The 10000 Hour Rule - Art Edition - 7626/10,000
Kevin - Cheers man. They helped a ton.

Sickbrush - Cheers, makes a lot of sense. I'll definitely try and think about that more. Sounds like it would be more fun if nothing else ;)

gerezon - Ah yeah. That could be partly because I tend to end up doing a lot of them after work with no natural light. And the lights in my room are super shitty. You're right though. Mine are toooooo dark. Ta.

Ok, so last few days :). Focusing on colour for a bit now.
Self Portraits

[Image: file-94.jpg]

[Image: file-91.jpg]

[Image: file-90.jpg]

Speedy Tiny Colour Studies
[Image: file-89.jpg]

[Image: file-92.jpg]

Gesture/figure studies
[Image: file-95.jpg]

[Image: file-96.jpg]

30 mins
[Image: file-97.jpg]

And the same from imagination
[Image: file-98.jpg]

[Image: file-99.jpg]

[Image: file-100.jpg]

Some recent sketchbook stuff.
[Image: file-101.jpg]

[Image: file-102.jpg]

[Image: file-103.jpg]

[Image: file-104.jpg]

And a little portrait doodle I started this evening. Thinking about the palette more in this.
[Image: file-93.jpg]

Great progress man! Your studies are looking great, and those self portraits are looking better and better. Just some quick tips, try to analize the shadows in the face and use them to define some parts of it. The face is really hard to define using only lines :) and also, careful with proportions.
But, nice work overall, keep it up man, good work.

También se habla español!
malan - Cheers buddy. Yeah, I saw a thing about shadow shapes a while ago. I always try an think about it to start with, but then I guess I lose concentration. Oops. I'll focus on that. :). Thanks.

So, recent stuff. Was working the first half of this week, so not a lot to show. I've been busy though. Kinda. Today was a nice break as well.

Back to uni this weekend, so expect a lot more stuff, even if it's a bit more varied :D

So yeah, self portraits.
[Image: file_zps5ae74e23.jpg]

[Image: file_zps2a5b6b6d.jpg]

[Image: file_zpsa4c34383.jpg]

And some speedy colour studies, 15 mins or something.
[Image: file_zps97e0256f.jpg]

Been working on some sketchbook stuff as well this week. I'll get that scanned and up tomorrow probably.

Btw, I got a ticket to the imaginism workshop in London, so if anyone else is gonna be there, drop me a message or something. Be cool to meet some people in real life ;).


Hey Jake, good to see you pushing through like a boss. Keep it up man!
Dennis - Cheers man. Imma try ;)

Recent shit.

Sketchbook stuff
[Image: file_zps8443a862.jpg]

[Image: file_zps30381752.jpg]

And today's self portrait. Trying a new colour technique. Laying it all down in one go. Pretty fun.
[Image: file_zpsba22edb1.jpg]

Shopping and packing for uni atm. Kinda busy. Lots coming soon. Honest ;)

thanks for coming by my SB man! but you are doing awesome aswell ! look at your last Self Portrait! 100% opacity and also in that stupidly hard lighting with super close values ! everyone is getting there slowly slowly haha !
Jerry- S'all good man. The 100% thing's fun. Just makes you really think about colour before you put it down. Edges get totally disregarded though. So yeah.

Anyway. Been packing to move to uni tomorrow. So not a lot. But here it is...

[Image: file_zpsbd9b0ee8.jpg]
[Image: file_zps50691341.jpg]

Moved back to uni. Been kinda busy with shit, and I've been doing some freelance graphics work which is keeping me pretty busy. So yeah, here's what I've got. I'll be calmer, and have more on here soon. Promise :).

[Image: file-105.jpg]

[Image: file-106.jpg]

[Image: file-107.jpg]

[Image: file-108.jpg]

P.s. for anyone who's a bit like me, and watches/listens to a ton of talks while they're working (I think I'm clinically addicted to podcasts). Or anyone who was wondering about the .../10,000 in my sketchbook name... This is worth a listen.
Talks about whether or not talent exists, hard work, luck, and the "10,000 hour rule" among other things. Dead interesting.

Nice stuff dude, hitting the self portraits like a boss. I remember doing the same thing a while back, their very helpful! Not much to crit dude, just keep heading the way your going, love your linework especially and some of these recent portraits. Perhaps one thing to look out for is your edges, try and mix up your hard and softs. Keep it up dude!

Warburton - Yeah, it kinda started out just as a "I need to be doing at least something every day" kinda thing, and now I've got it in my head that I wanna hit 100. It's gonna happen ;). Cheers though, I definitely struggle with my edges. I'll try and work on that. :)

Been away from the computer this weekend. Family stuff. So, got some sketchbook work to share,

The one self portrait... Markers
[Image: file-112.jpg]

Other marker stuff
[Image: file-109.jpg]
[Image: file-110.jpg]
[Image: file-111.jpg]

And some pencil stuff. Some of which I've been noodling with for a while. Good fun :)
[Image: file-114.jpg]
[Image: file-113.jpg]
[Image: file-115.jpg]

(i have no idea what I'm doing)


Woofy - Cheers man. Shit. Yeah I totally see that now. Guess I just hadn't noticed it before... Oh god they're so short. Oops.

Most Recentest stuff
Been working on freelance graphic design stuff for most of this week. Think its all tied up now though. Back to drawing :)

[Image: file-116.jpg]

Self Portraits
[Image: file-117.jpg]
[Image: file-118.jpg][Image: file-119.jpg]

And today's stuff
Finished these 2 pages
[Image: file-120.jpg]
[Image: file-121.jpg]

And todays self portrait
[Image: file-122.jpg]

Recent stuff

Thumbnailing for uni. Comps coming soon. Gotta come up with an Anti-CCTV campaign, if anyone's wondering :)

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[Image: file-127.jpg]
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[Image: file-131.jpg]
[Image: file-130.jpg]
[Image: file-129.jpg]

Self Portraits
[Image: file-124.jpg]

I'm so angry about this one. Just couldn't do anything with it. bjlsdfebfjehwbfw
[Image: file-125.jpg]

Bit more work on this dude
[Image: file-126.jpg]

And some sketchbooking :)

[Image: file-133.jpg]


So, last couple of days. Here goes.

Self Portrait.
[Image: file-135.jpg]

More thumbnailing
[Image: file-150.jpg]
[Image: file-151.jpg]
[Image: file-152.jpg]

Looked at some compositions in a bit more depth than normal
[Image: file-136.jpg]
[Image: file-137.jpg]

Then did some comps myself
[Image: file-138.jpg]

Also, coz I'm back at uni, life drawing's back on. And I'll be doing it twice a week this year.
So fun :)

Session 1
[Image: file-139.jpg]
[Image: file-140.jpg]
[Image: file-141.jpg]
[Image: file-142.jpg]
[Image: file-143.jpg]
[Image: file-144.jpg]

And today's session
[Image: file-148.jpg]
[Image: file-145.jpg]
[Image: file-146.jpg]
[Image: file-147.jpg]
[Image: file-149.jpg]

That's all <3

Cool stuff man! Comp studies are interesting i've never tried one before, good idea! Your stuff is coming along swimmingly
Today's shit.

Quickie self portrait. Ten mins or so.

[Image: file-161.jpg]

Bit of Loomis from a while back
[Image: file-155.jpg]

Comps for uni
[Image: file-156.jpg]
[Image: file-157.jpg]

Studies for uni
[Image: file-153.jpg]
[Image: file-154.jpg]
[Image: file-158.jpg]
[Image: file-159.jpg]
[Image: file-160.jpg]

I miss line work. Think you can see I got a bit more confident as I worked on them. Good fun :).

And a bit of design for this cctv project
[Image: file-163.jpg]
[Image: file-162.jpg]

Gonna look at some cyborg mech stuff tomorrow and get back to it. :)


So, new stuff.

Well, I found time to just sit down and concentrate on a self portrait again for the first time in a while. Pretty fun. Learnt a lot with this one. Say hello to #91:
[Image: file-170.jpg]

And just been working on the CCTV project today. So this should be more or less chronological with regard to that.

[Image: file-164.jpg]
[Image: file-165.jpg]
[Image: file-171.jpg]
[Image: file-166.jpg]
[Image: file-167.jpg]
[Image: file-168.jpg]

All leading up to this
[Image: file-169.jpg]

So yeah, that's the lot

That last image looks like a 3d model, awesome studies man. Seeing a lot of improvement.
dwalkerart - haha cheers man, think only using super lame greys kinda helped lol. Not very interesting ;)

Today's stuff.

Self Portrait. Colours are dead weird. Couldn't get them right :/
[Image: file-175.jpg]

Imagination stuff
[Image: file-174.jpg]
[Image: file-173.jpg]

And some Loomis
[Image: file-172.jpg]



Been snowed under at uni with the cctv thing. Pitched it today though. Seems like it went pretty well.

Here's the 3D model for the camera I built in Cinema 4D
[Image: file-176.jpg]
Nice to get back to 3D.

And here's the implementation. Basically. A campaign where over time the posters change, hopefully making people feel a bit uncomfortable about how many cameras there are in the UK. We just wanted people to start noticing them, as most of the time, they sit unnoticed, on the ceiling.
So yeah. That.
[Image: file-193.jpg]
[Image: file-194.jpg]
[Image: file-195.jpg]
[Image: file-196.jpg]

So, apart from that, I've been kinda busy. So all I've got is life drawing and self portraits (try and ignore the pen one - Oh god brush pens are hard)...

[Image: file-178.jpg]
[Image: file-177.jpg]

[Image: file-179.jpg]
[Image: file-180.jpg]
[Image: file-181.jpg]
[Image: file-182.jpg]
[Image: file-183.jpg]

Ooops :/
[Image: file-185.jpg]

Brush pen life drawing was fun though.
[Image: file-184.jpg]
[Image: file-186.jpg]
[Image: file-187.jpg]
[Image: file-188.jpg]
[Image: file-189.jpg]

And, here's the stuff from this evening. More relaxed. Study, self portrait, and imagination stuff, respectively.
[Image: file-190.jpg]

[Image: file-191.jpg]

[Image: file-192.jpg]


Today's stuff.

Sketching in lectures at uni
[Image: file-197.jpg]
[Image: file-198.jpg]

Self Portrait. Colours are all out of whack again. :/. I'm working on it. Gonna do a few more of these, then stop. Should be at 100 by then. Maybe still lives next?
[Image: file-199.jpg]

And some faces. These pages are pretty fun :)
[Image: file-200.jpg]


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