Sickbrush - [Massive Update pg. 8]
holy... (Easter) balls...

You never cease to inspire me!!
Looking forward to the next livestream ^_^ v,

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Cool works man! especially the environments and the giant Easter egg. Keep it up!

Thanks again everyone, here is some new stuff:
I didn't feel very good in the 5th day of my enviro journey so i just studied for a bit..
[Image: lmpint4.jpg]
Day 6 was all about asset fun. It hurt.. So much to learn argh..
[Image: day6c.jpg]
Day 7 was pretty weird, experimenting a lot and drawing interesting conclusions!
[Image: day71m.jpg]
[Image: day72.jpg]

and a fun little peek [Image: a9eBivc.jpg]

bazzzzzziinggaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Day 8
More asset stuff, finding the fun in thisssss
[Image: day8x.jpg]
Day 9
enviro harvest!
[Image: day9q.jpg]
[Image: day92.jpg]

Day 10
just trying to paint by myself, calm and slowly, with just one brush and trying not to avoid the problem. Tons of lessons learned today..
[Image: day10.jpg]
[Image: day10gates.jpg]
[Image: day10sketch.jpg]
More more more..not all days are great : (
[Image: day13w.jpg]
[Image: day11y.jpg]
[Image: day12y.jpg]

Awesome studies!

About day 12, don't worry! Aside from the one where wip has been painted all over the other 2 feels like old oil like paintings. Kind of like the vibe of them ^^
Keep it up!
still looks like crap. do more.

awesome work! PUSH IT!!! give me moarr!!!
Hey daggers,
Here's some more work!
[Image: 551511_556500844370865_841005594_n.jpg]
[Image: 64262_555317657822517_617048308_n.jpg]
[Image: 401794_560977753923174_493401220_n.jpg]
[Image: Stargazer_s.jpg]

[Image: 943396_578939682126981_894588669_n.jpg]
[Image: 977293_579057445448538_559817861_o.jpg]
[Image: 575440_563912403629709_655905751_n.jpg]
[Image: 10557_582880901732859_840385393_n.jpg]

[Image: 1063789_594397200581229_809153588_o.jpg]
[Image: 738310_594927790528170_492648855_o.jpg]
[Image: 1074828_596540387033577_414172587_o.jpg]
[Image: 1097268_607434415944174_1090454425_o.jpg]
[Image: 1170936_608629829157966_136299157_n.jpg]
[Image: 1094734_609720115715604_363773498_o.jpg]
[Image: 1082325_615304718490477_914063622_o.jpg]
[Image: 1270371_617087081645574_554629267_o.jpg]
[Image: 1268994_622794574408158_196002458_o.jpg]
[Image: 1264474_625123900841892_659798730_o.jpg]
[Image: 1039497_625383074149308_1051717859_o.jpg]

sweet update! Lot of interesting stuffs. The cutlery designs are amazing.

Wow man, great stuff on your SB! Gorgeous design for the flatware, are they from a specific project or for your own (and our) amusement? Also i really dig the atmospheric quality you create with the cloudy-overcast skies in all of your enviros. Really good stuff. Cheers!

Thank you guys! Cutlery was for a personal project : )
Here's a new piece
[Image: caribbean_seas_by_sickbrush-d6ss49n.jpg]

This is amazing...

Amazing work! Just jawdropping! :D

Just wanted to come in to say, I fucking love your work man,
seriously this stuff is inspiring for me :).

cool sketchbook
The castles... If they were for sale and I had money.... Would totally buy them.
Love castles. Your work is so relaxing to look at. You are so talented and hard-working.
Keep it up pleeeaseee!!

Hey guys! I'm back and i super missed you all <3
Get ready for a massive massive updaaaaaaaayyyteeeee
First some Pathfinder work:
[Image: aRpSfwF.jpg]
[Image: flfCVal.jpg]
[Image: AYUOntE.jpg]
[Image: ycbXkQS.jpg]
[Image: nsBZAOO.jpg]
[Image: H3cSVZV.jpg]
[Image: tb70C8n.jpg]
[Image: 1knjmJK.jpg]
[Image: 9446%2BCard%2Binquisitor_post.png]
[Image: 9447%2BMixing%2BElements_post.png]
[Image: 9446_Child%2BValeros_post.png]
[Image: 9448_Pitax%2BBard_post.png]
[Image: 9447%2BUndine%2BOracle_post.png]
[Image: 9448_Zernebeth_post.png]
[Image: 9449_Astronomy_post.png]
[Image: 9446%2BHarrower%27s%2Bshop_post.png]
[Image: 9446%2BHarrow%2BCombat_post.png]
[Image: 9447%2BMulti-Elemental%2BSuli%2Bvs%2BBelker_post.png]

And here's a collection of lunchbreak sketches, most of them averaging 1 hour
[Image: lalalala_s.png]
[Image: aaaaaaasasas_s.png]
[Image: alalalalong_s.png]
[Image: aaa_aaa_a.png]
[Image: pigeongoyle2.png]
[Image: drag_bolas_ss.png]
[Image: porumbel.jpg]
[Image: moodboard_study_hungary_s.png]
[Image: drag_queen_s.jpg]
[Image: drag_queenzz_ss.jpg]
[Image: drag_queensz.jpg]
[Image: drag_queenszs_s.jpg]
[Image: thefault_s.jpg]
[Image: Jctlufn.png]
[Image: zYVrhsm.png]
[Image: XahIGY3.png]
[Image: lAU3Nqa.png]

And then i did some Dota 2 fanart concepts:
[Image: TpplfF5.jpg]
[Image: ClNNwKc.jpg]
[Image: aQEbeMz.jpg]
[Image: D5njZeD.jpg]
[Image: UzI88Sz.jpg]
[Image: zYL6M96.jpg]
[Image: TJ2MisO.png]
[Image: 7UpjvHc.png]

And here are some things done for Fantasy Flight Games [Talisman] and for Ubisoft:
[Image: r6j0hOP.jpg]
[Image: MLTcjJp.jpg]
[Image: lotus_empire_s_support_by_sickbrush-d7ey1mh.jpg]
[Image: TzJq3u9.jpg]
[Image: u4gsezB.jpg]

And in the end, to make sure your browser dies, here's a collection of random sketches, studies and paints i did for a while:
[Image: 1RahO4Z.jpg]
[Image: IIOsX1U.jpg]
[Image: sjPjk3r.jpg]
[Image: kllbAOv.png]
[Image: VLORqKm.jpg]
[Image: 1cJYm63.jpg]
[Image: HeRNfXV.png]
[Image: mJBJltA.jpg]
[Image: i49yfGD.jpg]
[Image: G58XqiV.png]
[Image: Iamws6O.png]
[Image: CMDZrrn.png]
[Image: n7cOeA6.png]
[Image: MoO1aka.png]
[Image: WYIXQM0.png]
[Image: 7GG9Oap.png]
[Image: H6WaUax.png]
[Image: rl8xTyO.png]

No way!

Woah, that's a TON of stuff.


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