The 10000 Hour Rule - Art Edition - 7626/10,000
Egbu - Cheers dude, glad you think so. Yeah, the spitpaintings are so much fun, 30 mins seems like a decent time limit because you can keep them loose without feeling shitty lol. They're fun :)

New stuff

[Image: beardy-guy-study.jpg]

And WIP of that new piece :) Having fun with this one :)
[Image: Ready-1.jpg]

Sweet! :)

oh shit dude, that latest piece is looking sweet already! Lookin forward to this one 8c460310

Kaffer - Thanks! :)

Warburton - Cheers dude, having a lot of fun with this one, just hope I can make it work D:

[Image: Ready2.jpg]

Quickish thing, using reference a bit more than usual, for speed :)
[Image: Cloudy.jpg]

the last two are looking great man! love the rendering on both and especially the clouds on the quick one.

only crit i have is that the guy coming out of the door looks a little squished. cant wait to see more!
BenFlores - cheers dude, yeah those clouds were a lot of fun :). Hope I've fixed the dude, doesn't look quite as squished now. Maybe?

Had a long weekend visiting family, back to it this week though. :)

Another quick(ish) thing
[Image: Larger-than-life.jpg]

[Image: female-gestures.jpg]

Colour Studies
[Image: Underwater-Colour-Studies.jpg]

Jellyfish study
[Image: jellyfish-study.jpg]


[Image: shepard.jpg]

Chocolate Army
[Image: Chocolate-Army.jpg]

Ice Spider
[Image: ice-spider.jpg]

[Image: hurricane.jpg]

And I think this is gonna be the final for this piece :) I'd love to know what people think, if there's anything I should fix before posting it around :)
[Image: Ready-Flat.jpg]

Jellyfish! :D

Nice studies man and this last piece is great. If anything, I'd make the cool/warm contrast on each part of the scene more pronounced, it would help reading the two different ambients/light sources.

Cool stuff, the point of view on that spider piece is awesome. I would like to see that one more finished. as for the last one, the forearm of the guy on the left looks a little short to me. Also His fingers on the door seem too separated... they kind of looked like bolts on the door at first. I don't know what kind of mood you wanted the guy on the right to have, but I would personally furrow his brows a bit and maybe squint his eyes a little. I think that would make things seem a little more intense. Just my opinion.

Sula - Yeah, I played around with that, but toned it down in the end. I'll try making it a bit more pronounced, I think you're right. And yeah, Jellyfish! So awesome :).

JJ Aaron - Yeah, I kinda liked how that came out, might revisit it at some point :) cheers. Haha, looking at it now, I agree with all those comments lol, I'll get to work fixing it today. Thanks dude :).

Character sketches
[Image: Character-sketches.jpg]

And a new WIP, any thoughts? :)
[Image: The-Moment-Before.jpg]

Hey Jake. I like that last wip. My only crits are the anatomy of the hand on the left looks a little off. The lengths of the first joints look too long or maybe the knuckles aren't high enough. My second crit is that I think you could add some variety to the cliff skyline. I know they're a compositional tool, directing the eye, but I think they'd be more interesting if they were jagged or tree lined maybe. Right now they look a little too square. Also, maybe add a tiny bit more atmospheric perspective to them so the character really pops.

Ignatz - Cheers dude, thanks for the feedback, really good stuff. I'm planning on repainting the bg anyway, gonna go with some ruins or something, but I hadn't noticed the hand, and I think you're right about making the character pop. Thanks :).

Alrighty, couple of things today.

Tweaked this, calling it done now :)
[Image: Ready-Flat-1.jpg]

And studying some ruins for that other piece, need to redo the background
[Image: ruins-study.jpg]

Hey dude, you got some sweet stuff in here!
I'm really into your sketches. May I ask what kind of brush you're using for those?

Art.ful - The black and white ones? I just this kinda scratchy oil brush I found on DA a while ago, can't seem to find it now though. If I find it again, I'll send you a link :) Sorry.

Alrighty, finished this piece off

[Image: The-Moment-Before-Flat.jpg]

On deviantart here -

And did a really scrappy study of some underwater rocks for a client piece
[Image: rock-study.jpg]

Damnn sick stuff Jake! This guy with the rapier and that quick ref sketch a few posts up are awesome.
Really dig your dedication and constant updates, definitely one of my favorite sketchbooks on here :)

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sweet work Jake! seeing you get better with each piece man!

Jonesoda - Cheers dude, means a lot :).

Danar - Thanks man :)

Process for that last piece :)
[Image: The-Moment-Before-Flat-1.gif]

[Image: sketches.jpg]

[Image: Untitled-2.jpg]

[Image: Character-sketches-1.jpg]

[Image: sketches2.jpg]

And a new piece, think this is pretty much done, any feedback much appreciated though :)

[Image: Walking.jpg]

Oh man, seeing the process of the one in the last post is so cool, swear i just stared at that gif for a good couple of minutes :P
and the last one, looking at it now i think i like the dramatic lighting - makes it so... moody. mysterious.

Passed 2700 Hours Here :)

Dan - Haha cheers dude, gifs are so captivating ;). Sweet, I think it came out alright, moving on :).

The Prisoner
[Image: The-Prisoner.jpg]

[Image: Assassin.jpg]

Barbarian studies
[Image: barbarian-studies.jpg]

Barbarian sketches - Gonna focus on some good old fashioned character design for a little bit :)

[Image: barbarian-sketches.jpg]

You are killing it! Great job and congrats on passing 2700 mark.

Hey man, loving your gesture sketches, I can see your draftsmanship is getting a ton better and your grasp of colour since you began has come on leaps and bounds. My only crit of your last finished piece is that the sword is leading my eye off the canvas. Other than that great stuff! Keep it up!


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