-)

I´ve mostly been sketching traditional lately so I don't have anything to show at the moment, sorry about that... But I will probably soon start working digital again, I've also looked in to making my own 2d game, nothing special just want to learn something new and get a new perspective on art.

Face structure study:

Portraits about 60 mins each (click for close-up):

quick hand gestures:

I'm mostly drawing/sketching traditional at the moment... Attached: Figure study practice on toned paper with some quick sketches of the same pose as warm up. Actually my first time with toned paper, and I really like it! :-)



WIP sketch - with some notes

1) Basic structure
2) Outlines and base values
3) Start define form and blur out linework using smudge and/or mixer brush tool
4) Keep defining form and values
5) Add details

Just a few quick sketches and studies... I'm very unaccustomed with my new monitor tablet that I just got a few days ago, practice, practice :-)

and some doodles done with my old tablet:

Another quick armor study, really digging the Hussar knight armors, maybe I will make a more detailed study or two, soon 

You done a really good armor study a few page back.But on this It hard to tell if it leather or metal.
I think you would have to use brighter grey on the armor so that it stay true to the reflective nature of a polish metal.Think about the light hitting the surface is it a smooth surface or is it a bumpy surface or a transparent surface or cloth that let the light pass throught.Those are the thing that will help you describe the value and the path the light take on the different surface it might affect.

I recommend you watch episode 1 to 14
To learn more about how light and shadow work

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
@darktiste, thank you, for stopping by and taking the time to commenting, I appreciate it very much and I will check the episodes out! Though my latest posts are only quick sketches for my own better understanding of armor. How they are put together and how they relate to each other, didn't focus very much on values, light, materials etcetera. But i get your point, and I will try to give my sketches a better "reading". Thanks again for stopping by :-)

The traditional stuff looks fantastic! Keep posting it.

Also, the colors on the lizard are just beautiful!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


@Tygerson, thank you I appreciate it, I will definitely post some more traditional soon :-)

Another armor study, this time a samurai. Also getting more and more comfortable with my new tablet  Thumbs_up

Environmental exploration, no reference just trying out new techniques out of my comfort zone:

some warmup sketches

WIP - Any pointers would be much appreciated!

On the wip, it looks good! Maybe scoot things so that the guy's profile is more "silhouetted" against the cave? Right now a vertical line cuts across the profile a bit.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


woah draw stairs in perspective is quite complicated U.U, you can look for reference of places like this and try to find what distinguishes this place from others and apply it to your work. ^^

Attached Files Image(s)

'The best way to have a good ideas is to have a lot of ideas ' Linus Paulingth
Thanks for the pointers guys really appreciate it  Thumbs_up

So I did listen to both of you and decided to repaint it with better perspective using a grid and place the "camera" a bit further back. Also put in some more details for interest and story. I plan to blur some stuff out like the background so i haven't put any focus on that. I think i gonna play around some more with it, then keep painting it. Learning a ton with these slow paintings and your help, thank you!  Happy

Looking good! I'm assuming you'll add a good light in the lantern so the figure is lit up to rival the cave opening?

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


@Tygerson - yeah, that's the plan :)


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