varbas is a noob
Fedodika- Yea I read your crit again and I get that I have problem with stiffnes I just did not understand the crit on the masterstudy because I did it mostly as a rendering and value study. But yea doing gestures is not a bad idea.

Did not paint or draw for a longer time and 5 days ago my graphics card updated the driver and it fucked up my monitor calibration and I dont have tool to calibrate and as I did not remember how I had it calibrated ,so for 5 days I have been calibrating it by eye and not drawing anything. "Which was super fun" (I was even thinking few times that I should just quit persuing art which was pretty motivating...). I found some websites and stuff and I calibrated it somehow but it looks weird now soo I will need to get use to it somehow. Will see if it is better or not and I will need to spend more time on it.
Today it was bit better was trying just few stuff but got to drawing but I just dont even know why am I drawing anymore. I just do pointless studies and cant even come up with any designs or illustration ideas that are fun for me anymore so yea I dont know what am I doing at the time....



Creature in post #243 made me smile! anatomy might not be perfect but it expresses a feelin ya know! Good stuff all round, love your clean linework too :)

Bledley- Yea that one was just for fun. Could have probably benefited to look for some references of wings, because that does not look anything like wings. Thanks.

Have problems with my monitor calibration so did not feel like drawing anything but yea here are at least some of the stuff. 

Some bigger update. I stopped updating because I started working long into the night and it became tidious to convert files to jpg and then upload them one by one, but don't feel like drawing now so might do at least something usefull :D
These are just some sketches I did for past months. Might post studies as well later but just sketches for now.

Hoooly crap man, you've really progressed, I love your stuff!

At some point you need to quit saying Sketch and say Work in progress.(W.i.p).You seem to know what you doing.I won't be to quick to comment if those are W.I.P but one comment for some of the piece is the background and the character sometime doesn't seem to be in harmony when it come to respecting the lighting scenario of the scene.

Also it might be a personal preference not to add a cast shadow under some character but i would drop a cast shadow under those character to ancor them down a little bit more.I would also say that you would need to darken the bottom half of some of the character because the character is surely not gonna recieve the same amount of light from top to bottom.

It just what my eye can pick up i am surly no where near you rendering skill but i thought it could help if you don't think about those kind of thing.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Your concepts are so cool and your comps are really nice but you just need to shake the awkwardness of your drawings. You need to take some time, maybe even a whole year, and just dont render, just make fluent nice drawings using gesture

Like this one, you may think the face is right, but it is asymmetrical, but its really skewed so i did a paintover to show you how it is. Practice head lay ins, focusing on symmetry in different angles. Try Loomis or Riley method and just focus on gettin rid of that skew, i struggle with it too.

Like its 80% there, its just skewed, the rendering the features everything is there, its just constructed in a flawed way and it looks weird, theres no way around it. 

You need to study, like really study these concepts of good construction and gesture, not just do it. Do a copy of a gesture by mike matessi or like vilppu or huston, and then do it from memory. Then really fucking think about what is different from your memory drawing and the original. dude you would benefit so much from getting the Force Book my matessi and copying every drawing to get a loose fluent hand to draw with. Read what he writes about weight and flow and function, its so valuable; even if you have 20$ a month get on his site and just learn that shit, you have barely touched gesture and it is such a huge flaw in your stuff.

And going back to scratch from Loomis and lay in just the basic frame of a head, lots of times until its symmetrical on all angles. You seem to get the anatomy of these features, even subtle plane changes, but its just skewed its a bad habit its something you certainly can turn around with some concentrated effort. you may have to do lots of these to full engrain it, and i hope you can see what i mean here

and try your absolute BEST to not render while youre doing these things, it will NOT save the flaws of structure and stiffness, this is your absolute biggest flaw and im giving you the tools to fix it, I believe in you dude if you need help hit me up. I swear youre stuff has 30% appeal at this point but with a fine sense of gesture and symmetry it will skyrocket to like 70% appeal.

This is what im talking about, dont bother with features, just the placement and basic structure. If you draw eyes, just make them a ball with a lid, and nose is just a few structural indications. get it in your head, best of luck my man

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70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Hey man! Nice improvements and your rendering over the top, as always.
Your sketchbook has a lot of potential, not joking at all, i think you just need to make a few teaks.
Hope you don´t mind that i´ve made some paintovers tacking what ma the the biggest issues.


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