varbas is a noob
kvSketch- Thanks but these days it sure doesnt feels like it. But yea thanks for comment.

Have been pretty idle these days.. Wasnt actually studying much was again just calibrating my monitor. Not really cause it was bad just wanted to see what the settings do and how it changes appareance of values on screen so knowing that I try to find best solution. Did it and will probably try to get back to some studying and doing stuff..

Lookin good.

That first piece is off to a great start. The nose might need a little bit of tweaking but its coming along nicely.
Dennis Kutsenko -Thanks. Yea the whole thing should get bit tweeked but it is just a study so I dont know if I will finish it :D  Should ged back to that character and finish it.

Because I changed that calibration the values look pretty different, so working on older sketch I changed the value range a bit but I dont know if I overdid it or it is fine because I have nothing to compare it to,

soo If somebody thinks that character has now bad values or something just say it if possible.
Did more studies then sketches so I can get used to it bit.

Took a day off and didnt want to work on that character so started working on older sketch. Redraw armor a bit, going to put more patterns later. And quick study. Wanted to look at some patters beforehand. Not much.

Fantastic work with some of this rendering
Some of it looks a little "plastic", as if you are studying them from 3d models as opposed to photos or live people.
Either way, the observation and rendering ability youre developing is wonderful

"If you want liberation in this life, there is no area that you do not watch. Watch the breathing, watch the posture, watch the flow of energy, watch the texture of the mind, watch the response to objects." - Namgyal Rinpoche
aks9- Thanks. Yea I focus too much maybe on forms and smooting transitions and less on creating textures :D Yea but I thing there is still much to learn. 

Some quick study, some longer copy and some sketches. Darkenned that character a bit but I found out I dont know how plate armor works in dim lighting...

Damn your values are on point. Been a while since I've seen your stuff. Lots of great strides! ^^
as a heads up, that arm on the guy peering around teh corner's got a noodle arm (humerus doesn't fit into shoulder socket) to fit in the frame.

Heliux- thanks. Yea now that I know where to look I totaly see it .. dont know how I missed it :D
Did not draw for a few days so not much just some studies.. also drawing a self portrait while the light is in your face is pretty anoying so at the end I didnt saw shit so it ended up like that.

Just few studies and still struggling with that character... I found there few more mistakes so needet to correct them. 
That character also looks super empty like nothing interesting on it so yea not much motivation to finish it.
Also I rebembered there is possibility to do sketches just for fun so yea I did one ....

Was a bit idle but I hope I will be going back to studying soon...

Nice updates dude.
Quick crit though, the first head of this newest post looks messy to me, the bottom of the chin looks nonexistant.
These head poses are always difficult as hell though lol.

Really nice stuff, great lighting and rendering skill. How did you learn how to practice like that?

Triggerpigking- Thanks. Yea that one was just something I wanted to do for fun not  needing it to be correct or something just some idea to relax from studying :D .. yea better stick to 3/4 straight forward portraits :D

alexdanila- Thanks man but I dont think it is that great :D still struggling with it. Well I try to upload everything I do so in this sketchbook you can probably see all studies I practiced. I am self taught so I just listen to other artist what they did and try to do that and come up with some stuff I think might help. But for lighting I would say still lifes are good because you need to create your own value range for it to look realistic. And for rendering from imagination I trying to do that thing brad rigney talked about in dave rapoza interview where you do a study and then you try and replicate it from imagination. But I still suck with that one its pretty hard but I learn most stuff with that. 
Sorry if it was not helpfull but I am trying to understand it myself :D  but yea thanks for comment.

Some studies and sketches.. Trying to finish that wips I have worked out so I can start doing new things..
Also wondering If I didnt made it too dark if it is still readable...
edit. oh wow I posted a wrong file of the last sketch... did not even noticed 

Some shitty studies some shitty sketch and some shitty older drawings I didnt post... Should get back to some real studying again.

Some stuff from today.. want to finish that  character soon and had new ide for new character. Maybe will try to do character faster or something as practice.

some shitty stuff and some copies of marko djurdjevic stuff

Love your sketchbook man!! Awesome renders and awesome perception of values man, keep working!
You gotta give one tip or two to improve the render skills haha.
I hope you don´t mind, i´m seeing that you´re struggling to finish the amphibian lady. Hope my quick paintover helps.


RickRichards- Thanks. For the tips I dont really know I am just doing things not even understanding it myself :D but maybe just thing about things as a light hitting the forms, which is thing that I think you need to find out yourself to fully understand. Still lifes and just observing how values change with forms curving away from light source helps with that.
Yea thanks for paintover, that bow bothered me as well but as for proportions I wanted to make it something like fantasy fairy or something with bigger head and stuff. But yea thanks for comment. Hope I can finally finish that thing :D

Some stuff from few days.. was not good week to get stuff done so not much.

some sketches and stuff from few days..


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