The Velvet Revolvers
Jeso:I've actually tried to draw some buildings a few times, did'nt work out well XD.
The next chapter i'm on now is all about building complex forms like that, I suppose the first 4 chapters are sorta like developing the tools and methods needed and now i'm going into how to apply it.

Thats a kickass looking skull btw, honestly can't find anything to critique about it.

Sorry I have'nt got anything to upload atm btw, my family is currently in the process of looking for a new house and everythings been hectic, on top of that I also have jobseeking and that course to finish as well, I might make that higher priority so I can get it out of the way and get back to drawing more.

Little bit of practice work from the past few days, actually busy doing little bit of client work too.

[Image: QNdxtTw.png]
[Image: cL0Mjyt.png]
[Image: aNRnHt5.png]
[Image: MZ1VmQX.png]

Took some pictures of my head, different angles, drew it.

[Image: kIxni59.png]
[Image: U3mQNPL.png]
[Image: 1sSbrjL.png]

[Image: IMG_Recovered.png]

Starting my challenge of one sketch a day
Ballpoint sketch for today
Good stuff Jeso! The eyes look better, more that they are part of the skull instead of pasted on.

And welcome Noa.

I've been busy with graduation stuff which requires a lot of time and energy. And have been busy with the crucible. I've tried the first Bargue plate, but atm my drawing is not consistent enough to really gain something from it. Want to start trying some anatomy and improve the skin tones of my watercolours. Keep it up guys :)

Hey guys finally got the time to update.

p.a noa:Nice start dude, really good linework.

Jeso:great work dude, about that figure drawing, something seems off about the head to me, especially the jaw and mouth.
Here's a few things i've done recently, i'll try and update more consistently now.

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I got a new plan to kick myself back to work. Last weeks has been a bit slow.

Per week: 3x 1h master study, 3h Draw-a-box, 4-5h anatomy, 1h portrait study, the other time remaining watercolour practicee or own projects. Should land around 20h -23h a week on drawing/painting. Gonna try this for a month and see how it goes.

First master study. Original is a bit more yellowish than mine, but overall I'm satisfied with it.

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[Image: Part-2_zps9d0t5jcg.png][Image: 3_zpshhvhsduj.png]

[Image: jessica%20lucas3_zpsya1vp4op.png]

Hello, I am back with some stuff. I felt that it was pointless for me to give critiques at the skill level I was at. 

Eyliana - Nice work with the master study. On the second one take it a bit further, it will help you to improve faster.
Triggerpigking- I really like those gestures, you may want to move into traditionally doing it first. When I started doing that I noticed how much more progress I was making.

[Image: Gilgamesh2_zpsbefc8910.png]
Snipa:Cheers dude, what do you mean by traditonally doing it first? you mean starting off figure drawings with a gesture?. Been trying to do that but it really makes proportions difficult to draw.

Also nice work dude, I really like the swampy enviorment, Nice work on the portrait as well but it looks like the shadow underneath her neck is too dark, making it appear more like a thick outline and the clothing looks to bright.

Here's what i've been working on, really enjoying drawing in this 3d way though all the construction lines are confusing me a bit haha.

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Hiya boys, Nice work.

Eyliana, nice colors and values. Check your structure better next time. Seems like the proportions are a bit wanky there. Mainly talking about that eye.

Trigger! Nice! You mofo! those perspective doodles are looking better than ever. God just looking at that shit makes me feel lazy, the lines.. and the angles... (@.@)

Anyways, Im working with a client now, so, im doing that. And also here i present you with a doodle i did from imagination. Experimenting with style, Im kinda liking where this is going. may exercise this sort of aesthetic more in the future.

[Image: eFCWJ8e.jpg]

Hey jeso I like the style, and I'm not sure if this is just a part of the style, but the mouth is flat. Although it's understandable since it is a new style from imagination, the upper lip seems straight and the line too "sharp" like it is a separate entity from the face, and compared to the nose it seems off toward the left a bit. Perhaps change it to curve more sort of like a muzzle, and adding a darker value toward the right side will add more depth without taking away from this interesting style.

[Image: Gilgamesh2_zpsbefc8910.png]
Hey Snipa, Yea that's fine. This is obviously not realistic style. So I dont mind if the proportions are a bit weird, or the values dont make sense. I think we sometimes try to critique something, based on trying to be 100% correct to reality.
In theory, if you can definitely tell its a mouth, then its all good. That being said !! I do appreciate the critique and I will definitely try the advice you have given next time i try this out. This is still experimentational, and if it can look better based on that advice, then i will explore it! Or i could go even simpler, and ditch even more of the "rules" of what a correct face is supposed to look like, and see how that looks, and if I like it, then it goes.

(04-03-2016, 07:08 PM)Jeso Wrote: Hey Snipa, Yea that's fine. This is obviously not realistic style. So I dont mind if the proportions are a bit weird, or the values dont make sense. I think we sometimes try to critique something, based on trying to be 100% correct to reality.  
In theory, if you can definitely tell its a mouth, then its all good. That being said !! I do appreciate the critique and I will definitely try the advice you have given next time i try this out. This is still experimentational, and if it can look better based on that advice, then i will explore it!  Or i could go even simpler, and ditch even more of the "rules" of what a correct face is supposed to look like, and see how that looks, and if I like it, then it goes.

Yeah that makes sense, I see a lot of comments on other people's pieces, correcting the anatomy to suit reality. The artist usually says that the point is to deviate from reality a bit. I was just making sure that it wasn't a mistake.

[Image: Gilgamesh2_zpsbefc8910.png]
I see, Yea man, thanks a lot for pointing it out. Cause it would really be a mistake had I been drawing my usual more realistic stuff. But on this one i was just trying to use shapes more, use color differently, just try to be different somehow. Thanks a lot for pointing it out, cause that mouth is indeed flat, and its actually a good reminder for me, for when i get back to studying and stuff.

@ Snipa; I really like those environments. I think with the portrait, the eyes good lie a bit deeper into the sockets so they are more part of the face.

@Jeso; True, accuracy and structure is still a bit of a problem. I tried to keep it in mind a bit better with the current study. Which succeeded, I also spend a lot more time on it.

Studying some boxes, eyes and master paintings.

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Eyliana, Very good proportions on that face, you nailed the eyes really well.

Jeso: I think the issue with the mouth might be the dark spots actually, the face has 6 really dark spots, the nostrils pupils and sides of the lips, try and darken the corners of the lips and see if it reads better.
Also those eyes are starting to improve dude, Nice work :).

Eyeliana: Great work with those boxes :D, this perspective book is awesome is'nt it, it's helping me think in 3d a lot more.

So i've started trying the crimson crucible, I might be offline for a while soon as we're moving and it's hectic but I love bloodborne so i'm gonna try and take it as far as I can.
So I went for the third option which is pretty much these villagers coming across the monster, I can't draw compositional loosely at all on paper haha and these small ones have caused me so many issues trying to think up and get the ideas down on paper, it's really difficult to try and get the idea generally down without measuring(and even then drawing  a monster is insanely hard as i've got practically no experience).

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Hey Trigger, Yes you are right, actually darkening just the corners of the mouth could do get the job done nicely, thanks for the advice. Cool sketches you! Those thumbnails though, I like the idea, but as you are planning your piece, keep in mind that its supposed to be film ratio or whatever. So, wide rectangles, you should try to compose your thing in the correct format from the start probably, unless you are just spitting out ideas for now. I dont know the exact measurements you can look it up on the crucible page i think.

Good work good work.

Here are a couple thingies. A study, i got bored and didnt finish, and then a couple quick sketches.

Arms are weird on this one. Def too long i believe. Meh, live and let live.
[Image: GdpOcLt.png]

A couple from imagination.
[Image: TEs66Ch.png]

[Image: jcgsm6t.png]

Nice stuff jeso, your cartoony stuff is really starting to come together, I need to practice that more actually, i've tried to stick to realism so far as I think it'll be the fastest way to learn but I defineitly want my end result to be cartoony(though i'm hoping i could jump back and forth).

Quick update with more perspective and a few studies for crimson crucible.
I've also started using a drawing desktop easel, it's been difficult to get used to but I think it's helping me out, I need to spend more time learning traditional drawing skills, plus I think the change is making me concentrate better as well.

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Hey trigger, nice studies as usual.

A desktop easel huh? Is there really a purpose for it? I thought those were for like, desktop painting. you could try one of those drawing boards instead if what you want is just to have your sketchbook at a more comfortable ergonomic angle.

Yep it's a drawing board, called it an easel by mistake haha.
My neck was hurting from leaning down so much and I think it'd help me get better at drawing from the shoulder, plus it's forcing me to think out my lines more before putting them down, i've also heard it's better because you don't get as much distortion then if it's flat on the table.
It's pretty useful so far, though I have gotten some arm pains from using it(on top of neck pains from pulling a muscle 3 days back, my upper body is basically fucked XD).


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