Ambi's Sketchbook
More painting practice:
[Image: CgQVSHf.png]
I tried to do some stuff in line too after this, instantly started hating life lol. Linear work really isn't for me, but I do need it if I want to draw traditionally :P.
Painting I did of a friends characters:
[Image: the_melancholy_of_nana_by_ambiguityart-db9kcwr.png]
Nice work on that last painting, the characters looking a bit dead eyed but given the piece i'm assuming that was the intention?.

Also the figure you posted at the top of the page, I think the shoulders are a slight bit too wide.

Good luck dude!.

@triggerpigking: Yeah that was part of the plot of the comic the characters are from, and thanks.

I decided I'm not gonna be posting as much stuff, I think I've been too much about getting recognition and it's been affecting my practice negatively. Here's a piece I finished recently though, worked on it for 40hrs. I really tried to push my current abilities to their limits, so I think it's the most accurate gauge of my skill level to date:

[Image: battousai__the_man_slayer_by_ambiguityart-dbb7f6w.png]
Beautiful painting Ambiguity, the leaves are a lovely touch and the translucent lighting under the sleeve looks cool.

The camera angle is possibly too severe though? My attention was thrown out of the painting and grabbed by the tilt, but that maybe just me.

Looking forward to more :).

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

@Artloader: Aww, that's unfortunate. I don't think I'd be a good judge of that myself though, I've never been thrown out of a painting that I didn't actively decide to stop looking at. I'm more of the James Gurney school of thought when it comes to composition. Anyways, thanks for stopping by, and for the comments :).

Portraits of art buddies:
[Image: QB5Gp47.png]
[Image: HIHJX85.png]
It was actually pretty tough to paint these, I haven't painted portraits from ref' in so long(last one was over a year ago) and none of the colors I used are in the original references. I'd say I'm rusty, but actually looking back at my old portraits, I don't think I actually pushed them very far, so it's not surprising I was struggling.
Really cool. Love the colors, retro wave.

Just to nitpick the lips/mouth on the second one are a bit off.
A bit to sharp, considering the eyes are kind of blurry.
A lack of value change/form.
And the bottom lip looks like bigger than the top one on one side and smaller on the other side. Something like that.

The eyes are beautiful.

Sketchbook: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7
Quote:Aww, that's unfortunate. I don't think I'd be a good judge of that myself though, I've never been thrown out of a painting that I didn't actively decide to stop looking at. 

Hey don't get me wrong, I didn't stop looking at it - it's a great piece - it's just at one point I was paying more attention to the tilt than the content - but not for long though :).

Quote:I'm more of the James Gurney school of thought when it comes to composition. 

Just out of interest - what does Mr Gurney think when it comes to composition?

By the way I love those last two portraits - good job :).

Keep pushing!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

@alfonsoX: Fair point on the edge sharpness, but as far as forms go, it actually took a lot for me to even get that one to have as much form as it did. The reference was actually really bad for painting(but I didn't have any other usable images of her), there wasn't nearly as much difference between the light and shadow as I painted. If you were to squint at the reference, everything would turn the same value :P.

@Artloader: I see, also, James' thoughts on composition:
Just an art trade I did for an art buddy; it's one of her characters:
[Image: _art_trade__eijin_by_ambiguityart-dbe5lpg.png]
I don't have any sketches I want to show since I last posted, but here's a simple piece I completed recently:
[Image: disturbed_woman_by_ambiguityart-dbntzqa.png]
I'm gonna be updating my commission page soon, here's the first piece I did for that:
[Image: d_va_the_destroyer_by_ambiguityart-dboehg8.png]
There is also a process video with commentary on it if you're interested:

I'm also doing a sketch a day "challenge" with a friend, these are the pieces I've done so far:
[Image: 5rbQaBf.png]
[Image: zVSTKfT.png]
I'm trying to learn drapery again, I don't think I'm succeeding :P
Just some practice I did today on stream:
[Image: 1MxoVfM.png]
[Image: Rych2MC.png]
Still finding it difficult to get the hang of the proportions on the figures :P
Very important practice from today's stream:
[Image: 08rloNa.png]
[Image: dSnjP0i.png]
[Image: VMICR0e.png]

Awesome anime stuff. Keep it up and you are going to be a professional artist .
(10-13-2017, 09:02 PM)UKRAINIANWOLF97 Wrote: Awesome anime stuff. Keep it up and you are going to be a professional artist .
Thanks for the compliments :).

Feeling a bit under the weather today :P
[Image: 5ZJKKbk.png]
[Image: QpJEkfa.png]

I've been feeling really weird for the past week, everytime I wake up I'm super tired even though I get 8hrs of sleep. That means not much work at all from me unfortunately :\.

Here's some iterative drawings on the same pose. A friend keeps telling me how stiff my portraits in this pose are(personally I think it's more of a perspective problem) so I tried to fix that, but I wasn't successful apparently:
[Image: ZdPZBka.png]

Some random noses from reference:
[Image: po9LaDI.png]

And a new portrait painting for my commission page:
[Image: star_guardian_ahri_by_ambiguityart-dbs4ifx.png]
You can check out the process here if you're interested:

That Cuphead has seen some shit, commission looks good you put those nose studies to good use.
Something is bothering me about it though and I can't put my finger on it, I think everything might look a bit too soft?. Not entirely sure though.
Keep it up dude!.

(11-10-2017, 05:48 AM)Triggerpigking Wrote: That Cuphead has seen some shit, commission looks good you put those nose studies to good use.
Something is bothering me about it though and I can't put my finger on it, I think everything might look a bit too soft?. Not entirely sure though.
Keep it up dude!.
Thanks, and yeah maybe, I didn't spend that much time on it tbh (little less than 4 hours iirc).

Just some random BS to show I'm still alive:
[Image: QmqWfwI.png]

[Image: DtWiarf.png]

[Image: kxXRqyh.png]

[Image: jD1GxAN.png]

[Image: Hh23UAs.png]

[Image: gu9nsgV.png]

[Image: WqGpIVr.png]

[Image: S7Gd751.png]

[Image: RMhkfHE.png]

[Image: RXfo9nw.png]

[Image: KbZIZ08.png]

[Image: DHQnwZH.png]

[Image: iDaXWQS.png]
[Image: efY9WWK.png]
I know it's not much, I have done a lot more since I've been gone, but I've been having a hard time making anything I'm happy with lately so it's all been getting trashed =P.

I know it's not much, I have done a lot more since I've been gone, but I've been having a hard time making anything I'm happy with lately so it's all been getting trashed =P.

What have you been having trouble with?

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